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Forum Post: Capitalism & the Free Market, are not Freedom. Money is Mind-Control.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 2:22 p.m. EST by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Capitalism & the Free Market, are not Freedom. Their belief in money, is mind controlling you into believing that you SHOULD HAVE TO PAY to Exist on the Planet. "If you don't work, you don't eat" is ENEMY PROPAGANDA, meant to sway your heart & mind into thinking it's ok for you to let police, harm people for eating food & forcing them out of their home, if they don't continue to pay rent or their mortgage. We must end the Tyranny of money, for it rules us ALL, by buying, a bunch of guns, which the powers that be, stick in your face. Please, try to PROVE ME WRONG, i need a good laugh today?

Money was great up until the last century, before we knew any better.

http://www.earthship.org/ http://www.reprapcentral.com/ http://www.thevenusproject.com/



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[-] 2 points by bravotango (3) 13 years ago

the highest living standard humans have ever seen has come from capitalistic societies. Real capitalism, not this lobbiest bought version is the answer. Focus on the problem (it is not money), it is the imbalance of powers via the link between Washington and Wall St.

[-] 1 points by unlappeddog (13) 13 years ago


i am willing to tolerate anti-capitalist sentiments because if we are going to beat the system anti-capitalist and pro-free market types are going to have to join forces. that is why i suggest adopting demands which both can agree on and which are the most urgent. i say end the FED and end the wars.

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

Washington & Wall Street couldn't ruin us without money, they buy cops to bludgeon the people for the people.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

Transition Plan;

This is plan in detail for how to transition your current corporate oligarchic fascist death cult Civilization into a genuinely civilized and egalitarian Free Market Democracy.

Phase 1.Viral Internet Information Paradigm Shift

  1. Immediately network and create a wiki and forum installation per city and per senate and congressional office and for the office of the the predicency.
  2. Fill out that network with hard science information and in each case use open source science centered direct democracy think tanks to work and solve the problems; having each participant do actual live research in order to educate themselves and report back to the group.
  3. List out 50 main different political issues and address each one of them in detail, by slowly deliberating science facts as such facts apply to those problems.
  4. Position and Organize and network and market your product and then Take Every last major Political Office in the USA.

Phase 2. Immediately begin looking for and organizing groups to get off the grid, and go in on land and form community together.

  1. Network
  2. Explore your dream community ideas using open source design to find people who have similar ideal communities.
  3. Find 100 people who want to live in the same general area as you and then start looking for land.
  4. Buy the land. Permaculture, Aquaculture, and geothermal power station the land, and then...
  5. Become agriculturally and economically and industrially self sufficient in that community.

Phase 3. Write and Implement the new laws

  1. Future laws can be written immediately.
  2. Implmentation comes as soon as we get our people into office and they implement.
  3. This means that we form a new peoples political party and base it in formal logic, Non violent communication, Science Centered open source problem solving process, and direct Democracy.
  4. Eventually one of the new laws we make is an NI4D Style law which makes the American public a new third branch of congress; allowing them to write laws and directly interact with the other branches of government at every level and at each step in any process.

Phase 4. End Poverty

  1. Indentify the specific Needs and strong social tactics for meeting those needs which still invest that energy back into society.
  2. Build new Arcology sized Modern Cities
  3. Permaculture the Streets; Make edible plants the standard yard stock.
  4. Create systemic equality in the system and a genuine free market system so that it is a fair and just and even playing field; not a corporate oligarchy con scam and rigged casino with 10 different kinds of pwns playing ideology chess on the corporate oligarchy chess board.

Phase 5. Organize into exotic and brilliant genius open source think tanks and begin working all of the other problems, this should easily generate evolutionary answers to those problems and evolve civilization instead if holding it back. The corporate oligarchy has been holding back social and civil progress for thousands of years now... given modern information and science that elastic band can snap back the other way now if we all embrace knowledge.

  1. Read textbooks.
  2. Read more textbooks.
  3. Share what you know with everyone.
  4. Work to solve social and civil problems from knowledge instead of from ideology, and to cooperate instead of argue and bicker over ideology team sides.
  5. read more textbooks.
  6. Solve social and civil problems in open source think tanks.
  7. Wash, rinse, spin, repeat.

