Forum Post: Capitalism is Unconstitutional
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 2:31 p.m. EST by blocade
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Under the constitution we are supposedly guaranteed the right to life, liberty and protection, we are not guaranteed any of this under a capitalist system.
Even if you are willing to work 40, 50, 60 hours per week in exchange for equal access and equal treatment, food, housing and good health you will not get it.
Capitalism requires cheap labor, capitalism in America thrived at the expense of slavery and oppression that continues today.
Every American that does not have food, housing, good health and protection can file a lawsuit against the federal government for not upholding the constitution.
When the economy is "poor" we are left homeless and without food (life) we are then forced to do what we can to survive and loose (liberty) the conditions under which we are forced to live are damaging to people (protection).
Capitalism is Unconstitutional
establish a true democracy, equal rights and world peace -
no more lies and bombing of foreign nations to steal resources and impose our failed system of government.
Your points would be stronger if you had a clue. The Constituion lays out our rights and the structure and role of the government. FYI, nowhere in its text does it provide a right to food, shelter and health care. The Dec of Independence says we have a right to life (noone can kill us), liberty (freedom) and the pursuit of happiness ("pursuit" being the key word).
Capitalism requires a strong legal framework and sound monetary policies. WE have neither.....with a fiat monetary sysemt and a two tier justice system
What is failing today is NOT Capitalism.
It is Corporatism , Big Banks/Corp in bed with corrupt Govt . The forever revolving door between them.....
Where is it written in the Constitution that you have the right to "life, liberty and protection"? Besides, did capitalism take your life or liberty? Did it somehow make you unprotected? If ignorance is bliss, then you must be one happy person.
did you just ask --- Where is it written in the Constitution that you have the right to "life, liberty and protection"? lol -- we'll just stop there, wow - go back to your nascar or whatever important thing you were doing
I like how you didn't answer his question but instead chose to do nothing but insult him.
all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
FYI: That means the state can't take someone's property without due process. It doesn't mean the state has to provide them with property. And the "protection" that references, is not protection from hunger or homelessness or anything else, its protection of the laws.
yay, starve America and protect your constitution.. you wrote to protect what others claim as their property.... oh, and you can't live off the land, we need some cheap labor so do what you can, we'll protect you, i mean us, umm... what?
See Bloc, you seem to not understand that difference berween what the government can do, should do, and is "required" to do. You don't have a right to a house, or to food or to health care. That doesn't mean the government can't provide assistance to the needy, it just means it isn't a guaranteed right.
and it shouldn't be -- I personally would never get together with the civilization and create a government that would help me not to die, it would be optional. especially if we needed to put people in a position where we can oppress them for the cheap labor we need to keep a few of us on top of things ;) you know what i mean?
One could successfully argue that the state has failed in "equal protection" of the laws. All one would have to do is expose the rampant fraud in the legal system. For example, a judges oath of office is contradictory to what judges do on a day to day basis.
One could also argue that taxes in their current form are unconstitutional since they go to paying debt and not what they were intended, providing for the defense etc.
"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." This means that the government cannot take these things from you, it does not say that it will provide these things for you. My how the public schools fail us.
leaving people to starve and be homeless is a failure to protect them... try all you want, you are one corrupt person, we are the world
Again, we know you love you, but you're quite often wrong. What you cited offers equal protection of the laws. If a law were passed that says the government had to provide homes, then equal protection of the laws would require it to provide homes for everyone regarless of race, creed, sex, income, etc. But, to my knowledge, no such law has been passed. Nowhere in the Constitution, or anywhere else, is our government required to protect people from homelessness.
Welfare is available as a matter of necessity. Is the means test unconstitutional?
I'm sorry, but I still don't see where the Constitution requires the government to protect people from hunger and homelessness.
I know it's annoying, but can you just point out the exact passage that says this?
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. July 4, 1776.
I'm sorry -- are you trying to cite something from the Constitution that proves that capitalism is unconstitutional?
That is the declaration of Independence not the constitution. Written because the colonies where being taxed without representation in parliment. Get your facts straight.
hahaha ,that was awesome, so then we created a constitution that will allow us to starve to death, and we're not even allowed to grow food from the earth, lol awesome, you're all doing a great job of driving my point home.
protect the constitution at all costs cause it pro... oh wait. um - - guess we'll all starve to death when capitalism suffers a bad economic downturn, oh poo, oh well, we do have the best country in the world God Blessed it it says so on the money we can't have, even if we are willing to work for it,
this is fantastic, i love it!
I'm sorry, was there a quote from the Constitution in that comment? If so, I missed it.
And yet it does seem that you would need to provide such a quote in order to provide even minimal support for your claim that capitalism is "unconstitutional." Perhaps you just mean that capitalism is immoral? If so, I understand the point. But that's very different from saying it's unconstitutional.
Democratic principles are the result of equality of condition.
read the posts sista -- you'll find info
sounds like you confuse capitalism with the constitution, which one was created by the people for the people? and which one is to provide us with a means to survive?
The problem is that I have read the posts and I still don't see where you're coming from.
I've seen only one real reference to the Constitution, i.e. to the following passage (from the 14th Amendment):
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
However, I don't see anything in this passage that even prima facie suggests an obligation on the part of the government to protect people from hunger and homelessness.
I do see an obligation on the part of the government (in this case, the State governments) not to deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, but that doesn't seem relevant to your point. After all, your point is about a responsibility to protect people from hunger and homelessness, i.e. to protect their life, liberty, and property; but this passage actually gives the government the right to deprive people of their life, liberty, and property -- so long as this is done with due process of law. Needless to say, the passage makes no mention of the promotion or deprivation of life, liberty, and property by capitalist markets, let alone some instruction about what the government should do about this.
And I do see an obligation on the part of the government (again, in this case, the State governments) not to deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws, but that doesn't seem relevant to your point either. After all, your point is about a responsibility to protect people from hunger and homelessness; but there would first have to be a law providing all people with food and homes before the issue of the equal protection of this law would even arise. See Phalen's astute point before:
So that's why I'm asking for the passage in the Constitution that requires the government to protect people from hunger and homelessness.
As is, I can tell why you think capitalism is immoral, but I haven't the slightest idea why you think it's unconstitutional.
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1. Defense and welfare clause. Of course, it depends entirely on your own definition of welfare.
Article 1 Section 8 Clause 1 reads as follows: "The Congress shall have power to... provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States."
That Congress has the power to do this does not mean that it has an obligation to do this, let alone that "capitalism is unconstitutional" insofar as capitalist markets fail to provide for the general welfare of the United States.
