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Forum Post: Central Banks & Government and the Ponzi scheme impoverishing everyone

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 7:52 a.m. EST by unclepia (0) from Birmingham, England
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

to really change the world - you really want to Occupy Washington DC and Occupy the Federal Reserve and all Global Central Banks... they are the true masters behind today's disaster and irradicaiton of the tax paying middle class..... and further impoverishing the unemployed and those dissalusioned with the education system which has conned everyone from birth through to graduation... Wall street / London city are really the fall guys who will get theirs in due course, when we all focus on the people pulling their strings....the central banks....and national governments, IMF, ECB etc.. it's the triage or triangle run.... Central Bank print money to allow governemnt to borrow more money... from the banks... who then earn guanranteed income... that is until it all blows up in theirs face... until that time - you and I will pay the price with rising inflaiton... rising unemployment...... and more national debt. The mainstream media are thier lap dogs... having their strings pulled... they sit idlly by and allow this show to continue by being the government and central banks voice.... right down to the so called econmists....who spout nonsense, designed to confusion and make it all sound mystical and complicated, when in fact it is really really simple. This charade must stop.....



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[-] 1 points by globcit (14) 13 years ago

Bank of England, champion Central Bank

[-] 1 points by EB4TL (6) 13 years ago

Mario Draghi now heading the European Central Bank became vice chairman and managing director of Goldman Sachs International and a member of the firm-wide management committee (2002–2005).

MEP Pascal Canfin asserted Draghi was involved in swaps for European governments, namely Greece, trying to disguise their countries' economic status. Draghi responded that the deals were "undertaken before my joining Goldman Sachs and I had nothing to do with" them, in the 2011 European Parliament nomination hearings.

While it is not disputed that the deal was initiated before he joined the company, should he have had any supervisory role over the team that arranged it, it would have been expected that he rectify the wrongdoing, starting by disclosing it to the public. Not only that, but the maturity of the deal was extended in 2005, before he took up a new appointment at Bank of Italy, which was not given due attention. During the hearing, this career public servant provided an interesting explanation supporting his claim that he had no connection to the deal and its follow up : out of personal preference, he did not interact with the public sector. This is contradicted by an official statement from his employer. Oddly, a request by a renowned news agency to have access to some relevant documents were blocked by the ECB shorty before the scheduled hearing.
