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Forum Post: CdC & FeMa:Huge Numbers of Coffins in fields as preparation for what?

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 16, 2011, 4:46 a.m. EST by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Is anybody seeing fields in rural or semi rural areas with anything that looks like this? No mortuary company that I know of would do anything remotely resembling this, not even Bates casket co. or Service Corp. International (SCI). Also, if anybody reading here works for FEMA or CDC please comment. We know the military/Navy is always more than prepared but something is odd about this especially the 3 year prep/setup timeline mentioned at the end.

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction/CT theories, what do you think? Check out this video on YouTube: FEMA COFFINS! PROOF OF FEMA CAMP PLANS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FnZLx8J4oM&feature=youtube_gdata_player




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[-] 1 points by jwhite (13) 13 years ago

There was a disease scare around that time that if real would need , millions of coffins- It never happened-- replete nothing happened- false alarm.


A most chilling report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Science for Prime Minister Putin states that a “mysterious die-off” in the United States has claimed over 2,000,000 lives since 2008 and is “more than likely” linked to a “crossover” plant disease linked to genetically modified grains and foods.

According to these reports this mysterious, and as yet unidentified, lung disease responsible for this mass die-off began during the spring of 2008 in the US agricultural State of Iowa where (very ironically) at least 36 people attending a Lung Association event at the Governors mansion were stricken.

Important to note about Iowa is that it is one of the largest corn producing regions in the World harvesting over 2 billon bushels of this valuable grain farmed on nearly 32 million acres of its farmland, over 99% of which are genetically modified varieties made by the US agricultural giant Monsanto and idententifeid by their trade names of Mon 863, insecticide-producing Mon 810, and Roundup® herbicide-absorbing NK 603.

Not reported to the American people about these genetically modified corn varieties made by Monsanto was the study released by the International Journal of Biological Sciences warning that they were linked to organ damage. Monsanto quickly responded to this study, stating that the research was “based on faulty analytical methods and reasoning and do not call into question the safety findings for these products.”

Russian scientists in these reports, however, call Monsanto’s claim of their genetically modified Mon 863 corn as being safe for human or animal consumption “totally without validation”, a finding supported by the French biomolecular engineering commission, the Commission du Génie Biomoléculaire (CGB) who stated in their report, “with the present data it cannot be concluded that GM corn MON 863 is a safe product.”

Further supporting the findings of Russian scientists was Greenpeace International, who in their report titled “MON 863: A chronicle of systematic deception” warned that the campaign to unearth and evaluate data about this most dangerous of genetically modified grains demonstrates, beyond all doubt, that MON863 is unfit for consumption.

Most unfortunately for the American people though, all of these warnings have been ignored by their government masters who have allowed the mass planting of these genetically modified crops to such an extent that in the United States today fully 80% of their corn and 93% of their soybeans are of these dangerous varieties and leading one Russian scientist in these reports to warn that our World is now on the verge of experiencing an ecological disaster of “Biblical proportions”.

And according to these reports this ecological disaster is well underway in the United States and supported by American death statistics showing that of the nearly 2.5 million deaths reported by them each year the number of “sudden deaths” has increased to 40% equaling out to over 2 million “mysterious and unexplained” deaths from early 2008 to March, 2010.

Now of these “mysterious and unexplained” American deaths, these reports continue, nearly all of them are lung related and being erroneously documented as being caused by influenza and pneumonia type diseases so as not to panic these peoples, but have, instead, been caused by as an yet unidentified plant virus that has successfully jumped the species barrier to human beings.

Supporting Russian scientists in these conclusions is new research being conducted by the Didier Raoult of the University of the Mediterranean in Marseilles, France, where for the first time in human history a plant virus has been found to cause problems in people.

Russian scientists further claim in these reports that the United States mass vaccination of their population this past year for the supposed H1N1 Swine Flu epidemic was instead a “very clumsy attempt” to stop the spreading of this mysterious lung disease by injecting into these peoples a DNA “fix” to this genetically modified corn, and which by all the evidence available, they state, appears to have failed.

For those wondering how the United States government could ever allow such a monstrous outrage to be committed on their citizens one only need know that over the past 10 years Monsanto has paid over $500 million in bribing those American officials responsible for food safety while at the same time has joined US corporate giants General Electric and Exxon Mobil in not paying any taxes despite the billions in profits they have reaped.

