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Forum Post: Castrate the Plutocrates

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 3:13 p.m. EST by TPCO (32)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I come here not to speak to the fools, the misguided, and the puppets of the Plutocrats. I come here to castrate the seeds of power sowed by evil men. Money is power and power is money. The Plutocrats of both political parties thrive by creating conflict and profiting from your and my misery. Don’t you see the ruse of conflict and misery? Are you not learned in these ways? Plutocrats of both political parties, come to serve no one but themselves.

Didn’t LBJ have Brown and Root?

Didn’t Chaney have Halliburton?

Are they not the same?

Profit made from death, blood, and misery.

Plutocrats of both political parties point and chastise their foes, do so only to redirect self incrimination. Plutocrats of both political parties must plundering and rape the weak minded, exploit all, to profit now and in due time. Thus we must end this profit the Plutocrats of both political parties thrive upon.

Government power is not weapons of war but taxes, because taxes are money and money is power.

Taxation is power, and the life blood of the elected. Taxation fills the Plutocrats campaign coffers insuring power and influence. We have a contract which created the Republic, which goes unfilled for all because of the corruption of Plutocratic politics.

We must castrate the Plutocrats of their power by making taxation equal and restoring the contract between all men created equal and the Government by and for the people.



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[-] 1 points by Bernie (117) 13 years ago

We cannot make taxation equal, until we stop playing their game of law making by and for the 1%. The only way we can stop playing their political game is stop the money going to OUR elected Representatives and their lobbyists. If we confuse the issue we will get nothing done. Money out of Politics!

[-] 1 points by TPCO (32) 13 years ago

Public financed campaign will never happen in this country, to believe otherwise questions one’s sanity. All I suggest is attainable.

[-] 1 points by Bernie (117) 13 years ago

Why are you here?

[-] 1 points by TPCO (32) 13 years ago

A flat tax with no deductions will restore the republic.