Forum Post: Chat is run by abusive idiots
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 5:23 p.m. EST by gawdoftruth
from Santa Barbara, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
until you guys quit letting abusive jerks run your chat, your actually losing people because of them.
I just got banned for telling the factual truth about the simple reality that there has never been a capitalist system nor a communistic one. in fact both systems are faking it and both systems are patent oligarchy. The mods listened to the trolls, and did not pay attention to the truth. This keeps on going on. Every time i go into the chat room i see ten people get kicked for no good reason. This so called movement STINKS because its a MESS and its not ORGANIZED, i have been waiting a whole week on the promise of sub forums .. the forum has become a scrawled mess... you guys are losing any chance you may have had to convince anybody with sense to join you by being disorganized, not having sub forums, and having evil pricks run your chat rooms.
The chat is run by FOX NEWS consultants. true story.
that explains a lot.
I agree, they banned me for pointing out how the media is putting there own spin on this, and waiting til they can manipulate it to fit there agenda like they did the tea party. They are worse than the FCC. I hope the mods never get control of the country. there will be no freedom of speech or democracy.
seriously, we get to see what kind of society these people would create by watching the kind of society they DO create. An i don't want anything to do with such a society- a society of game playing trolls and egotists who will censor and lie and in any way do whatever pleases them at anybody elses expense.
I am also waiting for when they will set the Liberal demands, more government... oh wait, they already have?
yeah they are trying to keep ron paul supporters out of the chat from what i can tell. they probably looked at my screen name.
Agree, they only want their point of view forward, who seem to be more liberal then anything, and if someone point out the fact that.. for one, no one gets bailed out in a capitalistic society. and that Communism is not Corporatism, Capitalism is not Corporatism.
Please look up the diffrence between Capitalism, Corporatism, Communism.
Go to the NYCGA link and find a way to make a difference.
Order will come from Chaos.
no, it won't.