And for those Americans believing that President Obama will protect them from these outrages they couldn’t be more mistaken, and as we can read as reported by the Huffington Post News Service in their article titled “You’re Appointing Who? Please Obama, Say It’s Not So!” and which, in part, says:

“The person who may be responsible for more food-related illness and death than anyone in history has just been made the US food safety czar. This is no joke.

Here’s the back story.

When FDA scientists were asked to weigh in on what was to become the most radical and potentially dangerous change in our food supply — the introduction of genetically modified (GM) foods — secret documents now reveal that the experts were very concerned. Memo after memo described toxins, new diseases, nutritional deficiencies, and hard-to-detect allergens. They were adamant that the technology carried “serious health hazards,” and required careful, long-term research, including human studies, before any genetically modified organisms (GMOs) could be safely released into the food supply.

But the biotech industry had rigged the game so that neither science nor scientists would stand in their way. They had placed their own man in charge of FDA policy and he wasn’t going to be swayed by feeble arguments related to food safety. No, he was going to do what corporations had done for decades to get past these types of pesky concerns. He was going to lie.”

Even worse for these American people are those believing they will be able to change their government in the upcoming National elections to be held in the United States this coming November, but which new reports are showing that Obama is also preparing for with a special military unit called the “Consequence Management Response Force” said ready to deploy during these elections at his command from his White House fortress the Washington Post writes has now become more like “Soviet-era Moscow” then the house of the people it used to be should these Americans begin to rise up against the growing corporate-run police state surrounding them.

New reports from America are also warning that Obama’s growing police state government is further moving against its own citizens by ordering their Internet giants to turn over all emails written by every citizen in their country, an insidious move Yahoo, for one, has vowed to fight.

To the final outcome of all of these events it is not in our knowing, other than to note that in the same week that one of Obama’s Federal Courts has outlawed all Americans from celebrating their National Prayer Day, and Obama has vowed to rid the United States of all of its nuclear weapons, President Putin, on the other hand, stated that Russia’s internal and external security depends upon two things – “its traditional religions and its nuclear forces”…and leaving no doubt whatsoever that our World has, indeed, turned upside down as the US descends into tyranny and Russia moves toward freedom.

Even the CDC admits over 2 million dead in the US

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WF-RKzqNtz0&feature=BFa&list=PL83F6492FA7EACDEA&lf=PlayList BBC Supervolcano docu-drama with list of consulting agencies including FEMA(just let each module from 1-12 run through because they continuously run from section to section until the end on Youtube.)

FYI, shortly after Mt. St. Helens blew I flew around it within permissible distance. Our Beechcraft Bonanza V-tail aircraft's single engine labored and let out a few short coughs as we went by because of the ash lingering in the air.

When Yellowstone's Caldera blows this movie is perhaps the most realistic thing I have seen with professional and scientifically based illustrative effects.

The BBC should be proud of this production.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

FEMA National Level exercise/prep And why do we need a national alert ? Think?? Watch and learn, use your brain for those who doubt.... Don't be afraid....








NICT to monitor the magnetosphere yourself. Go back to March, and watch what caused the EQ....Click home, and goto archives.. Have fun!


[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

The CDC is only involved because water will be contamiated with sewage leading to cholera, etc... There will be contamination... I am not sure if the conspiracy theorists (Jesse Ventura/Alex Jones) leak info out, but they put a spin on it....So it sounds wacky and nobody pays attention. The real context is there...But with a spin. Mainstream does not address issues. I will post links to facts. Watch them on you tube in order and you do the math....

[-] 1 points by pumpkin (43) 13 years ago

That is the first sense-able thing i have heard- Jessie and Jones need to get their head out. Normal caskets leak- CDC recommends that all caskets be put into a casket liner. which explains why they are so big--

