Forum Post: Censor
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 9:04 p.m. EST by Totems
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Why in the world would OWS think that it is OK to Adjust Ron Lawl's name? I am a 99%er. I have been to zuccotti since the first week. I will vote for Ron.Paul.
We are diverse in our ways to fix our problems. But we need all of us to overthrow the current system.
I agree. They are defaming one of the few guys who actually agree with OWS on the original problem - our central banking system
This is really bullshit. I wont visit this forum again until this is corrected and may stay away from the movement.
OWS should be all things to all people of the 99%, period...
We are a non-politically biased movement.
Beyond that, why censor one of the only voices against the corporate takeover of the USA?
I still support OWS, just not until this is addressed.
Wow. I didn't expect OWS to be censoring people's views. We're all going to have different opinions, and censoring each other isn't going to accomplish anything. We need to have an open dialogue and we can't do that without free speech.
i agree the name change is not the way to deal with the issue. on the other hand, WE are VERY sick and tired of hearing about Ron on THIS forum.. however... There is all sorts of room to explore his ideas in the depth of the good and the bad on the wiki.
THIS forum can't be all things to everyone, and can't handle the bandwidth of being ronpauls other campaign HQ. the wiki could handle that bandwidth in theory. Sorry, thats just the way it is.
I quit checking this site has anything changed? Ron Lawl?
I didn't even know they were talking about Ron Lawl when I read the rules. Aren't we above name calling?
Is there a Mod or Admin on this site to answer my Q's??
I looked into this the other night. if you click the github link in the bottom right, it takes you to an open source coding page that builds this site. and if you google the persons name in charge it brings you to a google+ page where that person declares herself as an "anarchist communist". No Joke.
How are they affiliated with OWS? I'd be so disappointed if there was a troll running this site :( Like we don't have enough to fight against already.