Forum Post: Celebrities, musicians, and artist. Please make original work for occupy movement.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 2:26 p.m. EST by realdeal
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As most people know music and change go hand in hand.
If you are an artist or know and artist big or small. (Photographers, painters, filmmakers, musicians )We need new original work focusing on the occupy movement. It would be really great to get some of these guys that like to "fight the power" M n M, green day, kanyae etc... to show their support by making videos that would get played on the music stations. Example: Monday madness from greenday to go along with annual Monday 7am protest to disrupt business as usual.
We could really use the publicity. All you famous people that like to have free concerts that’s great just show up around 6-7am or 2-4pm any day, any city and start playing. It's not your fault if thousands of people find out and it cause a flash mob that disrupts business as usually. Thanks.
People look for artist playing concerts in your city big or small to find out who is around your area and to try and contact them for support of the occupy movement .
Check this one out by the beat seekers. Lots of occupy related stuff!
Wake Up video!
I am interested in donating photography. Where (e-mail address) do I send?