Forum Post: CAUTION: Indigenous Misinformation!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 5:45 p.m. EST by crawlingbrain
from Montreal, QC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Ok, what's really irritating me right now is this poster that's floating around the internet:
Now, I'm excited this takes the North American settler states and their ongoing colonization one serious step further into the mainstream mind. But if you fuck up the google search required to find out that New York is Lenape traditional territory and Algonquin traditional territory is on the Ottawa River watershed in Eastern Canada, five hundred kilometers north, you're doing an incredible disservice to the indigenous nation that is fighting against so many odds for survival.
So I email the artist because I feel it's important if this viral shit's going to bring the poster around the world, to be factually accurate, for the Lenape's sake. Having done indigenous solidarity activist work (with Algonquins, incidentally) the most important thing to keep in mind is that you must take leadership from the community members, but there is no solidarity going on here, it's just some Shepard Fairey wannabe with a rasterized photo of Sitting Bull and when I emailed him he told me that, the Lenape are the "elders" of the Algonquins.
Clearly he hasn't spoken to members of either nation.
I wouldn't care except this misinformation could catch on like wildfire. So, hey, LN, how the fuck do I get this before it becomes a chant on Wall Street and inadvertently, ignorantly, well-meaningly, further erases the Lenape First Nation? (For more information, pls google, or:
Please join me in informing the author,, that factual accuracy, especially when it comes to indigenous land ownership, is a must. Sloppy fact-checking is anti-revolutionary.