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Forum Post: Change HOW things are changed

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 7:10 a.m. EST by Flourchild (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I keep reading about Occupy Wall Street in the papers and how it's spread to the whole country and even parts of the world. But every time I read the same comments by people who aren't in the movement, "I fully agree with what they're doing, but nothing will ever change because the people in charge won't let it". It's time we, the people, made things change. This country was started and run by average citizens, not the super rich, and it should go back to that. EVERYONE who is a citizen is eligible to run for Congress or the Senate. The ONLY rules on who can run is you have to live where you're running, you have to be a citizen (NOT natural born, just a citizen) for 7 years, and you have to be a certain age (25 for House, 30 for Senate). As far as getting on the ballot goes, if a large enough percentage writes in a name during the primary, that name has to be put on the official ballot in the actual election (percentages vary by region so look it up). So if you feel like you or your neighbor, friend, relative, etc. could do a better job than the "official" candidates, go door to door, make your own fliers, get yourselves elected and do the job that the current Congress refuses to do! MAKE THINGS HAPPEN!!



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[-] 1 points by Flourchild (1) 13 years ago

Doesn't anyone out there actually WANT to change things or are you people really out there just to whine about things staying the same?