It in no way "depends on your definition of welfare". It would depend on your definition of welfare if the clause read as follows: "The economic system shall have an obligation to... provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States." But that is not what the Constitution says. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution enumerates the powers of the Congress, not the duties of the economic system. There is absolutely no way to read Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the Constitution as rendering capitalism unconstitutional.
The constitution only protects your right to EARN food and housing ect....and that is quite fair.
How exactly does the Constitution do this????
It doesn't, you don't have a constitutional right to cast a vote....
Educate yourself before you attempt to educate others :-)
if you can, when it's available and however meager it is, we know. it's awesome isn't it?
Your ignorance is astounding, if you are really unable to work we have disability pay, or if you were laid off we have unemployment pay, if you are without money or an income you qualify for food stamps. Quit bitching to people on online forums about how shitty your life is and do go take a hand out, looser!!!
I thought government wasn't supposed to provide any protection from death due to unemployment, ya'll are confusing me little brain, oh so ignorance is me, so ignorance, ok ok , so how much can i get? where do I go? who's giving it to me? will it allow me to put in 40 hours and live well? how it workie you make me understand oh so smart one, a thousand thank you, me eat now?
Perils of a market. It would at least be fair and honest pitfalls if we could negate much of the wasteful spending and corruption. Risk is part of life, govt corruption doesn't have to be.
I have yet to read anything in the constitution that states you should be protected from failure but heres a hint homeboy if you are really homeless you can go to social services and get 200 dollars worth of food stamps for each month.
wtf? that's not government's responsibility, the homeless should be cheap labor for capitalism, we need them, the Mexicans are leaving and there is a shortage of impoverished people to capitalize on...
how dare they feed them, and for free, no work?? God Bless America, what is this communist china!?!
home boy we have social programs, I would never hire an un-groomed, drug using, homeless applicant. Your bitching about the constitution leaving you hungry, go get FOOD STAMPS
me can't, we didn't create government to protect life, that's evil socialist or communist or something bad, must rely on capitalism, i'll be waiting, and i promise i'll starve before growing my own food, that's communist too.
yay capitalism, god loves you...
You certainly are a part of the children. Who said anything about leaving people to starve or be homeless? You guess that because someone doesn't want to give the world away that they are heartless. My guess is that mommy and daddy never told you "no". Now you face the real world and find out it is harder than you had hoped and come here to cry about the "injustices" you perceive because life isn't all milk and honey. Buy a helmet and get tough or you will find out how hard life really can be.
you're hopeless.... i am having fun with all of you because I know that you are afraid, you are losing -- your desperation is very apparent but my point is nothing new, we have already realized all the failures of the system and we are working together to build something new... you're invited to join, but the fact is we don't need you, this is going to happen, we are going to free ourselves.
Silly person. In our country, you can build something new. But you do it by legislation. You spread your message, and if people life it, they will vote for people that share your message and pass laws to make your vision happen. (See: The Tea Party.) Hanging out in parks and protesting might bring attention to your cause, but it won't change anything at all. And unfortunately, you don't represent 99%. You represent maybe 20% - tops. And while even happy capitalists like me might agree with you on a few things, we still like the current system. It isn't perfect, but this is real life and a perfect system doesn't exist. If it did, people wouldn't be turning old cars into boats and trying to escape from Cuba's Socialist heaven to come to this country.
true Cuba has been oppressed by military force and trade embargos, pity, amazing how much they were able to accomplish under those conditions by working together, 100% education and health care, what do we have again?
Losing my patience with you children maybe, but I am not losing much of anything else. If I am losing, then you must be winning, but since you have no goals, leaders, direction or purpose, what is there to win? This movement had so much promise, but has been slowly killing itself with ridiculousness like your posts here. I thought the issue was corruption and money in politics, but it seems more like a lefty "social justice" movement that will go nowhere and ultimately fail through your own incompetence.
Yes I am, thank you.
For blocade: I think I am getting under some poor child's skin. I am sorry, I know you still have a lot of growing up to do and have yet to fully mature, but you really shouldn't go spouting off on issues that you really don't understand as you make yourself look foolish. Perhaps it's time time to step back, take a look at your life and ask yourself, "is this really where I want to be?"
you get nice cookie for you eat now, good boy
you do not have a point, you only proving your own ignorance
awesome, my ignorance is clearing up as ya'll all came to rescue me... having some trouble.. hummm --- so constitution no protect life and liberty, no government responsibility to provide people with a means to support themselves, got it -- preserve the constitution -- got it -- rely only on capitalism -- got it -- die of unemployment -- ok, think we're good here....
Hey, blocade. I would move on to something else. Jay is eating your lunch here. We are all Americans, so can't we just all get along?
haha, cute - jay is loading up on fatty foods and will give himself an ulser, lol
I don't see anything in this passage that even prima facie suggests an obligation on the part of the government to protect people from hunger and homelessness.
I do see an obligation on the part of the government (in this case, the State governments) not to deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, but that doesn't seem relevant to your point. After all, your point is about a responsibility to protect people from hunger and homelessness, i.e. to protect their life, liberty, and property; but this passage actually gives the government the right to deprive people of their life, liberty, and property -- so long as this is done with due process of law. Needless to say, the passage makes no mention of the promotion or deprivation of life, liberty, and property by capitalist markets, let alone some instruction about what the government should do about this.
And I do see an obligation on the part of the government (again, in this case, the State governments) not to deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws, but that doesn't seem relevant to your point either. After all, your point is about a responsibility to protect people from hunger and homelessness; but there would first have to be a law providing all people with food and homes before the issue of the equal protection of this law would even arise. See Phalen's astute point before:
So that's why I'm asking for the passage in the Constitution that requires the government to protect people from hunger and homelessness.
As is, I can tell why you think capitalism is immoral, but I haven't the slightest idea why you think it's unconstitutional.
yah, people didn't create government for themselves, it was to protect the right to be capitalized on. growing your own food and living off the land and having the freedom to do as you please is socialist or communist or something evil.
the earth wasn't made to feed people, "god(s)" blessed americans with capitalism, that is the fruit of the earth, when there is a drought you should die rather than be socialist or communist
None of this supports your claim that capitalism is unconstitutional.
i know, it's crazy, i'm going to have pie, capitalist pie, none of that community pie, down with togetherness!
May I recommend instead a slice of humble pie?
me don't like honey, all you.
See...wasn't that much better than calling people names and insulting them? BTW you might have noted that that is Amendment 14 section 1. Instead of just protection you needed to say "nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
just allowing evil to show itself - wanted to see how dum dum CIA infiltrators and the minions working for the one percent would handle this forum post. worked like a charm. so far we're getting everything from the constitution didn't say that to we didn't set up government to protect people's life or freedom just give them the opportunity to pick from what is offered and make due. pretty sure we'll get some interesting perspective, a lot of name calling and the simplified and demonized terms and slogans, it's cute -- little do they know we want them to reveal themselves.. lol -- we win again.
