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Forum Post: Capitalism isn't the problem. Its what wall street has done to it...

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 7:06 p.m. EST by Justlaughalittle718 (10) from Brooklyn, NY
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capitalism reform,Glass-Steagall MUST be put back into law, End Corporate person-hood & audit the fed (don't have to end it). these are major keys, not footnotes. all i've been hearing lately is there is a socialist feel at the park lately. I was down there and did alot the first week but I haven't been able to head back. if what friends have been telling me is true, which is some socialist groups have moved in saying that's the answer, then we haven't changed anything. Capitalism isn't the problem, its what has happen to it... Reforms are key and regulation plays a huge roll in the greed these fucks at wall street have. Sadly, Republicans are bought by wall street & so are the dems so by enforcing Glass-Steagall again, it will slow the tide. I'm not saying I know all the answers but having socialist saying capitalism should be gone with & socialism is the answer, is just a lie & power move for them. I hope some really read this & look up some good info on it.



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[-] 2 points by stevilism (130) 13 years ago

Hmmm...well written and concise. Not sure that I want socialism or capitalism. I just want 100% transparency in gov't and big business. Every piece of legislation should never exceed more than 500 words and no chance of any loophole. Legislation should be written in plain English so anyone can read and understand it.

[-] 1 points by Justlaughalittle718 (10) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Yes agree with this also. we need to know what are gov't (state & country) do & if they take money while in office, they should get a quick kick in the ass out of office. i very much agree with Legislation not being so crazy.

[-] 1 points by Justlaughalittle718 (10) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

regulation is 100% what is needed to fix the problem. I agree with both of you but I've heard people are saying get rid of capitalism & that just isn't the answer.