Forum Post: Chinese town in open civil insurrection (we need to act in solidarity IMMEDIATELY )
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 14, 2011, 2:04 p.m. EST by EricBlair
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We need to do SOMETHING to support our brothers and sisters in Wukan village ASAP.
The "Communist Party" in china runs a criminal police state that has made huge portions of china into giant sweatshop for American capitalism--- the warehouse of wall street.
China has the largest working class in the world. We need to support them NOW. Any ideas?
What A Year ?! The U$A ; The UK ; Russia ; China ; All Over Europe and All Over The World : Resistance and GIABO (Global Insurrection Against Banker Occupation) !!!
ONE Earth ; ONE Struggle ; ONE Occupation ; ONE LOVE !!! ( & ) !!
iViva Los Indignados! iViva Los 99%! Todo Para Todos !
fiat lux ; fiat pax ; fiat justitia ruat caelum ...
Rise together.
United as one the World Public is mightier than any nation-state--- even a nuclear superpower.
Nice One 'George' ;-) & re, "Rise" : !! pax et lux ...
Telex will allow the Chinese people to pass thru their country's internet fire wall, and communicate with ows for support in their resistance against oppression..ccccccccccccccc
No one can stop Telex testing in and out of the Chinese fire wall, was successful
What is Telex?
Telex is a new approach to circumventing Internet censorship that is intended to help citizens of repressive governments freely access online services and information. The main idea behind Telex is to place anticensorship technology into the Internet's core network infrastructure, through cooperation from large ISPs. Telex is markedly different from past anticensorship systems, making it easy to distribute and very difficult to detect and block.
What makes Telex different from previous approaches:
The Problem
Government Internet censors generally use firewalls in their network to block traffic bound for certain destinations, or containing particular content. For Telex, we assume that the censor government desires generally to allow Internet access (for economic or political reasons) while still preventing access to specifically blacklisted content and sites. That means Telex doesn't help in cases where a government pulls the plug on the Internet entirely. We further assume that the censor allows access to at least some secure HTTPS websites. This is a safe assumption, since blocking all HTTPS traffic would cut off practically every site that uses password logins. ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
non violent books have already been translated into simple chinese.
training web page
I hope you are legit. Do you guys enable Tor bridges to tunnel through your network? What about Freenet or I2P? What kinda of latency does it get?
Using Tor via Telex (added 7/20/11)
Normally, the Telex station is able to see the destination of your proxied requests (e.g., the “” that you request via Telex). However, it is possible to use Tor, an anonymity-providing proxy, on top of Telex. This way, the Telex station will only be able to observe that you are using Tor, not your ultimate destination.
To use Telex as an entry to Tor, first make sure you've downloaded the Telex client below. You'll also need our Tor public key file, which instructs the Telex station that you want to be connected to our Tor Bridge instead of our HTTP proxy. To use this public key, run the Telex client with the additional options shown in bold:
telex-client -k tor.pubkey -p 4444
Next, download the Tor Browser Bundle client (if you don't already have the most recent version), and edit your torrc file to add the following three lines:
Bridge F580401C7A5EEDD54F2927A1C161E9642D1ADCCC UpdateBridgesFromAuthority 0 UseBridges 1
At this point, launch the tor_browser_bundle, and a browser window should open using Tor over Telex. You can use this page to verify that you are connecting through Tor.
My inner paranoia, has me wondering if a Man-in-the-middle attack isn't possible with the above outline.
Do you have any organization to vouch that you guys aren't a Chinese military intelligence front?
Any media articles or whatever?
Also, the conditions in China are not quite like they are here. I support non-violence, but people living under a brutal police state don't always have a choice. China may go the way of Qaddafi and start massacring demonstrators.
If they take up arms against the "Communist" state, will you still support them?
So far will this fuse get connected to a powder keg or will this be ephemeral as the tiananmen square protest. I am going to hope for a metaphorical powder keg connection.
Call CNN and demand coverage immediately. Express OWS solidarity with the protest (go easy with the word insurrection).
Will Obama send aid?? LOL!!!!!!!
Send in the Serbs.
No easy answers but if OWS keeps blocking the ports and specifically prevents transport of goods from the PRC it may be a start.
Meanwhile, read the article and realize that Communism does not work and is not working. Also, buy more land, make a goal for self sufficiency through your own 'off grid' housing and hobby farm-celebrities do, go to and search for celebrity ranches or celebrity farms. A year ago HGTV showed a number of these celebrity owned second home/ranches/farms proof enough to me that the likes of Whoopie Goldberg, Michael J. Fox and others already have created options for possibly harder times when basics of food, water and protection will be challenged.
