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Forum Post: Celebrating Labor on Labor Day

Posted 11 years ago on Sept. 2, 2013, 8:05 a.m. EST by TropicalDepression (-45)
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I'll be going to work today, on labor day. What better way to celebrate labor than....

wait for it....

Doing Labor!! Nothing like going and painting inside an empty shitty house with no AC in 90 degree heat because its the 2nd and all the bills are due.

An interesting article on labor on counterpunch. Here ya go:





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[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 2 years ago

"On This Labor Day, perhaps it is time for all members of the world’s working class, to ask themselves; why is our work so often a “torment,” an “affliction,” done under “compulsion”?! Why does it feel as if our bosses are “persecuting” us? And why does it wreck our bodies? Why does it seem so meaningless?! It certainly doesn’t have to be and was not for most of our time on Earth. And then ask, if this is true - how can we create a society - in which we control our own labor, where work is a natural and necessary part of life, one we do to produce the essentials of life not for someone else’s riches but for use by everyone, equally and in harmony with the natural world?" - FROM:

per aspera ad astra!

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 2 years ago

Real, effective unions would help workers too.


"What your awful, rich, heartless bosses do not want under any circumstances is a well-organized and pissed off labor union in their companies. That would really screw them. That is something they cannot discard. That is something they are forced to deal with, by law. It is one of the only things that can actually make them stop treating their employees – you – like trash. Why, if you were to channel all of that angst and fury and cynicism that your job has instilled in you into organizing a union, well … that would make your boss very unhappy. They might even let out a long, painful sort of moan..."

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 2 years ago

"What your awful, rich, heartless bosses do not want under any circumstances is a well-organized and pissed off labor union in their companies. That would really screw them. That is something they cannot discard. That is something they are forced to deal with, by law. It is also one of the only things that can actually make them stop treating their employees – you – like trash. Why - if you were to channel all of that angst and fury and cynicism that your job has instilled in you into organizing a union, well … that'd make your boss very unhappy. They might even let out a long, painful sort of moan..." - Followed by ...

"I don't blame anyone for feeling like you want to just say “the hell with it” to your crap job. It's the labor movement’s own fault that we haven't educated all the soon-to-be-disappointed young people entering the working world on what unions are all about.But that can change.And you can be the one to change it. Organize. Do not do it for the historical precedent, or the political imperative - or the economic gains. Do it to make your boss cry."! + ALSO PLEASE NOTE:

"'Amazon should be afraid,as the Teamsters are now here standing shoulder-to-shoulder with so many communities demanding change,' the union's president said at the Seattle rally."

per aspera ad astra!

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 2 years ago

Workers have had enough!


Workers want more job satisfaction, better treatment and higher pay, and this is true around the globe:


[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 2 years ago

"CEO Pay Has Grown by 1,460 Percent Since 1978 - as Workers’ Wages Stagnated"! by Sharon Zhang:

multum ET parvo!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 2 years ago

Every Day is Labor Day!!! And further try to consider ...

"The court will likely rule in “Glacier Northwest” that the union’s strike activity isn’t protected by USA

federal labor law"! So just how long will Americans wait before they respond to this Class War? And

per aspera ad astra!!!

[-] 0 points by grapes (5232) 2 years ago

Labor which doesn't produce any surplus for others to exploit is good enough.

To give oneself what one needs, to work oneself what one wants, and grow no grains to be exploited as surplus labor.

That should fix the "classless society" which first act is to create a class which extracts the fruits of labor from the class of laborers who produce the surplus labor to be exploited and expropriated. Before implementing this fix on a large scale, we should try it on a micro-scale pilot project with agricultural production on a personal scale.

It seems that with high efficiency cultivation and sufficient amount of growth space, self-sufficiency is possible. It's also important that a backup for taking care of the failures be provided because on a larger scale of implementation, variability will occur so planning for and taking care of the high-variance cases will be necessary. That is a kind of federal system. I think that the clans of [Old] China provide this social function through a kinship connection for giving mutual assistance.

Red Chinese say, "Clean air and water cost us nothing to get -- they're global community properties." Americans say, "These goods are very cheap and they're coming from Red China. We can use more of the cheap labor."

Question: What results from U.S. Capitalists' minimizing production costs and Red Chinese "Communists" maximizing using "costless" community-property clean air and water?

