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Forum Post: Chenwu8

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 1:51 p.m. EST by Chenwu8 (0)
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I hope this movement finds focus and defines some goals. Here are a few of mine: 1) Get real financial/bank reform, not Dodd-Frank cronyism. Tax payers coughed up over $ 1 trillion of our hard earned bucks because the "sky would fall," according to former Treasury Secretary Paulsen if we didn't. They have not lent to businesses, thereby further hurting the economy. They receive interest on that money from the Fed, yet no banker to date has been arrested, fined or fired for their behavior that drove the world to the brink. In fact that received $20 million in bonuses in both 2009 and 2010. Bring back Glass-Seagull or some version thereof that separates investment banking from commercial banking. 2) Finance campaigns with public funds only so we don't get the richest, and not the best qualified candidates. 3) Set term limits for the House (2 terms of 4 years each) and Senate (2 terms of 6 years each). Congress wasn't meant to be a career and Congress spends half it's time fund raising, which means they're not governing 50% of the time. 4. Throw out the loophole riddled, subsidy oriented tax code and replace it with an equitable tax code the eliminates corporate and agricultural subsidies that amount to $ billions per year.

"Make the change you want to see in the world."  Mahatma Gandhi



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