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Forum Post: Chineese have only one party. We have two - what a choice!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 12:31 p.m. EST by Valdi (1)
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Lets face it: The only reason we are soooo good, is because we can print money, and the rest of the world is bound to the Dollar. So far, our boys, our children, doing all there best in Iraq, Afganistan, Saudi Arabia, ect. to to keep it this way. But soon this is going to change, and then, and only then, we will wake up! All our subsystems of our country are obsolete! Education system, medical system, legal system, transportation, mass media information, political system, prison system, ...just name it. You better start reforms now! The Sovjets also once thought there were for ever to stay. We were a country of entepreneurs, thinker, advanturers and travelers, optimistic and successful - Now we became a hord of fett consumers, who are guarded by untouchebles buerocrates, fead with hormons by the industry, flooded by mindtaking advertisment, forced to work without proper rest, kept manipulated by media, who serves the corporations, but not the peaple. Therfore, my advise to you guys, sart change now, , before its too late.



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[-] 2 points by WorldFreedom (62) 13 years ago

The USA has just one party with two different names.