Forum Post: Citizens on the Move
Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 17, 2014, 10:28 a.m. EST by Urilla
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have an idea called Citizens on the Move. Democrats who live in safe CDs move to Republican held CDs. For example, I live in Manhattan, but if I move to Staten Island, and get a few friends to rent with me, then I can vote in CD11, Michael Grimm's held seat (the crazy guy who wanted to throw a man over the balcony). I can vote for the democratic candidate. It is totally legal. I can move anywhere. If we got about 100,000 people across the nation to move to the 18 CDs which were closest in the last midterm elections, we could chip away at those gerrymandered held CDs. If we could get retirees who live in safe CDs and who have time to move within a state to a Republican held CD, then we could take back the house. Moving to a different CD within a state doesn't require a new driver's license, just a new address. People could also move to another state, maybe a vacation move. If people could get on buses to go south to sit in during the '60s, and could sit in Zuccotti Park in Manhattan, why not have people move to Republican CDs. It's a really simple idea. It would just take some logistics, figuring out which 18-20 seats to concentrate on. Grimm won CD11 by 10,690 votes. With his shenanigans and with the government shutdown, perhaps it would only take 8,000 democratic votes to win this seat. If new voices and ideas moved to CD11 and tried to talk with the residents about the really bad results of how they have voted in the past, maybe we could actually win through creating a dialog which involves why the Republican strategy doesn’t help America. It's just an idea. Let's be Citizens on the Move!
the world is shifting