Forum Post: CIA Killed JFK // 911 Fraud
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 10:08 a.m. EST by 666isMONEY
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CIA killed JFK, Gerald Ford was on the Warren Commission to cover it up, Ronald Reagan was on the Rockefeller Commission on CIA Activities in the US, which covered it up; Bush was head of the CIA and has been implicated in the assassination. All of which is another reason why democracy doesn't work and we need technocracy. ABOLISH MONEY!
With a strong Constitution, which the technocrats would implement, politicians would be unnecessary.
Bush, Jr was involved in 9-11, which was a setup (like the assassinations) to get US into war for oil & opium. After we lost Vietnam & the Golden Triangle, which Kennedy was against, opium production moved to Afghanistan.