Phase 6. Claim the Stars.

  1. Use your open source think tanks to design space ships. At first recreationally and science fictionally but with a slowly creeping attention to detail and realism.
  2. Start in on space stations and especially captured asteroids.
  3. Once these things are designed and once we have solved our other problems on earth including ending poverty, build space ships and colonize our solar system.
  4. Build larger space ships and send them to the nearest 1000 stars.

  5. Nanotech.

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

Great ideas...... i'll need to read this over again before i can comment properly.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

add your own ideas. you should be able to ramble off some if you are all tzmed up? this is always the fine test isn't it? transition plan? okay tzmers? whats the transition plan?

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

i posted my idea above, there are others out there just Google it, & do your own research. My idea simply suggests using the current welfare & education systems. For Welfare, teach people sustainability concepts to get the poor into off the grid homes that feed them http://www.earthship.org/ this will get them off the dole, forever. Essentially, i suggest that we also change our education system to be geared towards the 7 liberal arts as well & in high school have them create their own earhships & 3D printers http://www.reprapcentral.com/ you can also make the resin out of milk in your home. In the end, i suggest a DIY revolution, which will take all the power back from the current paradigm & give it back to the people through sustainability education, because being off the grid & sustainable = Freedom

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

good additional ideas to add into a good transition plan.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

the venus project is a cult.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

NICE ACCE; MAIN GROUP https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_163532010364963


Metaphysics Advanced;


Psychonautics Advanced


Ethics Advanced


Psychology Advanced


USA Civic History For NICE/TZM


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Collaborative Fiction https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_143954769010766&ap=1

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[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

If you sincerely believe that, then it means you have done no research or are a troll or are simply wrong, & creating both a strawman & poisoning the well fallacies. Congratulations, you have failed as an intellectual. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxjwBZjADiM Freedomain Radio Debates The Venus Project/Zeitgeist Moving Forward

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

i have spent thousands of hours trying to help them. i don't believe in anything. They are an evil fascist cult, and they have no solutions and frankly are anti intellectual.

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

Their solutions are simple, it's sustainable systems, based on opensource technology, like repraps (3Dprinters), toss in some solar & wind for energy, & aquaponics (fishfarming with veggie production) & poof the solutions based on intellectual science. Need more proof, check this movie out; http://www.twitvid.com/VLJUG Blueprints for Star Trek (NSFW)

Sorry gawdoftrolls, you're wrong, the proof is in this comment.

You wasted 1000's of hours of you life, & i destroyed your argument in like 4-5 lines, typing for like 2-3 minutes, BAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

not only is your retort comical, but if you want real blue prints for star trek, I'm your guy and The venus project is again incapable of collaboration.



funny how a contract which reads like the venus project one does not encourage people to join but rather scares them and makes them run for the hills. if i shared ideas with venus project they would still belong to me. not the venus project. pretty much anybody worth their time feels the same way. Go read the contract they have and tell me it isn't fascism. Star Trek my butt. They couldn't organize an open source think tank to save their souls. and they haven't. 10 thousand participants. pack and cult psychology. not a sliver of a chance for evolutionary group consciousness or mass intelligence.

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

i can't see said media album i must be blocked by the group it's in & the groups link with photo is empty of all but 14 people, & there was no photos..... still seems like your a conartist troll. Again, show me proof, or STFU&GTFO

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago


i have dozens of images in there which are blue prints for next generation space ships. if you can't see them then i need a more exacting report so i know what FB is censoring.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

the groups are open. karmatinfoil. dude. you calling me a troll? lol

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

ok, i've seen you profile, you're not a troll, but if you think TZM&TVP are cults you're still wrong & have shown no proof. However, i do find the starship designs interesting. Point is, you also haven't proven that my ideas are wrong nor have you proven that Money isn't a form of Tyranny.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

money is a form of tyrany. easy to get that out of the way first. so is taxes and rent.

if you have any interest in any of the rest of that, then, you belong with team NICE... and its time to leave team MEAN.

http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_163532010364963&view=doc&id=169262663125231#!/home.php?sk=group_163532010364963&view=doc&id=165096780208486 V.I.I.R.


