Forum Post: Change You Can Believe In LOL How Much Change Do You Have Right Now??
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 28, 2012, 7:44 a.m. EST by eyeofthetiger
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Like the Capital One commercials How much change is in your wallet? Man LOL Americans are stupidest most ignorant defiant and arrogant people Suckers Naive Wake Up You've all been had and rehad
your point is?
I love that the best metaphor you can come up with is from a TV commercial. Read a book you stupid fucking moron. It amazes me that someone as dumb as I am sure you are can be condescending.
books r 4 morons
You stupid fucking idiot, the most interesting thing you'll ever do is die.
fuk u
OOOOh LLooookkkky
Innernet talk....!!!!!!!
You must be really cool.
derp, derp.
Id say it to you face 2 face how cool is that
You'll still be a derp derp.
yea we both have a life LOL 1st thing I do in the a.m. is to check this retarded website I need to get outta here good luck