Forum Post: Change and My Money
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 11:42 a.m. EST by MyMoney
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
First, people are resilient and caring beings - and aside from the few filled with hatred for whatever their reasons, when we band together for the common good, we effect great and lasting change.
Here's my point, if the 99% of people around the world would like to make an indelible impact and in this precise moment in time, we may need to use the very vehicle which has brought us together.
First, I am in the 99% group. On November 1st, I'm going to ask my financial institution to sell 10% of my mutual funds and convert to cash.
In six months, May 1st, I will ask my financial house to help me find a group of companies which has instituted the following overall corporate policies (or close to) as listed below:
1) The company's compensation plan must have a maximum individual salary cap of $1,000,000.00. per year. No individual can earn more than this as a base salary. Any raises must be equal to that received by the least compensated employee.
2) The company bonus plan must be capped at no more than 10% (whether cash or stock) for any individual of the company.
3) The Board of Directors must include a minimum of 2 mid-level management representatives nominated by the company's employees.
4) A minimum of 50% of all corporate operations must be located in the same country where the corporation was originally founded.
5) The company does not provide contributions to any political candidate or party.
If within 6 months, the financial house is unable to find a group of companies that has the above policies in place, I will convert another 10% of my money to cash. I will continue to withdraw my funds at a slow rate until it is no longer invested in corporations that refuse to acknowledge my perspective on reasonableness.
Main Street (99%) actually owns the majority of the wealth around the world. We sit on trillions and trillions and trillions of invested dollars. Reign it in. Enough said.