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

They got the facts, and play with us... and make money doing it. The media does not capitalize on this so they do. They cater to an audience that is left in the dark. There is a market, so they report.....I extrapolate their context as I do with all media. Take the emotion out of it , strip off the spin and analyze the facts... Jones does report a lot of fact, but he is biased and puts a little too much effort. He is way to passionate so it maybe a point of view. I believe the Bilderberg agenda - Facts like fluoride in water, they have a point...HAARP/chemtrails... That is for studying/modifying ionosphere and patching for solar storms, I know what the government is doing....But they are allowed to leak it only if they spin it...and use "mind control" weather modification, etc. . Get it people??? read between the lines, the gray area is where the truth is always found....The scientists they interview on HAARP on Jesse Ventura said the key phrase - HAARP is for studying the ionosphere, and we do the same thing the sun already does....The sun alters it, there is a hole in the magnetosphere... HAARP is for patching that hole...It could be used for other purposes, but c'mon... Many beleive the spin - I analyze and it is such - HAARP is for shielding the US, as are the chemtrails. The aluminum oxides, heated into clouds reflects the cosmic radiation back out. They are playing "god" not to mess up the climate, to try and get us to ride out the solar storm....But it will only do so much.. Watch the movies in the link....Analyze info, and questions always seem to answer themselves. Jones and Ventura are like watching a comedy to me...I called Jones, and got through. I started out, and as soon as I got to the facts, he "didn't have time" and had to goto break. I was chastised off air, and told they couldn't air that info. He actually accused me of testing him, he said he knows the rules, and I will comply.... That tells me something....I am already on the list and I do not care. I wouldn't mind employment in the think tank, who knows they tried with me once already......

[-] 1 points by ilovecars (36) 13 years ago

You are right- of course- Their motive is to make money- and if they can lie and distort the facts, they make more money.
It good to have people like you who, can scientifically, see thru the BS and revile the truth. sadly most of us, want to believe the first thing we hear and refuse to see any deeper.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

Do not forget, they are privy to info that we are not directly. The mindset is anybody agreeing with them are conspiracy theorists. Nobody will believe anyways. They report the facts, but are allowed to provided they spin it so it caters to the market. You (AJ and Jesse) can have the info, and the majority will not bite. They are reporting facts but make it sound like they will exterminate the population.. If the government/elites really wanted to, they would have by now and would have blamed some other country. Next locked us down and censored everything. They will do that to an extent but not in the extremes they report. The FDA approves additives to food, so the drug companies have treatments for the diseases caused. Example Sodium benzoate turns to benzene in presence of ascorbic acid (vitamin c) this will result in leukemia patients, which require treatment. It makes money. Problem/Reaction/Soultion methodology. Another one - High fructose corn syrup - approved for food, leads to T2 diabetes - Another industry, lancets, test strips, docs, metformin, they all make out on deal. It creates commerce. Educate yourself, avoid the crap / eat organic, and treat yourself with natural methods - they work. The CDC/WHO/AFO/FDA are all economic regulators. Nothing more...Use the laws and guidelines set as "safe" to regulate toxins and drugs. It is cheaper to eat /be healthy than to abuse oneself and submit to the toxins/drugs/treatments that cost more in the long run. You get what you pay for in all aspects of life...

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

The scientific method works. Logical thinking works. They report the facts , but with slant or spin. Gather data from ALL media sources. Take out all the slant and spin. Open word, type your own report from data gathered. The truth will be in the word document, apply logical critical thinking to what is left and apply scientific method. Answers are there every time. Any reasonable doubt and that is where you seek. It may be a conspiracy to some, but there is always a logical explanation. I could probably have a show. But it would not get ratings. No negative fear spin. No potential chaos....I can tell you the solar storms are fact, the hole in magnetosphere is fact, pole is shifting, fact, but I will not make it worse than what it is. We are in for some crap, but it wont be the reasons exploited. It may be bad, but when it happens - and it will. We will have to simply deal with it. I am ready for death , if it is my time...so be it...I have no stake in the outcome either way. If something happens to my family, it will hurt but that is part of life. If I survive, I will help wherever I can. Prepare in advance to lose everything, and if you lose less you come out ahead. If you lose nothing, then tomorrow is another day. Material can always be replaced. People on the other hand are priceless, and it often takes disaster to remind us of what matters most.....

[-] 1 points by ilovecars (36) 13 years ago

I remember reading about the shifting of the magnetic poles. every few hundred thousand years? the bottom of the ocean floor between America and Europe, show when they have occurred. no mass extinctions associated with them.
The complete magnetic reversal seemed to occur in a few days? It was believed that massive solar storms caused the switch, but you see indications that the Magnetosphere is weakening? ouch I expect that a reversal would , destroy all electrical equipment - and end civilization- And since all the easily gotten oil, natural gas, minerals are gone- and they are only available with large inputs of technology- technical civilization can never start on this planet again.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

If you know about bow shock and polar flip, it is recorded at this site daily. Here is a snapshot right now. http://www2.nict.go.jp/y/y223/simulation/realtime/

Goto home, then archive and watch March 2011 section begin with March 4th. I knew of big earthquake, just did not know where it would hit. DIVX player required.

Here is article for a pole shift:


[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

Many in our military are concerned about recent developments, see Check out this video on YouTube:


[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

I will go over what you have posted and thank you!

