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Forum Post: Choosing Democracy Part 3

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 1:31 p.m. EST by GCS (0)
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 One of the most direct means of prying power away from those few-but-powerful oligarchs and their governing stooges would be to establish alternative governing bodies. Operating under the democratic principles of majority rule, newly formed shadow governments in each country would prepare themselves to manage the bureaucracy and all other means of assuring public health and safety. On a global level, as soon as possible, each nation would send new representatives to a United Nations run on behalf of the vast majority instead of in the interests of a narrow minority.
In some countries, the governments being replaced will be totalitarian. In other countries, the forms of oppression will be less obvious. No one should be fooled by the differences that exist from place to place. Each country provides a safe haven for a handful of people to enrich themselves at the expense of the majority.
Blood is spilled everywhere, and suffering is everywhere, but in some places people believe they are safe and prosperous. The risks to their lives from global warming, warfare, crime, the abuse of power, or from other causes, seem distant. Whatever's going wrong isn't happening in their backyard, or, even if it is, it's not having a significant impact on their lifestyle.
 There is selfishness in prosperity if individuals value their own well being more than the well being of their community.  John Donne said, "No man is an island," and this has become more and more true as the world is joined together by increasingly fast and varied information and transportation networks.



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