Forum Post: Capitalism Vs Advertising. Ads win
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 2:30 p.m. EST by youngandoutraged
from Iowa City, IA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
In my view, the main fault of capitalism is the proliferation of advertising. The whole premise of the free market is that consumers will choose the best product, company, or political candidate, but advertising corrupts this. The very first assumption that you start with in ANY economics class (before cereris paribus) is that competitors and consumers have perfect information, but as soon as ads are introduced, the whole point of capitalism is defeated. Realize this, and we can remake capitalism as the engine of progress it once was.
Why do we constantly pick sub par products and politicians? Advertising. Why can the natural gas industry convince us that job creation is more important that our water tables? Advertising. Why can't we do anything about it? Advertising.
The power of money won't allow advertising to end.
The confluence of money and power has basically made capitalism it's bitch. This is just a new way to approach the problem. Ads don't have to end, but consider this. Instead of buying a 30 second spot that will run for 2 months, invest in local infrastructure and put your name on it. think about the fact that the most advanced buildings in America are sports stadiums and other corporate sponsored public buildings. We just have to change the way companies interact with the public, and that's at the heart of OWS
Isn't that the reason for protest?
any economists care to join in?
do you know, before googling it, what mandrake is?
enlighten me
no, thats what a commercial or advertisement is for, like this one
but with the internet, is it really necessary to pound an advertisers message into us with brute force? can we really not trust the public to make a decision on the best products and services? i thought that was the main benefit of the 'free market'
this aspect boils down to self control. turn off the tv, stop reading every billboard on instinct. most of the services you enjoy and that allow the level of free communication on the internet, you get in exchange for ad space. it's like someone else paying the bill, in exchange you grant them the same freedom of speech you are enjoying.
Then tell me how we can reconcile the economic assumption of perfect competition/ perfect information with the poor choices we as consumers have consistently made with regard to products, services, and elected officials. I know that if everyone were as intelligent as you, we would not be in any of the problems we are in now, but unless you think our system of government needs to be more authoritarian, it seems like you are arguing for the status quo
the people in power set the trends. business and otherwise. keep that in mind. use it as a motivator.