University Project First Steps


University Project Brainstorm


NICE University


Psychonautics Textbook


Socratic Method


Different Kinds of Geothermal Power


Common Myths and Misconceptions About Geothermal Power


Zero Carbon Cities


Energy cost Benefit Analysis


Applications In Practice and Theory for Arcologies


Mega Scale Engineering Criteria


main Problems Clusters


sugestions on how to proceed


WAR vs Economic Social Justice

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

your 2nd link led me to this at the bottom of the page :

Michael Morley-Clarke I'm thinking some analogous examples of the RBE concepts would be good. Resource management, recognition of 'needs' as the driving force, examples of how these ideas could be expanded to a household, city or planet. Discussions and reflection could follow, on how the exercise helped the group overcome a problem and allowing people to come up with other ways this method could be used.

So Thanks, seems we're on the same side after all!

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

uhm hummm. :)

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

So why the attack & cult comment? We could have been hanging out for a long time now..... likely we were friends on FB already... i probably blocked you for attacking me about RBE concepts. Why would you do that? It's divisional & as MEAN as you say i have been? Ego aside, please, ask yourself, why did you attack like that? Just to push your version of the same kind of agenda? i'm glad i am learning from this conflict, but it is a mean spirited strawman fallacy to call TZM/TVP a cult. When we all see RBE as a way forward.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

because its true. it is a cult. because i am the genuine article. because all they have to offer is a log jam. All i have to offer is the real solutions. I have tried time and time again to make peace, give them help, give them the solutions. it does not work. They have a problem. until they fix it, its not fixed. And i will be forced to report that to the public.

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

It's not true, it's not a cult, it's a group of people working together, & if they won't listen to you, maybe this attitude is why! Their solutions are just as real as yours, sorry dude, but Facts are Facts.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

really? ask them then what the differences are between types of geothermal systems from a civil engineering perspective and see how long they take to get back to you. ask them for a detailed transition plan. Ask them how a ram rocket engine works or to explain warp drive. Ask them how to create an open source think tank. No. They don't have the solutions. they have a complaint, and they have troll tactics to vent their complaint. Anything vaguely resembling an actual solution still needs polishing. facts are facts. neil kiernian is a socipathic bully using an ad hom double standard to create a fascist society on the forum and Jaques is cozying up to depopulation. His circular cities are for AFTER the masses are exterminated. And his Robo god is not a solution, its a control freakout.

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

Neil does call people "crazy" which is an Ad Hom-Bomb & i've called him on that before. TVP is not out to create a fascist society, but free people with technology. i've come up with a transition plan myself, lol, so i'm pretty sure they've got one. TVP doesn't support Depopulation in ANY CAPACITY, contrary to the lies spread about them. & as far as the "robo god" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Theopolis isn't that scary.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

Whether it is out to create a fascist society or not; it has succeeded. it is a fascist group. I'm sad that its so, and i'd like to help them stop, but they don't listen. I'd love to see your transition plan. I think thats where the real meat of everything is. An robo god is a silly idea, and we don't need any such thing to do any such thing. We don't need any global RBE robot. In fact the very idea of a global RBE is systemically backwards. we need self sufficient communities, and they don't need robogods to manage their resources. They still discourage people from creating community. For instance.

Most recently somebody was talking with roxxane meadows on my behalf..., and she suggested that i send them a resume. Layers and layers and levels and levels of not listening.

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

My Transition Concepts, not TVP's; i contend, we start by teaching these things to those who are on welfare, in order to get them off the dole, forever. 1st; we return to Trivium/Quadrivium(Liberal arts) as an elementary education. 2nd; earthships (DIY, sustainable, off the grid homes that make their own food) 3rd; repraps (also DIY, robotic, 3D printer, you can even make the resin out of milk in your own home) 2 & 3, as secondary schooling (high school). This, would set people up to become, self sufficiant & off the grid, before college. After a generation or 2, we wouldn't need money anymore. & the self sufficiency i suggest here, would be as low as the "poverty line" could ever go.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

start a new thread?

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

i'm not ready, currently, as good as the idea is, it's too easy to attack as a gov't program.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

right. see where this always goes?