No man you were wrong and you were called on it. That brainwashing crap doesnt work on thinking people. Still waiting for you to admit you were wrong, until then you cannot be taken seriously.
wrong about what again? what league is this?
Keep it up kiddo you killed this movement before it started
Well technically they are right,the constitution doesn't say that. Your OP was incorrect whereas your later comment was. Still no need for you to insult people to make your point. I believe that is against the forum rules.
wow, neither can ya'll reads, lol "under the constitution" first you point out it is constitutional amendment 14 section 1 then you say that it is not in the constitution.... amusing, i love me.
Quit twisting what people say. Your out of your league here.
No no,what you said in your OP isn't in the constitution. Your later comment however quoted it properly.
you really think i work for the cia or the so called 1%
You really can't believe that your extreme views are not held by others can you.
You on the far, far left are a very small minority in this country.
This is the United States of America. If you think for one second that we are going to roll over and give you power over us, you will find out what percent you are actually in.
yeah, i know, how's that go again, God Bless America... how's that going by the way, able to feed and house your people, oh wait, you're not concerned with that... sorry
by the way your entire argument is emotion based, just like all lefty dummies. They can't think straight because their bleeding heart gets in the way. Oh and don't forget to read my post below...... dummy
Like the name calling? Lets continue acting like 4th graders, it works so well!
Our people have the highest standard of living in the world. I was "poor" for a portion of my life, but i lived quite well. I might have lived in a small apartment and didn't get to go out for filet mignon every night, but i ate well, had a t.v., books, whatever i NEEDED to get by. I was oh so poor that i could walk down to the super market and get dessert for the night.
Oh please, people who live in actual poverty, like in Brazil or India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. should collectively smack you in the face. You have no clue how foolish you sound.
right, we live better cause we oppress others, get it, it's capitalism, it's how it works.
i guess that's ok with you.... so we see who we live among.
For some reason i couldn't reply on your last post. But it has become quite clear that you have drunk the kool-aid and there is no coming back from it. I don't know how you got these foolish ideas, you must be a foreigner or....... well i don't know, but indoctrinated for sure. Know this, I will fight you and your kind to the death, to preserve the freedom i have in this country. I will fight you with everything in my power, you WILL NOT take my liberty from me, you will have to kill me first. I will not be part of your dictatorship, I will not be part of a system where the only way up is by towing the line of oppression. If you want a revolution, you remember two things, 1. this is, by far a center right country. 2. We are all armed.
Remember that.
uh uh be careful bosama huseinstaniter gonna git you..
come on guy, this is peaceful revolution, you'll be free to do whatever you want, just don't hurt people. you can't force people to buy junk and keep the economy going, are you??
No, absolutely and totally false. Capitalism is not a zero sum game. Quick education on how this works. I buy a product from you because I believe it to be worth more than the money I trade for it in return. You sell it to me because you believe that the money is more valuable than the product. WEALTH IS CREATED. The evidence is everywhere. India and China have finally started to move toward a market system, and their growth has exploded.
And don't give me this crap that we exploit them because the workers are paid a lower wage than in the western world. It is a comparison between apples and oranges. Those people who have moved from their farm land to the factories, and from the factories to other positions, are being paid 2 to 3 times more than what they would make on average working on their farms.
For example. If a different culture came to us, and we were making (for sake of argument) 5 dollars a week. And they offered 10 to 15 dollars a week that would be a great benefit to us, regardless if within the other culture an average worker made 100 dollars a week. Get it?
India and China now have a large and growing middle class, mostly thanks to us, and globalization. They actually have burgeoning middle classes that were thought to be impossible twenty years ago. That is unbelievable and it is because Capitalism has always been the quickest way to lift the poor from the mire and mud of ignorance and pain that once afflicted them with so much ardour.
We know what the problem is, let us fix it and move forward together.
When you look at a republican or democrat, congress or FDA official, Judges and Justice Department you see criminals.
Our corruption dates back decades to when those who in trying to preserve slavery had to find new ways to preserve it and so created an advanced form of slavery.
only two components were required -- the illusion of freedom and choice and the taking away of the freedom to live off the land.
How else would you get a person to submit themselves to mind numbing or degrading work unless you oppress them into it.
our current system is rooted in corruption and every attempt in preserving it involves manipulating human thought and turning people against one another.
In America the population has been transformed in two major voting groups but they only have one choice.
They had been distracted up until now with television and American culture which prospered through the oppression of other nations.
Americans allowed themselves to be fooled into using their military and economic dominance to seize resources of other nations and create expanding markets for American profiteers.
Now that technology, competition and conscience have evolved Americans themselves are realizing that they cannot sustain themselves under their current system of government.
Our government officials have allowed private profits and personal benefits to influence decisions that affect the health and well-being of people all over the planet, not just in America... how much longer will we allow them to rule over us??
Occupy Washington and demand that all government officials resign their posts.
We will setup new online elections with a verification system that will allow us to see our votes after we cast them, put our new officials in office and work toward rebuilding our country and our world.
I think I found the loophole: No STATE shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any STATE deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
It's a lot of federal laws, regulations, executive orders etc, that seem to be the root of the problem. So in a bassackwards way, it is quite constitutional. At least that's how I imagine it being spun by those who try to subvert the ideas of the constitution by using the literal version, "letter of the law" so to speak.
Sorry, no loophole. All this applies to the federal government because of the 5th amendment.
its not written in the constitution...get your facts straight
life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Not life liberty and protection.
The only thing our gov't is supposed to protect us from is 1. attack from domestic or foreign enemies 2. Uphold contracts in a court of law
You could go more into this, but that is technically it.
Stop bastardizing the word freedom. Freedom from want is not the definition of freedom. Freedom is the freedom to do as you please without causing injury to someone else, and it is the freedom to live your life as you see fit without someone else imposing their point of view on you. Especially something as elusive as "fairness"
you mean like freedom to live off the land? doesn't hurt or impose anything on anyone, can we do that?
hahaha, sooooo many that are exposing how little they know here, this is awesome, so this is the "Real America" - not even sure what they are protecting, just check in with Fox News they'll gladly hand you your opinion... ya'll are cute...
No not fox news you ignorant ranting name calling loser. It is called history, read up on it. I am getting very aggravated with people who can't handle an actual dialogue on the basis of fundamental ideas, instead i get this stupidness.
