Forum Post: CENSORED the art and science of thought control by repeating slogans. The modable mind, how talking points and slogans have ruied debate, Debating without respect, the art of dispariaging people
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 2:09 p.m. EST by leavethecities
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New book titles coming soon, is anyone interested in publishing.
All quiet on yhe protest march
Pacifist Jews I have Known
Ruined debate thx too hard to change
"ruied debate"?
I have read article after article of personal attacks hyperbole and not listening, I think that people need to respect each differences if it is a legitimate idea supported by reason and does not promote violence.
Campaign Finance Reform. Boom.
lol I couldn't resist.
You can even see it on this forum. The repeated slogan for anti-OWS people is "get a job". Man, we sure have been drilled to death on that one:( BYW, I have a job, and still support OWS. It is insane that unemployment rates are extremely high right now and people are actually saying "just go get a job"?? Strange slogan for the times!!!
How to lose control create a healthy respect for ideas and people and change America
The closed mind how listening is a lost skill.
Ron Lawl