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

ask them to rate the assorted types of energy as to which is cheaper or mor expensive, yield.. accessibility, mobility, scalability.. etc. Ask them to yank back the veil on the lies about cost which the obama admin has accidentally duplicated... etc.... they don't have those kinds of answers. They are ignorant ideologues trolling the net against capitalism and religion. Thats it.

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

i will ask them, i have a direct e-mail to Roxanne, i'll write her tomorrow morning. As far as "trolling the net against capitalism and religion" is concerned, it's not trolling to inform people, it is to call them cultists.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

Sorry, it is trolling to have only complaints and assorted ad hom hits and no solutions and run around playing prophet with that material. I have repeatedly offered to help them to stop being a cult, to get advanced science information which they don't hav ebecause they are only faking it... with 5 bachelors degrees to rub together between them. i have 20 autodidactic phds. i'm a genuine article polymath. i also sing in 4 octaves, play the clarinet, do chi sao and sword kata. Jaques claiming to be a modern davinci next to me is a bit ludicrous. I'm down to help them, but they need to get their heads screwed on straight what that relationship consists of. namely. I'm the social movement doctor and they got cultmind disease.

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

Your "credentials" take nothing away from the sustainable home & free energy ideas they present. You saying they are faking it, doesn't mean it's true & you're ego is showing worse then theirs. Peopl need to do their research, & come to their own conclusions, & not just do as you say so, sir, "gawdoftruth"

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

i like sustainable homes and free energy ideas. my ego? i'm an aspie. i don't have an ego, i'm living transparently and nearly egoless.

my credentials do this. they mean i don't make fatal errors in assorted directions and thus accidentally handicap myself.

they mean i don't accidentally turn everything i touch rock stupid for trying to control it. people operating with me to organize things get smarter instead of dumber. people thinking tzm will lead the way are just flushing their responsibility and time and ego down the toilet.

[-] 1 points by jdog (146) 13 years ago

bravotango is absolutely correct. The problem is the Washington + Wall St. link. An additional problem is that politicians have discovered that if they can come up with any reason to tax the creators of wealth, they can figure a way to get it into their own pockets and the pockets of their buds.

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

& if there was no money to bribe, this would also stop the problem

http://www.twitvid.com/VLJUG Blueprints for Star Trek (NSFW)

[-] 1 points by jdog (146) 13 years ago

If there were no money, there would be barter. There is always something to bribe with. The problem lies with Washington having too much power. If they did not have so much power, nobody would want to bribe them.

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

If you are saying this then you didn't read any of the links at the end of my initial statement, there would be no need to barter, if we used technology to make us sustainable.

[-] 1 points by jdog (146) 13 years ago

The video is over 2 hours long. Can you give me a quick overview?

[-] 1 points by jdog (146) 13 years ago

Capitalism is the practice of freedom. It is nothing but a person asking, " what can I do for you that you will compensate me for?". That compensation does not require money. It could be a barter system. A common currency just makes things easier, but there are dangers in currencies.... Keep in mind that the only people that can legally stick a gun in your face are government employees!

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

Which are easy to buy as long as money exists, proof....


[-] 1 points by garvan (52) from North Bergen, NJ 13 years ago

I'd rather have a bunch of guns for myself than have the government buy them for Mexican drug cartels.

I'd also rather have a unmanned drone for myself, than have the government let international associations and corporations use them to kill on my behalf and rape and pillage the resources of the killed.

[-] 1 points by GuestFromSpain (14) from Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid 13 years ago

Money must be abolished if mankind is to be saved from slavery and moral corruption.


[-] 1 points by skizzy (445) 13 years ago

I like money... I like to buy things ... but i do think some people are not receive fare value for there work

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

You could create your own things, rather then buy them.

[-] 1 points by AN0NYM0US (640) 13 years ago

I find money to be fine. It can be used to measure how hard I worked. I can then use that converted hard work to buy frivolous things that I enjoy.

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

this proves it's good for you, but what about the rest of the 99%

[-] 1 points by revg33k (429) from Woodstock, IL 13 years ago

I agree with this, It is ok to have as mush money as you can HONESTLY earn it does buy nice things and can also help your community.

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

& for those who can't get it, starve or foreclosed on, it's not just about you & your community, it's about EVERY PERSON on the Planet!