It is really sad to see the crazy far left trying to hijack what America stands for. America was born on an idea, not a country of a certain ethnic background or creed. Here in America you get what you work for, and please don't write back saying "but i work 40 hours a week (whine), How IS THAT fair". It is what you are worth, if you have spent your time being unproductive or maybe just being self absorbed and getting high or whatever, even if you are an artist and you think you are holier then thou, because of it, doesn't mean that i find you do to be worth my time and money, and it doesn't mean i have too either.
You are so friggin Intellectually bankrupt it is depressing. So resort to your name calling, and your naive child like view of the world. Go ahead with the Fox News crap or the Mongering of this and that.
Give me a break, you people make me SICK
name calling like far left.
your entire world, your whole conscience, opinion, language and knowledge base fits inside a convenient little package that is used as a puppet.
you're a product.
You really need to stop thinking you are the intellectual superior of others, it is very unbecoming, and you are showing your small mindedness.
I have cultivated my views of the past years by reading, reading, researching, reading, discussing, and reading. How about you? At what age were you indoctrinated? Was it Liberal professors who claim to know how the world works? Or was it by not questioning and being led around by the nose?
i am free and immune to vanity and control, in fact I am not very "human" at all, according to information from your intellectuals.
i am here to judge and i speak only the truth. i can show you the way but you must choose to follow, i shed the light.
interestingly, i cannot smell
Fox News is only what, 15 years old? And we've been doing just fine in this system for a couple hundred years. America is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be the place where you are free to live as you please, but are tasked with the responsibility to take care of yourself. With great freedom come great responsibility. Be born, go to school, work hard, have a good attitude and make good decisions and you can live a good life. You will succeed to some level. If you fall on hard times, the government is there to lend a hand until you get back on your feet, but it is up to you. If you don't like that responsibility then too bad. Leave.
i thought government wasn't supposed to protect people, apparently it says nothing of the sort in the constitution and that is the only thing we are allowed to go by, because we are free.
people should not be allowed to live off the land and feed themselves, they MUST wait for capitalism to provide for them and take whatever they are given, we need cheap labor more than ever, some of us will live well if only the majority can allow themselves to be oppressed, this is why "God Blessed American" and put (it, he, she, whatever) name on it.
The Constitution is about freedom. The freedom to do what you will so long as you do not infringe on the freedoms of others. Which means it includes the freedom to fail. I would far prefer a world where I can starve to death in return for the chance to be richer than kings, than a world where the government gives me everything I need but in return I have no chance to obtain more.
Yes, I guess someone did ask that. I've pulled up the text of the Constitution and searched it and "the rights to life, liberty and protection" are nowhere to be found. Perhaps, I'm just stupid. Can you link to something?
read through the posts, someone else pointed out where it is.
Well... not really. They have pointed out the part that you clearly didn't understand.
I know of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but not protection. Who is assigned the responsibility of protecting you? Do you have a cop that walks with you everywhere to ensure you are kept alive and protected? You are truly ignorant. Just look at your post, it is the stuff of childish, Marxist dreams.
Amen! All he is, is a little commie. Hey blockhead go read the communist manifesto.
awww... poo, this post which you probably thought was awesome when you wrote it.... well, you yourself proved it wasn't --- lol --- having fun reading your arguments as they developed, many others are also quite amused... thanks for playing
Im sure many of your buds are amused. Jay is still cleaning your clock. Amazing how truth and logic destroys this movement.
you're clueless.... hope you learn at least a little bit during your time on earth.
we are building a true democracy that will "protect the natural rights of liberty" -- where is that "written" - - quick go look it up little one. pretty sure you don't know what books are so you can google it or ask some of your facebook friends in your "let's murder deer after sunday church group".
Wow kid how old are you?
Yeah you really have no answers for jay do you? Just more insults.
"Every American that does not have food, housing, good health and protection can file a lawsuit against the federal government for not upholding the constitution." Where does the Constitution say that the government will provide you with any of this stuff? Simple answer, it doesn't, but it does allow us to pursue such things as we choose, so long as it is legal and does not inhibit the liberty of others. Capitalism is a by-product of liberty and is not corrupt on its own, that is the action of people, not of a system. You may read the Constitution, but you certainly do not seem to understand it. The Federalist Papers are a great source of further explanation of the Constitution.
can you live without food or shelter?
Of course not, that's why I have the freedom to seek an education, move freely about the different states and find a job to pay for these things. It is my choice how and where I shall live. If I cannot provide these things, I would turn to family or my local community for help until I can get back onto my feet. The last place I would go is to the government for help.
"move freely about to find a job" -- hilarious, can you fly?
Yes, and ride a bus, a train, a cab or drive. Go visit a nation where movement is truly restricted. You really have no idea what the rest of the world is like other than what you have seen in movies, do you?
hey Jay since you're like really smart guy, where can we go grow some food and look after ourselves, we're free to live off the land no? l
If you own land (which you have a right to by the way), then yes, you can grow food in what many people call g-a-r-d-e-n-s. Look it up.
Amen Jay! And Bloc, if you're good at it, you can trade some of that food you grow to a friend in exchange for some clothes that he made, or for some work that he'll do for you. Maybe you can sell some of the excess to buy some more land and you can grow some more. It can be organic, and you can sell it to your friends so they don't have to buy it from corporate farms. Oh crap, wait, now we're drifting into capitalism again...
and if you don't?
If you don;t own land then you have to rely on other people to do it for you. It's call division of labor. everyone could do every job themselves. They could frow their own food, make their own gasoline, pump their own water all of it. You don't becuase of convenience but that deos not make those things a right.
oh oh oh, where can i go grow my own food? thanks....
Land... or in water actually. Anywhere buy in the air
I agree. Many people here in OWS don't know what capitalism even is. I see that they are angry but I don't think they understand that their anger is attributed to something called FASCISM not capitalism. We don't have a capitalist system in America today. We have FASCISM!
I think it is more of a corrupt hybrid of capitalism and socialism/fascism at the macro level. At the micro level, there is still capitalism, but as the amount of currency at that level is so small, there isn't much to generate true upward mobility.
Even at the micro level, the amount of government involvement is huge. I include special interest and lobbyists as interference even down at the micro level. I equate this to the fascist pattern. The interference at the micro level is a barrier to entry for many small business entrepreneurs (licenses, permits, regulation, etc.). This is part of the fascist architecture and is why many are moving to the underground economy commonly called "System D".
As Ron_Paul said in his book "Freedom Under Siege" (free ebook): "The individual who dares to demand to be left alone and to assume responsibility for himself becomes a criminal."
I read a recent article that put the System D economy at $10 Trillion. Under the current system, the world will soon become a majority criminal class!
