Forum Post: Civil Rights Movement 2011
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 1:29 p.m. EST by kc1964
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Doing what MLK wanted to do next...non-violent resistance to class segregation-
What MLK didn't have time to do...good for you OCCUPY!!
Stages of truth - ridicule, violent opposition, acceptance. Morally disrespectful- when the powerful treat the less powerful as if they were mere objects, eg rapist, molesters and slave master have this in common. I would point out the same type of people who are so violent in speech and deed (police, political machine appointed to protect the 1%) against the OWS Protest would be the same type of people who attacked/degraded the Vietnam War protestors, Birmingham (60's)Protestors and Suffragettes Protestors of the early 20th Century and would have probably beat the founding fathers of the american revolution= Freedom of Press, Speech and Association shall not be ABRIDGED!