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Forum Post: Choices

Posted 5 years ago on Jan. 2, 2020, 1:32 p.m. EST by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

No matter how smart we are or how hard we work, we can't all choose to have 1000, 100 or even 10 other people work for us and we take the profit, while paying them so little they must go in debt to us to live. It's mathematically impossible.



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[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 5 years ago

"Market capitalism has been imposed onto us, often at the point of a gun, and as a result, we’ve been forced to internalize the idea that we are a selfish, competitive and greedy species. Well, that’s just human nature, we’ll acquiesce when we hear about the profiteering of pharmaceutical companies or the greed of investment bankers. But the thing this, that’s not human nature — it’s just what we’ve been coerced into thinking by an unfeeling economic system that dominates every facet of our life.

''There are many ways that community resources can be collectivized instead of privatized, from land trusts that take land off of the market to policy proposals like Medicare for All, which represents a major shift in how we view our collective responsibility when it comes to health care, or the Green New Deal, which recognizes our collective responsibility to prioritize climate justice in the fight against climate change.'' - excerpted from ...

fiat lux et fiat justitia ...

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 5 years ago

We can't all choose to have 1000, 100 or even 10 other people work for us and we take the profit, while paying them so little they must go in debt to us to live. It's mathematically impossible. I'm an American, so I'm not free to question the morality of an economy that serves well less than 1% of the population and allows only 10% or less to live and/or die debt free.

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 5 years ago

Wannabe winners think taxes for/and welfare are responsible for their failure. About ten percent of taxes go to welfare*. 70% goes to the military [industrial complex]. It's a testament to conservative propaganda that otherwise intelligent people can believe the poor and not billionaire Wall St Oligarchs, who own the MIC and most of everything else, are sucking up all the money!

  • Social Security and Medicare are not welfare. They are a prepaid insurance benefit funded by the payroll tax on the poor and middle class, The cons in CONgress have borrowed and spent the SS Trust Fund to fatten their rich owner operators. Or thenselves if they're also billionaires or family members.
[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 5 years ago

Agreed. Everyone can't be a "successful" exploitative "entrepreneur." If everyone opened up their own company they'd essentially have one customer. It is a mathematical impossibility and a joke when people hate on workers. "Go get a better job loser!" they say, shaming workers and the poor. But how do you do that when 1/2 of jobs pay less than $26,000 per year. It's not possible. It's ridiculous. It is basic math.

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 5 years ago

Wannabe winners think taxes and welfare are responsible for their failure. It's a testament to conservative propaganda that otherwise intelligent people can believe the poor and not billionaire Wall St Oligarchs are sucking up all the money!

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 5 years ago

Down with the oligarchs.

I like the idea of a human based economy that focuses on the wellbeing of everyone the economy is serving not just profits for the few. New Zealand is working on this.


[-] 2 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 5 years ago

The FIRE sector is not the economy. It is a parasite that sucks the blood of the real economy of production and consumption of MATERIAL goods and services.