True, the upper echelons place many barriers to those on the bottom preventing them from truly succeeding, which would be capitalism. Bail outs and TARP are about as anti-capitalist as you can get as they prevented the market from self-correcting and only propped up failed companies and rewarded unethical business practices. the US has never had a truly capitalistic economic system, but in reality, we are too large to sustain such a pure system.
I don't agree with your definition of capitalism. Placing barriers on others is not capitalism. Are you a Collectivist?
I agree, my first sentence is in regards to those barriers preventing true capitalism.
I misinterpreted your response. I'm sorry.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
oh goodness dear, "abolish it and to institute new Government", no no no, that's "social care communist osama evil gonna get you"
lol - cling to it even if it kills you -- "we likes lookin' down on de Mexeecans, that's ones a da resons we gots em' 'round hae"
thomas washington carver jones crow
I think you need to borrow some money and trade your masters degree in women's liberation for a history degree.
you're a retard. find yourself a nice communist country and move to it. please
way to quote the Declaration on Independence dumbass
50% drop out for the chicago high school system. High school is a free education. Should life treat them fair? I you want to live here move?
yeah, 100% education in Cuba, jobs going to Indians and chinese, humm... we need to get our system of government over there as soon as possible, those poor people aren't free...
Milton Friedman on Capitalism and Greed
All we need is someone with a Monopoly Stick to come on in and break up the Monopolies like we in 1984 against ATT. Let's do this against the Banks. No more we are too big to fall. That is unconstitutional.
Democracy is the nice term for mob rule. Be careful what you ask for. Our founding fathers purposely created a REPUBLIC because they understood the dangers of DEMOCRACY. We must focus on individual rights and individual liberty. If we take care of the individual, all individuals will be alright. If we focus primarily on groups (mere abstraction), then individuals will suffer the consequences!
right, we need to impoverish people or else we will never force them into crappy jobs with low wages. can you imaging if we granted people ("god given right') to live off the land?? whoa, our entire system would collapse, no cheap labor, no exploiting MexiCANs, what kind of country would this be, God will never allow this..
The problem is thinking "we" have to force our will on others. As you say, "impoverish people", "force them into crappy jobs", etc. That is the problem. You want to force your will on others. People with your mindset are responsible for the problems we have today. Collectivism, is the problem.
From where do you get the idea of a "right of protection"?
Locke - Life Liberty Property Jefferson - Life Liberty Pursuit of Happiness (note not attainment of happiness)
another American that doesn't know the constitution, tea party i suppose? lol
You know instead of an insult you could quote the document. You know provide evidence for the claim.
It seems as though since that would be the expected, reasonable, and easy course of action the reason it was not taken was because there is no evidence and what you based your post on was in fact a bare assertion.
Also if you want to attempt to insult someone it would behoove you to use proper capitalization in future attempts.
proper capitalization --- lol ;) you're a charm... read the posts, i'll give you a hint, it is one of the most disgustingly socialist amendments -- all concerned with people and stuff, damn commies, screw people, this is a country of capitalizing on one another, equality?? F that, whose gonna clean the streets? sheesh
if we don't let people starve and fear death then how will we create more cheap labor for our capitalist system, if we let people grow their own food and live off the land how can we force them into crappy jobs for little pay, we know what we're doing here, god bless American
A quote would be nice. Hints are for people playing games.
I do find it odd that you somehow find connections between being concerned with people and communism when communist regimes have resulted in some of the most brutal regimes against their own people. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot et al.
It has become apparent you are either entirely unwilling or entirely incapable of having an adult conversation.
oh, yeah, those again -- how convenient that anything to do with eliminating a "capitalize on others system" for a "help each other and work together" is evil, god would agree with capitalism, it, he, she, whatever your make believe, knows we need cheap labor to survive...
Amendment 14 -- you "true American" -- lol -- ya'llz is helping my cause more than anything... cute
I've never made any such argument. You're engaging in the logical fallacy of a strawman - presenting a position your opponent does not hold and then attacking that position.
So lets stop with you trying to paint one system as inherently moral and another as inherently immoral and bringing god into this.
Where we last left of was when I pointed out the consequences of implementing communism whereas you are only interested in the intentions of communism.
There is no right to protection in the 14th amendment. There is a stated responsibility of government to provide equal protection under the laws. These are separate ideas.
Get it right. It's life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That last one sounds like capitalism to me. And there are other places that say it. And America isn't a democracy to begin with... It's a republic.
good luck with life, liberty and pursuit of happiness (declaration, not constitution) while waiting for a job and some food from a capitalist system...
we need some more cheap labor, folks just aren't willing to scrub toilets so we let in a few MexiCANs and keep them illegal so we can run em off whenever we feel like it, they'll scrub toilets, and as for the brain numbing manufacturing jobs, we'll just continue with sweatshops and oppressed cheap labor in other countries, umm and for the highly skilled jobs Americans are too dumb to do we'll outsource those to China in India, where folks are smarter...
you're right America is not equal, we're not free nor is our life protected, we are infact slaves to capitalism, god bless Amerucan
1) America isn't capitalist. 2) Tax cuts and the ceasing of the EPA's tyranny might help.
yah, screw roads and libraries, i want more jewelry and make-up. and TV big big big TV so i can watch the cars go round and round
Conservation of energy applies to money too. More money to spend means tax is still collected but allowing businesses the opportunity to actually do business in America.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Blockhead you are a commie idiot. Quit try to interpret something you dont understand
So What? Until we get our act together it's going to keep on rolling over us
FIGHT THE CAUSE - NOT THE SYMPTOM Read “Common Sense 3.1” at ( )
Free people shouldn't live or act live slaves.
It's top down fascism.
Talk show host Alan Nathan called us socialists. Email him, tell him where to go.
Dumbest post ever
no this is, lol
Capitalism is an advance byproduct of the law supply and demand, it is as natural as a chemical reaction. If a population of lions demand for food supersede the supply of game the lions will have to become more competitive to get their food or die. The law of supply and demand (capitalism) is not unconstitutional it would be claiming that gravity is unconstitutional become it is harmful.
gravity is unconstitutional so is death. capitalism is advanced slavery when you are made to rely exclusively on it alone to survive. this not clear? perhaps not, so then, mr freedom what other choice do we have, i think i'll opt out of capitalism....
abstinence! Grow your own food, build own house, teach your kids, knit you own clothes, make you own shampoo, your own tools, and forget everything that you learn as a by product of capitalism, like knitting, farming, benefits of good hygiene and start from zero
i can't that's communism -- i have the freedom to rely only on capitalism or die
Capitalism is like gravity, it can be beneficial or malicious it just depends on the factors that are driving the system
The Constitution is about freedom. The freedom to do what you will so long as you do not infringe on the freedoms of others. Which means it includes the freedom to fail. I would far prefer a world where I can starve to death in return for the chance to be richer than kings, than a world where the government gives me everything I need but in return I have no chance to obtain more.
richer than kings, how? - loaded storage units? sit in a chair and be admired, wear funny make-up? what's the rich part?
