Forum Post: Church of Atheism Occupied Christmas and they're not giving Santa back!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 9:47 p.m. EST by aaronwayneodonahue
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Occupy Christmas!
what about Rudolph?
How does an atheist site occupy christmas by showing tips on how to celebrate it?? This site is very weird. I don't think this is very religious freindly and may put sum people off. Please take this post down
Christmas is celebrated by many atheists who grew up with the holiday, but they just obviously don't celebrate the birth of some God-boy. Channukah is the same way for a lot of atheists who were raised as Jews. They'll gather with friends and family. Just about every culture has some sort of holiday, often several, durring the general time of the year. And, it is religious friendly. If you'll notice, the site is also for those who want to "RESTORE" the "TRUE MEANING" of Christmas, if one wants to believe that there is 'a' single true meaning. But, whatever. Focus on Jesus or whatever, not consumerism, and bake Jesus a birthday cake.
Santa is an anagram for satan. ( I am agnostic I do not have a relgion)
What are you trying to say?
It is merely trivia.