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Forum Post: Civil Liberties and the Bill of Rights audio lecture

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 2, 2012, 12:55 a.m. EST by kofb (17)
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Civil Liberties and the Bill of Rights audio lecture

download then unzip= 36 mp3 files

pp3 18 hours


Course No. 8530 (36 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture) Taught by John E. Finn Wesleyan University Ph.D., Princeton University

  1. What Are Civil Liberties?
  2. The Bill of Rights—An Overview
  3. Two Types of Liberty—Positive and Negative
  4. The Court and Constitutional Interpretation
  5. Marbury v. Madison and Judicial Review
  6. Private Property and the Founding
  7. Lochner v. New York and Economic Due Process
  8. The Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment
  9. Fundamental Rights—Privacy and Personhood
  10. Privacy—Early Cases
  11. Roe v. Wade and Reproductive Autonomy
  12. Privacy and Autonomy—From Roe to Casey
  13. Other Privacy Interests—Family
  14. Other Privacy Interests—Sexuality
  15. Same-Sex Marriages and the Constitution
  16. The Right to Die and the Constitution
  17. Cruel and Unusual? The Death Penalty
  18. The First Amendment—An Overview
  19. Internal Security and the First Amendment
  20. Symbolic Speech and Expressive Conduct
  21. Indecency and Obscenity
  22. Hate Speech and Fighting Words
  23. The Right to Silence
  24. Why Is Freedom of Religion So Complex?
  25. School Prayer and the Establishment Clause
  26. Religion—Strict Separation or Accommodation?
  27. The Free Exercise Clause—Acting on Beliefs
  28. Free Exercisee and “the Peyote Case”
  29. Two Religion Clauses—One Definition?
  30. Slavery and Dred Scott to Equal Protection
  31. Brown v. Board of Education
  32. Equality and Affirmative Action
  33. Equality and Gender Discrimination
  34. Gender Discrimination as Semi-Suspect
  35. The Future of Equal Protection?
  36. Citizens and Civil Liberties



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