The article doesn't really talk about Communism... I am not a fan of Marxism, I agree it's a deeply flawed basis for revolution.
However, China is not a Communist society. The whole country is run like a giant corporation.
"Although China suffers an estimated 180,000 “mass incidents” a year, it is unheard of for the Party to sound a retreat."
In China the people are not afraid of the government, it's the other way around. American "solidarity" would probably be a kiss of death.
Did Anti-Americanism Fuel the China-Georgetown Basketball Brawl?
Story tools Comments AAAResize Print Share and Email New America Media, Commentary, Donny Lumpkins, Posted: Aug 19, 2011 SAN FRANCISCO -- I am a basketball fan and have been for most of my life. I know basketball to be a game of discipline and skill, where the best players are rarely touched because they are too good, too fast, and too smart.
Basketball is also a very physical game where players recognize an opponent’s weakness to exploit it. It’s a game where equal parts aggression and finesse create a beautiful balance when done right. On occasion, though, the balance gets tipped and the aggression takes over and all hell breaks loose.
In those cases, the catalyst for the altercation rarely has to do with the game itself.
And that’s what happened in Beijing this week when a brawl broke out between the visiting Georgetown University basketball team and the Bayi Rockets (whom I must add are drawn from the People’s Liberation Army, the largest military in the world).
I’m no expert in international politics but I think it’s safe to say that the fight was about more than basketball.
Most of the Georgetown players are big, young, black men and for me it was strange to see them so handily taken down by the smaller, thinner-looking Chinese players. But then I remembered the Chinese players are soldiers and the Georgetown players are civilians and it all made more sense.
I refuse to look at the incident as a race thing, even though most of the people involved were black and Chinese. The perception of black basketball players in America is that they are thugs in basketball shoes, but in the video of the incident, it’s the Chinese players that look like they should be restrained.
Reports say the game was heated the whole time. Georgetown is known for their lockdown defense and both teams refused to back down. The Chinese team was given 57 free throws to the American team’s 15, so either the Georgetown players were playing a really aggressive game or the officiating was one-sided toward the Chinese home team. I think it’s safe to assume both to be true.
The fight started when a Chinese player fouled one of the American players, leading to a dispute and then a melee. From the video of the fight, it appears that the Georgetown players are out-numbered and really far from home. In the swarm of punches and kicks there were a few people trying to break it up, but with no luck.
It’s easy to say we have a great relationship with other countries and I think as Americans it’s hard for us to fully grasp the anti-American sentiment that exists in other parts of the word. Seeing how smiley Joe Biden has been on his trip to China isn’t really indicative of the way some Chinese people may feel about Americans.
And there’s also some ambiguity about what Americans may feel about themselves. After all, when Americans journey to other parts of the world, we’re expected to represent the whole country even if there are parts of it that we may not agree with ourselves.
I think the Chinese team and the fans who threw chairs and bottles at the American players saw those Georgetown boys as everything wrong with the world and completely indicative of the evil imperialist America they may hate.
But the reality of the situation is that the Georgetown players are college students with loans and scholarships who back home in America are normal everyday young people trying to secure their future through hard work and perseverance. Since most of them are black, even at home they have to deal with hate and unequal opportunity.
They are not American ambassadors or soldiers: they are basketball players.
The Chinese players on the opposing team are drawn from the military and it’s no stretch to say that they have a different skill set than the college hoopers who will most likely go pro in things other than basketball back at home.
At one point in the video, you can see a Chinese player sitting on an American player’s chest, just whiling away the time until finally one of the American player’s teammates comes to his aid and the swarm of people consumes them all.
Truthfully, I’ve never seen anything like that before in basketball and I don’t think there is anything someone could do in a basketball game to deserve something like that. It makes me think that for the Chinese players the anger stems from much more than that, and our relationship with China is more tense than the politicians are letting us know.
The game ended in a tie, but in reality it was a loss for both teams.
The perception around the internet is that the Chinese players overreacted and the American players resorted to the level that was necessary to make it out of there with their lives and dignity.
The politics of our country can sometimes leave the people in it out to dry and have to fend for ideas that might not belong to us when we’re abroad. It’s too bad the Georgetown players had to be the target of an apparent hate which they are not responsible for.