Forum Post: Children make DEMANDS. Adults articulate well-reasoned IDEAS.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:13 a.m. EST by ADemocraticRepublic
from Midland Township, MI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I demand this. I demand that. Sounds like a 5 year old to me. Let's grow up and put forth some real ideas to help this country, not to enrich our own pockets as so many are doing.
Watch for a new post on this subject later today. I've noticed that serious ideas are not taken up this time of day - the protestors must still be sleeping.
The ideas exist, the reality does not.
are you stupid or just have no heart ows is the middle class protest Obama tried compromise so why would we talk to republicans who have no control of their leaders
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