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

Preparation for the big New Madrid quake. Recall Virgina Quake. They are doing Tsunami drills, etc. Starts with solar cycle 24 and has started now. I can predict the quakes after the helio bow shock. I cant tell you where look at the pacific ring of fire. Things are gonna get shaky and wet I promise you!


[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

you mention 'helio bow shock' perhaps this is what Michio Kaku, Physicist is referring to here:


nature does have its cycles and solar maximums are among them.

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

Here is a seismic focus on N.America http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Maps/region/N_America.php Have your local govt. agencies been advising your community of the purpose or are they simply hauling these casket liners en masse?

I know CDC distributed fliers in Concord, CA when a number of squirrels were found with black plague/ysernia pestis warning residents and with a description of the odd behavior to look for in squirrels. It was in 1990 or so when this happened so I'm not sure if it also mentioned other vermin.

Thanks in advance for any other info. from those who live in the areas where FEMA is prepping in this way.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

I have been recipient of inside info from many sources. I go with my instincts. The pole shift is taking place. We have had bear sightings, suicidal birds, confused birds, die-offs, sharks on cape cod you name it. It is going on on a global scale. I have personally experienced EMP due to geomagnetic storm. Many ECO light bulbs blew out, lost computer hard drives, and had some interesting GPS issues. I took out my old fashioned compass in March 2011, and it was twitching/spinning on its own. There is something going on. My instincts are with nature, not with the media or city environment.

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

Yes, and it's a fact that animals sense seismic activity before humans. One thing that has also been reported is a sudden increase in snakes above ground prior to earthquakes. We have documentation too of reports to USGS we've made when we both sensed micro to small earthquakes-we can hear the very low earth sounds that occur prior to, during and after quakes, it's a distinct sound and not everybody is able to hear it. If you want to try to hear the low earth sounds, go out to a nature area where there are little to no sounds from a city, sit quietly on the ground and see if you hear a low pitch that seems to come from below you. If you do hear it, then you are able to hear somewhat as others do who have a greater ability to hear it.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

Yep, II forgot to mention when I get severe migraines, I check USGS/NASA STEREO /NICT and find another bow shock occurred due to a coronal mass ejection. The Japan EQ, I felt like crap all week. I checked online just after the quake. It wasn't till the next day, I put the news on and found out about the tsunami. Next yep another quake....I can sense these things, my cats moan and groan.... We had a tiny one in MA, I had a migraine for a week. That is instinct. I know what the low rumble is. I am one of the few I know in touch with nature. I feel this planet is changing, big time. I felt like crap the week the pole shift happened. Then on the news, Tampa airport re-numbered runways. I have been watching this for years, and it is getting worse with solar cycle 24 about to pick up..... We are in for some crap.....NSTAR (power company in my area) and National grid has been upgrading insulators and arrestors all over. We had 2 line transformer blowouts, and two main sub station blow outs since 2010. This is huge, and I spoke to NSTAR rep I know he told me that they are preparing for the future, wont tell my why when I ask and he says your smart and can figure it out.

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

That's interesting about the migraines and your feeling bad the week of the Japan quake. My husband can really hear the earth sounds better than me so what I do if I'm sensing things are a bit 'off' I ask him and if he's hearing 'horrible background' what I do is go to www.usgs.gov and scan the world and local quakes. We have found that his hearing allows for documentable differentiation for local and very distant quake activity (like right now) to him the sounds are very building like just before Japan had their very large quakes and right now it looks like Southern California,South America,Indonesia/NewGuinea are in for some more activity. I'm familiar with CME (coronal mass ejection) will have to lookup 'bow shock' since I'd never seen that mentioned so far on NASA pictures or the time lapse shots of the sun.

Every 11 years the sun has these maximums and in aviation the weather service does a pretty good job keeping tabs. This cycle though with the talk of it being larger makes me wonder especially with the history of the horrific fires that occured in the 1800's that we now know were due to the sun.

You mention El Hierro (it's in the Canary Islands) this volcano I remember as a little girl in the 1970's was mentioned as a harbinger of a great disaster in waiting that could cause a mega tsunami. Here's one article that sort of comes close to newspaper reports at the time in the '70's that contained illustrations and photos but now we have a video included in the article which beats the old way: http://www.tumbit.com/news/articles/3921-el-hierro-tsunami-chance.html "It has long been speculated that any volcanic eruption of the Caldera de Taburiente Volcano on the neighbouring island of La Palma may cause a Tsunami of up to 300mts that would cross the Atlantic in a matter of hours. Geologists believe that this is exactly what happened when the El Hierro Volcano broke apart and fell into the Ocean thousands of years ago, creating the 'Val del Golfo' crescents shaped bay, and creating a Tsunami that was largely responsible for the creation of the Florida Everglades."

