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Forum Post: capitalism is not the us government and in many cases is against the us governmentcor

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 4:12 p.m. EST by huemanoun (18)
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yeah I agree capitalism is corrupt but that doesnt mean we should overthrow the democratic government..there is good government and their is bad government but our government is worlds ahead of the third world that allows things like voodoo torture and public beheadings..these are things the puritans were doing in our country 200 years ago..we are more civilized and their countries have absolutly no human rights..they have witch doctors and dont wear rubber despite aids because its what the fucking pope says..easter europe, africa, india,china civilization is a minority in these places..ive been there ive seen it..and their governments dont even waste their time on human rights. if some protestor was shot that would be a huge deal...whereas in fucking ghana the body would be raised up by the gangs that keep the war lords in power and they would shout carrying in through the streets shouting this is what happens when you oppose us...so please dont destroy a good thing...and after being abroad for 3 years the united states is a good thing..we dont realize how bad it is elsewhere

corporations try to undermine the us government because in this country we have a minimium wage...when they go to india or china they can get away with paying people pennies because the government doesnt give a shit what they pay them..so at least here industry and corporations are somewhat on a leash

corrupt schools ripping off students..dirty companies...these are not the government...even if they are state schools or state run facilities they have been corrupted and the government tries to fight corruption so lets not fucking war with our ALLIES



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[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

Agreed, but our current republic form of government has already proven itself to be a manipulative failure in the pocket of the 1%. Consequently, perhaps you would consider our group's alternative online direct democracy of business and government at http://getsatisfaction.com/americanselect/topics/on_strategically_weighted_policies_organizational_operating_structures_tactical_investment_procedures-448eo and then direct questions or comments to our group's 19 members committed to that plan at: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/StrategicInternationalSystems/