Forum Post: Change Yourself 1st
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 12:25 p.m. EST by myusername
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Are you interested in making a change? Really?
Then you, not me, not the guy standing next to you, not the politician governing you, YOU must begin to think differently & do 3 things.
Think Localization vs Nationalization and Globalization.
Number 1 Decentralize your Money. Spread the wealth. Take your money out of the big six banks and put it into your locally owned community banks or credit unions. If that means refinancing, your home, your car, getting a new checking account, savings account, taking a hit on fees etc by moving investments. Do it.
Number 2 Get a job, even if it pays minimum wage. Go to work!
Number 3 Support your local economy by spending your money with local businesses.
It would take a very large text to explain exactly why, & to help you understand the impact on the bigger picture, & the sacrifices required by pursuing those 3 things. But if you're really interested in making a change. You need to do it. Like Nike says 'Just do it.'
Here is a good article about making change, changing yourself and talking about solutions: "Stop Buying Shit We Don't Need!"
It's funny the fact of the matter is that I don't even care. I bank at Bank of America, I shop at Walmart. Why? Because like everyone else I'm selfish and greedy. I want to keep my hard earned money in my pocket. There is nothing wrong with a business growing. That is good for the economy it provides jobs. You've admitted that you're nothing more than a complainer, and have been doing it for a long time. Like I said before , you are the problem. The 1% however have not grown from small startups to giant businesses they have gobbled up small businesses and have used size as an advantage. Our corrupt government has allowed this to happen to line their own pockets with even more money and to feed their insatiable addiction to power. And we've let it happen. We continue to vote these power hungry individuals into office and support their addiction allowing them to continue to rape America. Like I said it would take a text to explain, but the simple truth is we need people to go back to work. Make sacrifices and put their money back into their local economies. Dine at Local restaurants, shop at locally owned grocery stores bank at locally owned banks. Give these businesses the revenue needed to hire your unemployed neighbors, so those unemployed neighbors can go to your local banks to borrow money to start their own business and create more jobs. By the way jobs are overseas because we you and I are unwilling to pay what it would cost to produce the things we want. Blame unions or more spcifically union leadership for driving up the cost of labor in this country and driving jobs overseas. We've created our problem and only we can get ourselves out of it, by focusing on getting people back to work. Illegals aren't taking our jobs, we just don't want to work that hard to make that little. Then to cause the problem to grow they send the money they earn back to their home countries denying us the effect of having that money spent here. It's a viscious circle but the best way to solve it is by getting back to work, even if it's for minimum wage. At least we would be lessening the burden on the taxpayers and keeping the benefit of the money here in our country. You want to stop the problem of illegal immigrants get your ass back to work and make it difficult for them by limiting the amount of available jobs. We don't need a big F'n wall. We need to get back to work even if we have to sacrifice our own pride to push a broom for minimum wage instead of papers for $100k per year. The aggregate effect of 30 million unemployed people stepping up to work the jobs no one wants would be a huge step in the right direction. Vs sitting on our asses collecting unemployment taxes from those of us who are working. Then working to replace our corrupt political system with something better that actually works. But we'd become complacent again and would be back in this situation again in another 50-80'years.
So, I am the problem because I have a voice?
NOPE! You see the more we make for our Government the more they think we can go to war, the more they think they can pay for trips, the more we can pay for bailouts, the more we can pay banks, the more we can?????
I am NOT the problem! Nor am I the solution. It takes thinking, organization, focus, motivation and a true desire to get something done. And it takes this from many people! I am but one voice, a small voice shouting to a larger crowd!
I do give to my local economy! I do shop at my local farmers market, my local Wal Mart, my local mechanic. This is not going to fix America! I have been doing this for years as have many people from my community.
I think many, including yourself are confused. Things that used to work no longer work! I was raised in a home where my mother busted her butt to raise me, without outside help she never would have made it! You people are against this, why? Is it okay to save Iran? What about rebuild Iraq? But we should not help those here at home who try?
Hard work is a staple of our country. Then came the housing bubble, then came layoffs, then came the closing of businesses and many other things. The US of A has screwed us! Policy has rocked our world and going back to all the things that made us great no longer works! Hard work does not pay anymore! Jobs are no longer plentiful! This is not the country you were raised in, this is a country where our government is clueless and has ruined us.
Of course they would. And so would you. The point is not the money you earn from minimum wage the point is that you're doing something productive. Producing something useful. Keeping a job in an America. We're in a rapidly changing world economy. We have made ourselves too expensive to support. We have driven jobs overseas because we feel entitled. Putting our money back into our economy, our local economies, despite what a local businessman would or would not do, does not change the fact that our money is being funneled from our local economies by the institutions that have become 'too big to fail'. But like I said before it would take an entire text to explain to the simple minded idiots who think they know everything and believe they are entitled to something without earning it. Yeah, you corbintechboy!
Your judgment of the local mah & pah businesses is hypocritical because they are part of the 99% you are trying to defend. Working just as hard if not harder, and taking huge risks to provide for themselves and their families than you have ever worked or will ever work based on the attitude you have shown. Oftentimes indebted up to their elbows to provide a valuable service to their community. But at least they're trying. What are you doing about it. Complaining on a forum. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!!! Should they not be rewarded? You simpleton. Think for yourself. Stop buying in to the hype, realize we need to work to support our selfish greedy economy. And the best way is to support those around us not by judging them harshly by something they have not done, but by rewarding them for taking risks that provide jobs. By the way that's what built this country not whining sniveling little babies like yourself. Am I happy about the state of our economy? No. Who do I blame? Us. Why? Because we opt to save our money by shopping at Walmart because it's cheap, and we choose to use big banks because through the larger scale of economies they can provide a better deal on things like loans etc. which only causes us to support them despite the negative impact on our whole economy. We've done this to ourselves and until we take responsibility and begin to recognize the consequences (however small) of our individual decisions and actions we will not recover.
Jobs are over seas because there are no incentives to have them in America. And just for the record, YOU know NOTHING about me! I have been trying to tell the general consensus about the problems in this country LONG before there was anything known as OWS or a Tea party.
Speaking of simpleton, look up when the big businesses have started in this country. They all started small, grew, Grew and turned into the big huge corps that you "99%" are trying to fight! You close one big corp and another small corp steps up to take on the role, thus becoming the 1%.
YOU are trying focus a shift to a local economy! GREAT! But guess what? Taxation is STILL a problem at the local level and Mom and Pop still want to pay low wages, work you until your hand fall off, make huge profits and take over in their respective market. So your assumptions about how the local small business will save us is HOGWASH!
And I am a whining baby, I guess if you say so! Coming from a group of people that can't even take a stand and agree on one single solution, this means a lot and I thank you!
I call hogwash!
1) If my local banks had the chance to get rich off of screwing people in America, it would! Just because it is a small bank does not mean that it is just honest business.
2) Pay for a government you don't agree with! Help the wealthy get wealthier! Minimum wage jobs are the worst because the reason you are getting payed so low is because someone it is getting rich and your getting screwed!
3) It doesn't matter where you spend your money! Given half the chance you local mom and pah gas station would be the next BP. Given half the chance the local mom and pah would be the next Rite Aid.
Make that Change. Remember..that's what Michael Jackson said. he also said..."sha-mon". What did that mean?