The other thing, since we're in the Western most states, we have something equally bad, that giant Caldera in Yellowstone that will blow one of these days along with the volcanic areas in Washington area (remember Mt. St. Helens when it blew?) Anyway, about Yellowstone's Caldera, you can read about it here: http://www.earthmountainview.com/yellowstone/yellowstone.htm (see the movie links for 'SUPERVOLCANO' the movie based on the science) and USGS.gov is watching it.

To me, this information completely makes sense as to WHY data dependent major interests and even our own government are duplicating their businesses/databases in both Las Vegas and Reno, NV

Maybe the economic hardship causing us to 'evacuate' from the San Francisco Bay Area to Reno, NV is strangely fortuitous for the purposes of preservation of life and limb? I don't know, but I'm sure glad my husband is a Vet with service connected pension until we can both get back to making money to live more normally.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

The government is always several steps ahead. They will not tell the public now, as people WILL panic. I am a realist and know what is happening and coming. I will not panic, but most people are not like me. Example - I have been in a building that was on fire. I watch, wait for others to act and follow my instinct. When entering the building I always check out the escape routes and go for a walk, and find them. I got out, and was the first. I take the lead, others follow that are like me, and remain calm. We herd others out, like teachers do in a school fire drill. I am a leader in those situations, and it always takes someone to step up and snap people into reality. Humans naturally try to go out the way they come in. I even go towards the fire in attempt to grab extinguishers and put it out. I pulled the alarm. The rest often trample one another, and this is fact. We are programmed from school days with fire drills, and If people panic, the result is chaos. Most adults forget now and this is why people always get hurt heading for exit. I head opposite way every time in a situation. Then the alarm sounds, they are paralyzed. That is why they are instituting a National emergency test, to get ready for what is coming. That is the national "fire alarm" if you will. Since when do the need to announce to the whole nation an emergency? I can tell you something big is going to happen, not exactly when but I am certain. It is moving slow, but the sun is about to get very active. If they told people now, and set dates, people would panic now and economy would collapse sooner - the results would be worse. They evacuate areas as other disasters allow, and move people to the next safe zone, if they will be affected. No matter where you are, none of us are 100% safe. From what I know the caldera is not on the radar, it is the east/west/gulf coastal areas, New Madrid Seismic Zone. I will survive, as I won't take the route everyone else goes. This is why NASA and FEMA tell us now to prepare a kit of water food, clothes and have a plan. They will not say on March 18th, El Hierro will erupt. That will mess everyone up and grind things to halt, and if they are wrong or off a few days then nobody will evacuate when it really happens. I know what is coming, but cannot set an exact date. They drilled for EQ's around New Madrid, and have drilled for tsunamis in various east coast regions, including Plymouth/Carver in May. I am ready as much as I can be, and I think a lot of the government spending and bunker building is preparation for what is coming.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

Not to mention again all the stray wandering bear sightings, the birds, (the birds are the key) the sharks, its crazy around here. We even have squirrels that are misbehaving......All of these symptoms, I check and yep another bow shock, eruption you name it. Massive flooding this area 2010. National Guard and FEMA deployed minutes from my home. Some areas still underwater... The sun is the cause of the geomag/helio pressure and pole shift - people are in for a big surprise. I can't wait anymore.... I have a front row seat....The FEMA camps are for civil unrest, eco collapse and all of the above. They are drilling for tsunamis now on coastal states, Atlantic buoys are in place. Just boat out to Martha's vineyard. Saw one....TSUNAMI R&W bands.... If El Hierro erupts, the predicted landslide (depending on tide) I will be underwater, or waterfront property ;) Don't forget the Mississippi River ran bacwards this year, , then rain came through, this is all out there. All one has to do is seek the pieces of the puzzle - context. Put them together, use logic and viola....The hypnotized pop culture masses fail to see the obvious. I as well as a few Wampanoag Indians who are in touch with the creator know. The answers are always for all to see. If there is too much noise, go to nature, a way from noise and people. There are rock ledges and locations on the reservation and state forest. You can hear so much if you open up to it. We are way more powerful than most people allow themselves to be......