Forum Post: Christmas push - Jail those Banksters
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 4, 2011, 5:52 a.m. EST by OccupyCentre
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The movement seems to be flagging a bit - losing its focus. Let us go on the offensive again. Lets redouble our efforts.
Christmas is around the corner. Let everyone know that the bank executives are partying, giving themselves bonuses, using bank profits on their excessive lifestyles, like going out with prostitutes (and not telling their wives!) . Let us redouble our efforts for a big Christmas push on these criminal banksters.
Fine, follow, photograph, expose, does it get any financial regulation passed? Anyone going to be put back in their home? Who's going to be fed or housed by petty revenge? It's like a drug to make you feel good but it's an illusion. Get after the congress people. Become a lobby that will vote if real change isn't made.
Who cares about lobbies. These guys are corrupt banksters also. The only way is to expunge evil, root and branch. That means going after the evil banksters man to man, one on one, close up and personal. We need a register like Simon Wiesenthal had when he ran the Jewish Documentation Center. These evil guys have commited crimes against the 99%, and they need to go to jail - every single one.
That's great if you can document actual violations to existing laws. Their lack of morals isn't actually a crime we can really do much about. Occupy has become a national movement and as such can make changes happen through political strength, like the civil rights movement and environmentalists did. Demonstrating can rase awareness, but you can also make real change happen now too.
I don't think you understand how upset some people are over what the banksters did. Anyway. Who said their "immorality" is not a crime. We can change the law, you know, and make it retrospective. Forget this idealism. Nailing your enemy is the practical way. We WILL nail these banksters one by one. Count on it. They will go to jail.
No one is going to jail, unless they can be shown to have broken an actual law. The idea you have of making a law retroactive would be possible but no one is going to pass a law for you. That's my point, this entire national movement needs to get involved politically and get people in congress to make the laws we need and want. The demonstrations raise awareness of the problem, that's a start. Now the political action forming a lobby and/or electing representatives from across the country will get actual results and do what you want.
How do you know. We are determined. These banksters have hurt so many people, damaged pensions, caused people to commit suicide, ruined mothers and babies, ruined countries, ruined the world economy. They'll not get away with these massive crimes. They are going down. They got Al Capone on tax evasion. There will be something. They are all going to prison. For sure.
I'm not saying you can't convict people of a crime, what I'm saying is without some political strength very little will happen. We're talking about a country in which the Secretary of the Treasury failed to pay income tax and still got nominated and approved. If you're going to bring anyone to justice you're going to have to develop some political strength to go along with your determination.
That is what democracy is all about. The power of the people. The people can bring down a handful of criminals. If the Secretary of the Treasury didn't pay his income tax, he should do so now. Not a big crime, as long as he declared it.
The point at the time was he didn't declare it, he was caught, but confirmed anyhow. If you're going after bankers you're going to need some political strength. having demonstrators in the street is a start, but we have to move beyond that and use our numbers to vote in support and vote out the corrupt.
I think people are sidetracked by politics and we need to remain focused. OWS welcomes people of all political beliefs. People can vote for whomever they want. Politicians represent a very small number of people. We can get the banksters with or without politicians, Most politicians are not effective, as they have too much ego and are self serving - maybe even corrupt. The raw protestors are the best. They are never ego driven, but support the cause and the 99%.
the movement may be dormant and go into hybernation during the winter, come the spring it will bloom and blossom into THE dominant political force during the Presidential election year
Absolutely. Keep up the great work! And thank you kindly for your support. :)
I just stumbled across this Goldman Sucks Bankster blabbering on from 2009, anyone needing a laugh can take a little read of this tool's thoughts at:
"What small interest we maintain in the U.S. government is, we feel, in the public interest. Our current financial crisis has its roots in a single easily identifiable source: the envy others felt toward Goldman Sachs."
And appears blissfully unaware of that 7.77 Trillion dollar bailout... how can you navigate the financial waters of the world when you don't even know whats going on in your own ship?
Great article. However, no one is singling out Goldies. They are just one of the bankster gang. We want all these criminals. They are at the other banks also.
I just think that some of us should explain to the wives of these banking executives, just what their husbands do, and how they make their nice money - ruining millions of lives, short selling decent businesses, causing people to commit suicide, selling worthless products to pension funds like CDOs, defrauding innocent people and getting involved as managers, fund providers and even users of every corrupt and dirty trade going - prostitiution, kidnapping, gun running, drugs, murder incorporated - anything to make money. These banksters are the lowest of the low. They should all be in jail.
The wives know, dummy. And some of the people doing this are wives. And single people. Who are you gonna explain that to, there invisible kids, who can't hear you over the sound of their Ferrari's exhaust note (and such a sweet note it is, btw). They don't care anymore than the 99% of us outside of you tent communities. And you don't "go out" with prostitutes. You stay in ;) And I don't know anyone, rich or not, dumb enough to tell their significant other that they're banging a 'tute
I may be a "dummy" but I do know the wives are the last to know. They are usually decent and nice people, who would never know what their cheating criminal husband is up to. It is not just the reckless usage of bank money for this fraud - putting prostitutes down to "computer expenses". It is the horrible way they go out of their way, yes, enjoy, ruining the lives of countless small fish. These monsters need to be rounded up and put in jail. Their wives and children need to know so they can atone in full for the massive crimes of their evil father. Who will bring these ogres down? We wil!! Count on it!!
You're not gonna bring down anything but yourselves. Do you think the cricle these people run in are the same ones we run in?? No. Rich marry rich, therefore, yes, they do know what's going on. They stay for the money and prestige. They don't deserve to be put in jail for doing what they need to get where they want. You want their life?? Get your hands dirty. Can't do that?? Then go home.
No. I don't want to "get my hands dirty", if that means hurting others. Anyway. I disagree. Most wives have no idea what is going on. They are in the main decent and well meaning people. They cannot be held responsible for their husbands' crimes against the 99%. This has been proven when banksters are caught. The wives go out of their way to right wrongs. I applaud these brave women. I know. Police dealing with fraud always feel sorry for the innocent wives.
Well if you know what they do or don't know, then I guess you're one of "them", then aren't you?? After all, where would you get such info??
If you mean that I am a wife of a banking exec, well no. I am a male actually. :) I am certainly not connected with the police, although I have had many friends in the police. I am 100% on the side of OWS, and will support the Movement any way I can.I do know that in fraud cases, the wives are usually totally unaware of what their husbands do. As mentioned, they often feel guilty, and they shouldn't as they did not hurt anyone.
But on the opposite side of the coin, they do, and that's what people tend to forget. Just like how some of those people(and their hard working offspring) built those companies from the ground up working harder than you(probably, no offense, I tried to run my own business, not easy or cheap) and I ever would. You may know what you read and hear, but unless you're there, then you can never really know what happened
The OWS is not against honest business people who build a business "from the ground up". We are against people like bank executives who gamble with other people's money and give themselves huge unjustified bonuses for risking nothing themselves. You have to remember that the banksters ruined many honest people who built up businesses. They are preditors who swoop on businesses in hard times. They should be despised by decent folk on the left or right of politics.
Santa Claus sents hand cuffs to banksters. ;-)
But not disrupt Xmas for the 99%, for whom the holidays are important rituals. You're absolutely right about those big bashes by the 1%, and it's absolutely obscene to be yucking it up when people are in the street with nothing. Thanks for your suggestions.
Jail bush for war crimes as well. Extradite him to Iraq to stand trail.