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Forum Post: "Citibank" agrees settlement? I don't think so.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 4:50 a.m. EST by Krankie (140)
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I was just curious if anyone has been following the news item about "Citibank" settling with the SEC for $285M? Now, I could be wrong, but would it not be more accurate to say "Citibank gives 285M of shareholders money to SEC"? You really have to admire the media - Citi execs stuff their pockets with bonuses based on this deal, then when they are caught out, the shareholders foot the bill - and the whole thing is reported in a way that you don't hear a squeak out of the shareholders! Amazing... And how many times have we seen this? Big corporations pay a fortune in legal fees to protect their execs, and then when they lose, they get someone else to foot the bill! I am SOOO jealous - I wish that I could do absolutely anything I want, and then get someone else to foot the bill AND THEN have those people defend me!! All the people that are shrilly calling for OMS to be locked up are the same ones that have just been fleeced by the ones OMS are protesting against, and they are defending them... Oh man, this is just too rich... If it wasn't so sick, I would be laughing my ass off...



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[-] 1 points by Krankie (140) 13 years ago

I'm surprised - does this not strike a chord with anyone else? To me, this typifies the zombie state that this nation has turned into - we get ripped off by Corporate America, the media put a nice impersonal spin on it, and no one cares that they are being looted? How sad have we become.....