Answer: The Great Pacific gyre of global garbage of cheap plastics; High cancer rates of the Red Chinese; Dirty air, soot, and smog wafting over to Korea, Japan, Canada, and the U.S.A. Red Chinese goods are so flimsy, often a tiny bit short of achieving functional necessity, but so cheap that they crowd out all the others which used to work well when all of these cheap Red Chinese goods weren't occupying the shelves and displays of shops. It's like having an ocean worth of water to drink but dying of thirst.

Poo-tin sent Russian meat to Chernobyl to be cured. One look at that humongous shiny aluminum semi-cylinder (a sarcophagus) would have told me that it was something very special; yes, I grew up under the reading guardianship of my illiterate parents so I "drove a trackless tram" all over any and all terrains of knowledge because I was initially "marooned" on the library next door to my elementary/primary school (I did have the good sense of realizing that "I've got to get out of this boring place," by griping to my Big Brother who subsequently gave me in response a subscription to a children's magazine with many pictures -- in most areas of knowledge, one's interest can grow with one's improved understanding and control over "the game," especially so if one wins, but of course, no one wins all the time -- the important point being that one wins more than one loses and doesn't get overly emotional about the losses; one can forgive oneself quicker than an upcoming weekend confession can.) It's disheartening to see starved-of-accurate-information people being sent into a "meat grinder." The only consolation for their parents would be "they were patriotic Russian meat."

If they wanted to be cured by ionizing radiation (why 'ionizing'? life is electric fire {fire is Ionic, neither Doric nor Corinthian} burning slowly in water), they could have visited Moscow's suburbs where the new real estate developments had been started. Remember that there was always a good reason why a plot of land in a suburb of a "highly desirable" city like Moscow had remained vacant or abandoned (though more energetic than Red China's to-be-livable real estate of the future).

Moscow real estate could very well be rated by zero-Covid policy with North Korean characteristics as: G - Good, PG - Pretty Good, R - Recommended, and X - eXcellent. Novice bibliophile loves watching Virginia's porn better than reading "the adventures of the trackless tram." North Korea offers cheap Red labor to Europeans.

Ukraine actually had much to thank Red China for having sold their truck tires to its "no-limits" ally Russia because armored and motorized Russian troops ran out of supplies which had to come from those supply trucks with Red Chinese "no-limits" characteristics. Those weren't "Made-in-U.S.A." Lend-Lease supply trucks of WWII Red Army counteroffensive fame (Germans used horses for supplying their frontline troops but the Soviets used American trucks as well as U.S. mass production technology introduced earlier for making New England sloops and later on the Ford Model T.) India stayed poor (longer than Red China which had made the correct decision not to mess with Hong Kong despite Britain's wanting to toss the "hot potato" back earlier than the bulk of Hong Kong's lease expiration date of July 1st, 1997 on its "New Territories") because it believed Stalin's propaganda about superior socialist organization of [actually initially American and capitalistic] mass production.

Of course, Red China being led by the idiotic supremely selfish unpatriotic CCP [Red Stalinist] zealot Mao fared much worse than India did with the Great "Leap Forward" which became the Great [manmade] Famine and followed by the [Chinese] Cultural Devolution which is why Taiwan now possesses more genuine Chinese culture than the Chinese mainland itself which does possess billions of ignoramus dunces, manufactured by the Great Firewall for Ignorance.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 2 years ago

Per the OP - "'Disgusting': Starbucks to Help Its Workers With Student Debt—Unless They're in a Union"! by Jessica Corbett:

Which starts with these very words: "After withholding raises from unionized employees earlier this year, "Starbucks is doubling down on the illegality," said one critic.

And ends with these - "Labor organizers are planning to mark Investor Day with a rally & protest outside Starbucks' Seattle headquarters Tuesday morning. One local union said members will be demonstrating to urge Starbucks "to stop union-busting and to give workers a seat at the table."

Finally, U fk-wit; d'U think that I read your ever mutating, fkn random, retarded, ramshackle, ramblings?!

et per aspera - ad iudicium!!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 5 years ago

''Five Reasons for Workers to Celebrate This Labor Day'' by Rebecca Burns:

respice; adspice; prospice ...


[-] 0 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

Interesting Counterpunch article, TD. I like this quote:

"Every tool is a weapon, if you hold it right."

How true.