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Forum Post: China Wants 'Economic Zones' in the US

Posted 12 years ago on March 18, 2012, 10:49 a.m. EST by snowcat765 (14) from Long Island City, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


I wrote in past columns that an American who deals with foreign policy must be a man or a woman of genius, or else the United States will perish along with the other free countries.

To show how dangerous the “People’s Republic of China” is, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher of California, a Republican, compared China to Nazi Germany. He thus shocked many Americans who saw the PRC as a peaceful country.

Early this year, Chinese president and Communist Party leader Hu Jintao, on his eighth visit to the United States, was treated by President Barack Obama to a lavish White House state dinner, the first for a Chinese leader in more than 13 years.

Some U.S. congressional leaders, however, abstained from the event, making it clear that the Chinese president was no friend, highlighting tension between Congress and the world’s second largest economic power when President Obama was trying to strengthen ties.

Rohrabacher called Hu an “oppressor” and a “murderer,” questioning why Obama was giving respectful treatment to a “monstrous regime.”



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[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 12 years ago

Check out China's history. The West had similar zones over there during the Opium Wars.


[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

According to the World Bank, China has brought 100 million of its people out of the most dire poverty over the past few decades. What other country has done that? In the west, we send an ever increasing number of our middle class into the ranks of the poor through the loss of their jobs and their homes.

Admittedly, China is not perfect, but much of what we hear about China in the media is produced by war mongers wishing to profit from a future conflict between China and the US.

I lived in China for a year teaching English. Before going there, I was somewhat afraid, based on what I had read and seen on TV. After living there for a while, it became clear that the propaganda just wasn't true. The vast majority of the people live normal lives as we do here.

I will admit in one way, American life is definitely preferable. As western teachers, we only worked five day weeks, while equivalent Chinese teachers had to work six days a week. I was exhausted after working five days, can't see how they do it year in year out.

I can understand how there would be other labor abuses along these lines, some even more serious. But otherwise, most people say and do what they want.

[-] 0 points by snowcat765 (14) from Long Island City, NY 12 years ago

This country is heading for totalitarianism disaster

[-] 1 points by mvjobless (370) 12 years ago

They already have them.

[-] 0 points by snowcat765 (14) from Long Island City, NY 12 years ago

you mean the 'China Towns'?

[-] 1 points by mvjobless (370) 12 years ago

No. Another person posting here told me about a project underway in Ohio and another in Utah. The Chinese are setting up these free trade zones, that is, their own little cities complete with their own law enforcement and everything else they could need, like schools, infrastructure, etc..


[-] 1 points by Riley2011 (110) from New Britain, CT 12 years ago

We cannot have it both ways You cannot hate a country- then borrow from it to survive economically while spilling drivel about how well this country(USA) is doing... I have not read too many policies from China in which they tell their citizens to go and buy buy buy to make the country better...no, I am not pro- China in terms of human treatment- but we follow leaders without much thought. While these congressional leaders are not attending, trying to make their actions seem "heroic"....they sure are not speaking up about our government prying into our lives, spending habits, money, phone conversations, increased camera activity in cities, etc. Oh...and can't the government now lock you up for no reason? So, at least we are not detained in our homes or killed in jail...what a difference... I love America, this is a great country built on solid values...but as the bible states "Before you take the splinter out of your brother's eye-take the plank out of your own.." We are not forcing them to give us money....

[-] 0 points by shield (222) 12 years ago

"they sure are not speaking up about our government prying into our lives, spending habits, money, phone conversations, increased camera activity in cities, etc."


[-] 0 points by BlackSun (275) from Agua León, BC 12 years ago

I think they should get every cooperation we can give them. Since the Bush and Obama administrations have whored our economy to China in the name of political expediency.

[-] 0 points by snowcat765 (14) from Long Island City, NY 12 years ago

No cooperation for a totalitarian system of human rights abuses!

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

prisoners Per capita (most recent) by country

1 United States: 715 per 100,000 people

2 Russia: 584 per 100,000 people

3 Belarus: 554 per 100,000 people

4 Palau: 523 per 100,000 people

5 Belize: 459 per 100,000 people

6 Suriname: 437 per 100,000 people

7 Dominica: 420 per 100,000 people

8 Ukraine: 416 per 100,000 people

9 Bahamas, The: 410 per 100,000 people

10 South Africa: 402 per 100,000 people


[-] 0 points by snowcat765 (14) from Long Island City, NY 12 years ago

So where China stand? No prisoners per 100000. they kill them

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

the link is there

71 China: 119 per 100,000 people

[-] 0 points by snowcat765 (14) from Long Island City, NY 12 years ago

less -threat of concentration camps or death-

[-] -2 points by GumbyDamnit (36) 12 years ago

I suppose anyone who finds this objectionable is seen by OWS as xenophobic hate-monging rascists.

[-] -2 points by snowcat765 (14) from Long Island City, NY 12 years ago

This is becoming frightening. the media is compliant with the far left agenda

[-] 3 points by francismjenkins (3713) 12 years ago

What far left agenda? I mean, specifically, what are you defining as "far left"? As I see it, our media is a corporate media, who advocates the status quo (and advocating the status quo is usually considered conservative).

[-] 0 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

what if it's just fascism?

[-] 0 points by francismjenkins (3713) 12 years ago

Indeed .... my point exactly (but a more subtle form of fascism).

[-] -1 points by snowcat765 (14) from Long Island City, NY 12 years ago

They ,major cable media and what's left of the newspapers almost never call obama to the carpet for anything and obama IS the far left.

[-] 2 points by francismjenkins (3713) 12 years ago

But what "far left agenda" do you see? Maybe the media is more liberal than average (although I would disagree with that contention), but I see no evidence supporting the idea that our media leans to the far left. Our media is centrist (at best), but the center has moved right. Not because they win the argument, but rather because the far right is simply louder, more obnoxious, etc.