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Forum Post: Citizen Commons

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 7:44 a.m. EST by RichardGates (1529)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

After beating my head on the wall over the dysfunctional nature of politics including all the different parties and movements, I decided to depart from my own political ideology for an opportunity to cross the party lines instead of just complaining. Join Citizen Commons in crossing party lines to educate each other, get to the core of what we really want, and create a realistic path to getting it.

Find organisations inline with your position. they're out there. get the link, post it everywhere in citicommons.co and on our facebook. Help people find the resources and leaders that are just waiting for our support.

Website: http://citicommons.com

FB: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Citizen-Commons/170813449677242



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[-] 0 points by BlackSun (275) from Agua León, BC 12 years ago

All the different parties? What all different parties. The republicrats have a lock on power.