It was an expression. Basically in return for the freedom to earn vast wealth, I accept the freedom to utterly and completely fail.
Oh shut up hippie go get a job and you wouldnt have time to come up with this ridiculous bullcrap.
ooohhh.. so many intelligent peoples here.... this is fun - i don't need a "job" i can do what i want, i am free no?
Not free to take things you havnt earned. If you had ever worked for anything youd know better. Sit down and shut up. Let grown smart people run the country you do not know shit.
the growned ones that are doing such a great job now, those growned ones? me hungry, me go earn now, then maybe me eat, me grown.. lol --- weeee!
keep it coming folks, you're doing my work for me.
Yes it would be a start to earn what you get. Your embarrasing yourself.
or starve since it is not the governments duty or function to provide employment opportunities for anyone. they are free to die unemployed all 10% of Americans are.... did they actually think the government of the people and by the people was created to look after the development of the civilization? nonsense it is to protect the property of those who have claimed it... dum Americanos -- wuuu hooo...
You dont understand. Its ok just leave america alone.
I think capitalism can work. A low retirement age and price and currency controls (think China) can lead to full employment for the planet. We have the resources to feed, cloth, and house the world, but socialism has its own problems. As long as the profit motive is tempered by human needs, we can revolutionize the way we see the markets
If you take away all of the money from the "Top 1%", won't that mean an upward shifting of those below, thereby making them the "Top 1%"? Would that mean you would protest them as well? This could be a very long protest!
Capitalism really sucks if you are the kind of person who likes the socialism aspect where they suppy your means of support. What you might like about socialism is when then decide that you're worthless to the common good and ship you up to a gulag.
Capitalism really sucks if you are the kind of person who likes the socialism aspect where they suppy your means of support. What you might like about socialism is when then decide that you're worthless to the common good and ship you up to a gulag.
Capitalism only sucks if you're the kind if person who especially likes the aspect of socialism where they give you a means of support. That part where they ship you off to rot is a gulag kind of sucks though.
The Constitution obligates your neighbors to take care of you?
Rights are what the government leaves for you to figure out for yourself, not what it agrees to take from others on your behalf. Maybe you should re-take civics.
where did neighbors come from.... please dummy, you think we weren't expecting the 1% to send their little minions into the forums and desperately try to argue against common sense and logic -- where did you get the neighbor thing from, fool --- we are much more intelligent that any of you, you're a product of the American education system, lol
Omg, this kid iseranged. Parinoid much? You need to go to school learn your history and quite whining. If you had bothered to learn history you would see that yourideas are pure and simple comminism. Russia 1917 take labor unions took away frow the people and the government owned everything so everyone would be equal. Weknow how that turned out.
yah, we showed them, we were well prepared to nuke them for their equality thing and anyone who even tries it, we need cheap labor people, that's where it's at
Neighbors as in people that live here besides you. Damn boy tour supposed to learn these things at home. I blame your parents.
See, here's the little thing you leftists forget: someone has to pay for it. Truly, entitlements don't simply appear out of the air. Real rights aren't accompanied by negative rights on those forced to provide them.
try again
Did you rewrite The Constitution yourself?
The Constitution does not guarantee you the "right to life, liberty and protection".
It guarantee's you the "right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness".
The pursuit of happiness means getting off your ass and doing something to make yourself happy.
The government does not deliver "happiness" to your doorstep.
Again, you people, life liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the Declaration of independence. Gee, read a history book.
or life or liberty, go figure
Need help making a t-shirt. We need to draw a picture of Zooccotti Park with a cage around it. Here are some ideas: Draw a hippie climbing the cage like a monkey and throwing shit.
Draw a hippie rolling in mud and shit like a pig.
Draw a hippies fucking like dogs.
Draw a picture of a hippie eating peanuts like a big fucking elephant. Draw a hippie as a lazy fucking Ape doing nothing.
omg, that was freaking hilarious, thanks for making may day.
Cute expression of logic.
Our progressive income tax is unconstitutional.
so are those darn roads and libraries and missles and military and, well you get it, right, probably not.
don't go using any unconstitutional traffic lights.
We all use them. I do not use the country's infrastructure more than anyone else. Why should i allow the govt to take more of my money, in absolute dollars, than any other American? The constitution is founded on we are all equal and should be treated equally. It does not say the govt has the right to take from one citizen and to give it to another citizen.
yeah, so smarty pants -- and guaranteed employment so we can live is commie osama cuba social boogie man nuclear gonna get ya
What are you talking about.? I wish you well
More evidence of how our schools have failed us.
stop spamming but keep playing music
Wow, that was pretty humorous to read. It sounds like you read the constitution and see some communal utopia that was planned. Somehow, I just can't picture Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Ben Franklin and George Washington having that in mind. And we steal resources from other nations that we have plundered? If that is true, why aren't we getting any oil from Iraq? If that is how we operate, then why haven't we taken over Mexico and their oil? I try not to used this word very much, but it really fits here. Those were truly stupid comments.
yah, i know, people didn't create a government to look out for their best interest, who we kiddin' - government isn't supposed to create jobs, people have to fend for themselves you know, the only rules are you can't live off the land and don't expect anything from the government you created.
banana republic is just a clothing line...
Obviously stated in jest...however...of course the government was instituted to look out for our best interest, in a limited way. No, it is not the government's role to create jobs. The government can't do that. Where did you get that foolish idea? Yeah, fending for one's self pretty much built this country. Can't live off the land? I have no idea what you mean by that. What are you expecting from your government that you aren't getting?
i didn't know fending for one's self built this country, I thought we murdered 200 million natives and dragged slaves over to get things started then moved onto a more advanced form of slavery. thanks for clearing that up.
no one should have the right to live off the land if they so chose, they need to do whatever they can, but not eat off the earth, what do they think this is, someone owns that land and by growing food to live they are stealing and should be punished.
I don't approve of all of our legacy. But then I have never killed an Indian, nor have I ever owned a slave. My conscience is clean. If you just puke at the thought of America's past, then why not find a country that wasn't built by murderous marauders and slave owners? I'm not telling you to leave, but you sure hate who we are, so I would think you might want to find a place with a legacy you can live with.
Your second paragraph is pretty cryptic. Unless, of course, you are saying there should be no property rights and if someone wants to plant a rutabaga plant on someone else's property, they they should be allowed to do so.
on public property, any of that anywhere? or does someone own everything, if so i guess we should starve to death waiting for a better economy OR take whatever scraps they give us... freedom
Communal farms are the answer? Geez......
we'll have none of that, commie go back to cuckoostan. this country was designed for people who want to capitalize on one another, duh, go somewhere else if you want freedom and equality!
get out of our capitalist country, i have a right to capitalize on your misfortune and enslave you into cheap labor so i can make more and i want your daughters to come begging me for a job so they can eat and i can have my way, thanks... ;)
I am a capitalist......but hey, I don't want your daughter. Really. I don't.
get away, you believe in Communal farms, go back to rusiagustan, commie, you're a pretend capitalist, how dare you, you would let the poor and hungry have COMMUNIST gardens of food, in our God BlesseD American, how dare you, i hope the CIA are reading this ---- KnowledgableFellow is a COMMIE socialst pig, get em out of this country, we'll have none of that living free going on around here you.
How old are you?
I agree and vote Yes to A New Constitution. Its a great start to a new beginning. Our system is based on corruption. Energy companies, pharmaceutical companies and other private interests literally write our policies and hand them over to corrupted politicians with fat checks and promises of future employment. Nothing breeds fairness faster than visibility.
Your points would be stronger if you had a clue. The Constituion lays out our rights and the structure and role of the government. FYI, nowhere in its text does it provide a right to food, shelter and health care. The Dec of Independence says we have a right to life (noone can kill us), liberty (freedom) and the pursuit of happiness ("pursuit" being the key word).
hahaha cute - all in one neat little paragraph "nowhere in its text does it provide a right to food, shelter and health" followed by "we have a right to life" -- nice -- so where can we grow some food again?
You can grow food on that piece of property that you buy after you get off yor sorry butt and go to work. If your to lazy to that then you should starve. You know give a man a fish hell eat for a day teach a man to fish he will eat for a lifetime.
oh, so you missed the whole part about suing for guaranteed 40 hour work week in exchange for life sustaining resources, you want it to be "give it to me free" otherwise you have no argument, do you ... dum dum dum dum dum... ;)
I have no argument? No i guess not oneyour little mind would understand.
Idiot sheep youll fade away just like your parents in the sixties or be stopped with real american boots on your marxist neck.
so the "real Americans" are the violent ones that will stomp the necks of people who choose not to buy junk and support a corrupt oppressive system, thanks for clearing that up...
Nope they are the ones wholl run your communist ass out pf the country. Quit twisting my words kid.
your words and thoughts are twisted, you live in TV land, everything you speak of is right out of that "reality" your mind is enslaved, the worst kind of slavery i think
It is what it is. Who made your phone and bought it for you? How old are you? Can you answer these questions?
Capitalism has not failed. It is the Socialist programs which have been impletmented which have failed such as the Community Reinvestment Act. No system on earth has done more to lift people out of poverty than Capitalism
Thank you sir. These programs have been put in to make these people think it failed. They will be chewed up and apit out just like wvery communist revolution has done to all the useful idiots that supported it because of this social justice carrot.
why are you against true democracy, world peace and freedom?
these are more important questions. but to humor you my phone is 14 and i am nokia
God more of the same stuff from this guy. You are seeming like a plant to make supporters of this movement look bad. Its working.
you support the movement, woops, guess you're right about everything and know more than anyone.... where'd you get all that impressive information.. me want some
tell us, what should we do now that there is global protest ol' wise one chemoshabby.....
can we take a pill? is it covered? i hope not by the government, how dare they protect people's lives, it's not even in the constitution, oh dear, you might want to go tell them the government is broken...
Now your trolling and very badly. Maybe ill lower myself in an attempt to make you embarrass yourself more. The way you twist one our most sacred documents is shameful.
i know, i put it out there and look at all the bad that's come of it, pity or pita, no wait that's greek, they are communist pigs no, o wait, not sure, which countries should i like again, i missed fox news last night.
Capitalism is a joke, a way to make our own riches. Here is a story of Bank of America and their greed and foolish business decisions, My wife and I started dating 2 years ago we had worked together for awhile before. We had both recently divorced and in her divorce she was so kindly allowed to keep the house(upside down value and all) as her first child had been born there. The decree stated that she have the house out of his name by Oct, 2011. Prior to the divorce BoA assured her that she only need to perform an assupmtion and all would be well. As the divorce grew closer her ex-husband stopped paying the mortgage so it was (4) months behind, when I married her, we called Boa and were told catch the mortgage up and show one year of on time payments. So that is what we did and at the request of BoA we paid (3) months in advance to show good faith. So last month we submitted the paperwork after again speaking to BoA, several days ago we got a call and BoA stated "your mortgage was modified a few years ago, there is no way to perform an assumption", you may say why did they allow us to get so far before realizing the type of mortgage that BoA held and my wife and I paid? The answer "no one looked at the mortgage or they overlooked it prior to this" So we were told to refi the house and directed to that department, guess what BoA informed us "You owe 38k more on the home than it is worth since the housing market crash, we cannot refi this house" We were told they could not help us and they hung-up. So here you have a family of 4 and my mother who has been on diability for years who all live in a home, our bills including the mortgage all paid, in fact our mortgage is (3) months ahead and we have been told that since it cannot be taken out of his name in a timely manner we must sell the home, keep in mind it is worth 38k less than it is worth. So BoA a bank who just last week made a statement "We have a right to make a profit too" and they are willing to force a family who has completed each task assigned by them to the letter to move into what? My wifes credit will be ruined so we cannot buy a house maybe a large apartment? This bank is willing to lose at least 38k. For what reason would they do this, how can a banking system that required our tax dollars as bailout turn away a family who can, and I might add does pay their mortgage and instead of collecting their money take the hit? I have written everyone looking for an reasoning or help, I do live in America and I pay my taxes there must be help.... No nothing standard form letters that more or less say "oh well" How in a time when so many citizens are losing their homes because they do not have jobs and cannot pay their bills through no fault of their own, because the banking system and this government failed us. How can a bank turn away paying customers, rather take lose $38,000? And it gets better on our last call they told us they could modifiy the loan further to keep her in it, lowering the intrest rate and extending the term.... SO they will take less money by reducing the intrest rate or by sale but they will not allow us to get his name off of the loan so I can pay at the current term and rate? I make more than he does, I have caught-up all of their bills, and I have nowhere to turn. What has this country come to and how can banks willingly lose money with no pause? How can this country give its citizens nowhere to turn when banks refuse to keep their word. Capitalism is a wall that the rich hide behind, there is no American dream, my course was charted the second I took my first breath, and my story shows that no matter how hard you work, how you pay your bills, and no matter how you lead your life: our inalienable rights rest in the hands of men who will never know your name, who even if they did wouldn't care, our dreams are just that. Is this really what our forefathers had in mind in 1776? Bank of America is choosing to lose money rather than help a family who is not asking for charity, a gift, only that they allow us a way to meet the courts requirements and keep this home which we earned and pay for. This country hides behind it's past forgetting to chart a future.
Any suggestions let me know , I am plum out of ideas and my family deserves better.
Paragraphs are your friends.
Capitalism is a joke, a way to make our own riches. Here is a story of Bank of America and their greed and foolish business decisions, My wife and I started dating 2 years ago we had worked together for awhile before. We had both recently divorced and in her divorce she was so kindly allowed to keep the house(upside down value and all) as her first child had been born there. The decree stated that she have the house out of his name by Oct, 2011. Prior to the divorce BoA assured her that she only need to perform an assupmtion and all would be well. As the divorce grew closer her ex-husband stopped paying the mortgage so it was (4) months behind, when I married her, we called Boa and were told catch the mortgage up and show one year of on time payments. So that is what we did and at the request of BoA we paid (3) months in advance to show good faith. So last month we submitted the paperwork after again speaking to BoA, several days ago we got a call and BoA stated "your mortgage was modified a few years ago, there is no way to perform an assumption", you may say why did they allow us to get so far before realizing the type of mortgage that BoA held and my wife and I paid? The answer "no one looked at the mortgage or they overlooked it prior to this" So we were told to refi the house and directed to that department, guess what BoA informed us "You owe 38k more on the home than it is worth since the housing market crash, we cannot refi this house" We were told they could not help us and they hung-up. So here you have a family of 4 and my mother who has been on diability for years who all live in a home, our bills including the mortgage all paid, in fact our mortgage is (3) months ahead and we have been told that since it cannot be taken out of his name in a timely manner we must sell the home, keep in mind it is worth 38k less than it is worth. So BoA a bank who just last week made a statement "We have a right to make a profit too" and they are willing to force a family who has completed each task assigned by them to the letter to move into what? My wifes credit will be ruined so we cannot buy a house maybe a large apartment? This bank is willing to lose at least 38k. For what reason would they do this, how can a banking system that required our tax dollars as bailout turn away a family who can, and I might add does pay their mortgage and instead of collecting their money take the hit? I have written everyone looking for an reasoning or help, I do live in America and I pay my taxes there must be help.... No nothing standard form letters that more or less say "oh well" How in a time when so many citizens are losing their homes because they do not have jobs and cannot pay their bills through no fault of their own, because the banking system and this government failed us. How can a bank turn away paying customers, rather take lose $38,000? And it gets better on our last call they told us they could modifiy the loan further to keep her in it, lowering the intrest rate and extending the term.... SO they will take less money by reducing the intrest rate or by sale but they will not allow us to get his name off of the loan so I can pay at the current term and rate? I make more than he does, I have caught-up all of their bills, and I have nowhere to turn. What has this country come to and how can banks willingly lose money with no pause? How can this country give its citizens nowhere to turn when banks refuse to keep their word. Capitalism is a wall that the rich hide behind, there is no American dream, my course was charted the second I took my first breath, and my story shows that no matter how hard you work, how you pay your bills, and no matter how you lead your life: our inalienable rights rest in the hands of men who will never know your name, who even if they did wouldn't care, our dreams are just that. Is this really what our forefathers had in mind in 1776? Bank of America is choosing to lose money rather than help a family who is not asking for charity, a gift, only that they allow us a way to meet the courts requirements and keep this home which we earned and pay for. This country hides behind it's past forgetting to chart a future.
Any suggestions let me know , I am plum out of ideas and my family deserves better.
sorry we don't protect your rights to life, liberty and property, lol
Wow...someone needs a refresher course on the Constitution.
like this one --
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
refresh all you want, it's still the same
See that's not what you said.
You are given the rights of Life, Liberty and THE PERSUIT OF HAPPINESS (dumb ass). That means that you can't have your life take away from you (with out due cause), you can't have your liberties taken away (without due cause), and you have the right to own peoperty (and that it can not be taken away with out due process). No where does it say that any body has to give you anything.
actually here is the written part, you are further evidence of how clueless most "Americans" are... quotes because fox news divided you into voting groups - "Americans" are the ones that support the 1% and the rest are commies, according to them.
thank goodness for this movement, you will all soon fade... we are boycotting capitalism, no one can force us to buy anything, we will use the system against itself, and we don't need any help from anyone, we are the world now.
Ok... So explain again how that make capitalism unconstitutional?
go back and read but this time try think, there are more than just letters of the alphabet here
Where is the constitution is protection? and where do you get that that means that government should give you everything?
where is everything me ask?
where in
And by the way, someone who can miss quote and miss interprit the most important document of the United States is proof that you are the "cluless American"
Where is the writen part? Just to make sure, you though protction was in the constitution so I want to know did I miss quote or do you really noy understand?
wow you really don't know, OMG -- sorry can't stop laughing.... ok ok then -- so what's your favorite Amendment, you know where they added (or revised) the constitution cause it wasn't working... uhm...
where did they change the preambel? That part can not be changed. How about a quote. show me the quote, either in the constitution or in the amendments that says that the governments job is to hand you everything.
you mean like the opportunity to work for fair housing, food and good health? or to use my taxes to seize resources through military force? they do do one of those... which one --- hahha do do like this forum conversation do do
You have a consitutuional right to work for whatever you want. The covernment does not have a constitutional responsibility to give you anything. The constitution is a framework for government, not the military. It says what the government can and can't do. It can raise and army and it can delcare war. It does not say why we can use the army.
I want to see where it says that the government's job it to hand you everything.
Once again learn what the constitution is. I want a quote
so what you're saying is that we have a right to work for life so long as "work" is available, otherwise we a$$ed out?
who provides this "work" which would give us life, liberty and protection?
What are you talking about? work is not a constitutional right in and of itself. It is if you want it to fit within liberty or the persuit of happyness, then the government will allow it but they don't have to provide it for you.
You can either work from someone else or make it yourself. Either way, unless your job is as president, as a congressman, as a judge, or as a member of the armed services, it isn;t the government's job to provide you witha job
we know, even if you are starving to death, that is the constitution we protect and preserve. we needs us some mo cheap labors
Dude ok those three things, life liberty and the persuit of happyness, just mean that you can not be deprived of those without due process. Not that the government has to provide them for you.
i know government doesn't make any attempt to provide people in the country with a means of supporting themselves and their families, that's just how we like it, for that they have to depend on capitalism, which needs some cheap labor right now.... come on, get to work slave... lol
You do not have the numbers to affect change through boycotts.