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Forum Post: CHOOSE TO ACT - WRITE TO EVERY CONGRESSPERSON AND SENATOR - Demand change to the systems that preside over CORPORATIONS, SEC, all Three Branches of our government where change is needed to remove CORP and GOVT GREED

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 1:47 p.m. EST by changeinmotion2 (66) from Portland, ME
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Demand they push for new SEC REGULATION that will disallow Golden Parachute awards to SENIOR Execs - Rid the BONUS plans to Senior execs. --- 1. MAKE every CORPORATION sitting on a stock index to BUILD their CORPORATE Balance sheet to now include "%" revenue going back to community - Feed the HUNGRY- clothe the poor and provide community with first OPPORTUNITY for any and all job openings/new hires they have;

  1. PUBLISH every single employee salary, job titles- This now becomes public information to instill a new level of trust; this alone will BREAK Corporations of "feathering their nests" with their buddies from a company they just left - MAKE THEM hire Executive level individuals RESPONSIBLY
    1. CAP EXECUTIVE SALARIES - No one in a publicly traded company can make over $300,000. CEO, CIO, CFO capped at $300K; COO' and any other Chief officers of the company capped at $250K; Senior VP's capped at $200K. BONUS Packages voted on by the employees. - When a CEO fails YOU DO NOT GET A BONUS PACKAGE. You DO NOT GET REWARDED FOR FAILURE a. When you establish the CAP on salaries you then put a plan in motion to remove a dividend plan and motion to change with a profit sharing plan that INCLUDES every employee in the company. i. The left over revenue and profit will now be divided out first a percentage goes to every employee EQUALLY - no one deserves any more than another ii Another percentage goes to community caring projects - charities that are chosen by the employees - VOTE internally - and come up with a few choice ways for the CORPORATION to give back to their community at large

Change the systems - change behavior by MOVING for new LEGISLATION - and revoking the existing!

  1. Instant Run-Off Voting.
  2. An End to Gerrymandering.
  3. An End to Corporate Personhood.
  4. Money out of politics.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by globcit (14) 13 years ago

Good but open ended;

When a CEO fails YOU DO NOT GET A BONUS PACKAGE. You DO NOT GET REWARDED FOR FAILURE and give back your share options proportional to your performance rating.

If legislators do not comply then Occupy Legislator's home.