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Forum Post: Civic Religion

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 3:51 a.m. EST by KiwlJazz (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I feel like America is done...to me the American everyone envisions doesn't work unless you are white, privileged, christian and heterosexual. At this point the idea and concept of America itself can be chucked out. The question is in the abstract...if America is to fail or fall before our eyes could we let go of it...or the idea of it. Are we really in love with it or the idea of it?

Can we fix it or do we start anew?

There have been times before in history where the civic religion of this country has been tested. The American civil war and the 1960s marked periods where the very idea/foundation of what it means to be American was put to the test. It seems we have arrived at times again where that must be caleld into question. Some people are asking for a whole new paradigm shift. M

To me it's a shame that people hold the toxic civil religion of America in such high regard. I'd argue that many people hold the idea and concept of America higher and closer to them than Jesus himself. The folklore and mythology are ingrained in us. You have a small segment in society today that try to define Americanism. It's supposive values, and way or life?

It's truly more taboo to say you don't like our government when you are America than it is to say you are an Atheist in a room full of devout religious people. Was this country founded or not founded to be a "Christian nation"? Jefferson vs Hamilton...limited government versus a powerful central governement. Those are all phillisophical and you can find answers in the individual reflection of ones own values. All that matters is one can not be silent and let their vision of America be overruled and muted.



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[-] 1 points by ComplexMissy (291) 13 years ago

I think that we're in love with the idea of it. I think we need to question what we think we know and ask ourselves what it is we really value in life.

If you support OWS, please watch this video. The points made here are important for us all to understand and they correlate with what you're saying:
