Forum Post: Capitalism is a dictatorship of the wealthy.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 3:10 a.m. EST by demonspawn79
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In a true capitalist society, only ideas which are deemed profitable are supported by those with the capital to develop those ideas. "Unprofitable" ideas which benefit humanity as a whole are either ignored or actively suppressed by the wealthy elite. The poor majority, that is to say those who do not have the disposable income to invest, have no say in which ideas are developed and which ones are discarded. One only has to look at the suppression of ideas from people like Nikola Tesla and others who have developed unprofitable ideas to benefit humanity as a whole.
People are just stupid.
Thanks, but calling the plutocratic oiligarchy a dictatorship is not very helpful. We need to foster pervasive understanding of the mechanisms, ways & means of the exploiters.
Calling hypno-demonocracy a dictatorship glosses over the real problem and begs for negative labeling.
A con game requires a willing dupe, a sucker who falls for the game, because of his own greed & vanity. Plutonomy is a game, a con game, not a dictatorship. In a dictatorship, victimization is compulsory. In a con game, victimization is voluntary.
As an inventor of virtually suppressed advanced technologies, I have a little personal experience of what Mr. Tesla faced in spades. That didn't make either of us victims of a sociopathic oiligarchy or a dictatorship.
The worst dictatorship I know of is the dictatorship of the tryrannical ego demon, lurking in each of us like a psychic virus in our biocomputer.
what ideas are you talking about? like in capitalist society there would be no art? but that is something that has existed in all societies. and there are economics and profits around it as well in fact. the poor are not the "majority" and capitalism is the only system that allows someone to rise from great poverty to great wealth. profitable ideas can come from the poor. if nothing else they still have human capital. more economic freedom is what builds a middle class. your rant is also asserting that in a capitalist society nothing is done unless it is in pursuit of profit - however altruism is alive and well in capitalist societies as well.
I challenge any proponent of capitalism to dispute these facts. I won't hold my breath.
Capitalism allowed the United States to become the most powerful country on the planet, ever.
It just needs some changes to get it working properly again.
Socialism allowed Nazi Germany to become the most powerful country in Europe only a few years after is was a third world country with citizens starving in the streets. Why should any one country be allowed to hold so much power? History has shown what happens when one country holds this amount of power. And what has the U.S. done with all this power? It's gone all over the planet stealing and exploiting the masses, murdering millions of innocent civilians for profit and subjecting numerous countries to brutal dictatorships.
Edit: And Israel is the most powerful country on the planet. The U.S. government is controlled by the Zionists, just look at the support both parties in Congress have shown Netanyahu.
Nazi Germany had nothing to do with socialism. God I hate that. Fascism involves the control of industry (actually merging of corporations and state) for the purposes of the state - in this case military conquest and the consolidation of power for the elite. Socialism is a collective stake in the means of production for the benefit of labor/the people.
The United States was more powerful than Germany. Period.
Americans like being powerful. If you're trying to convince them otherwise you will fail.
Actually no, it wasn't. If Hitler had not invaded Russia and instead concentrated him military on the western front, the Allied forces would have lost the war. Even Japan was more powerful than the U.S., which is why they had to use nuclear weapons to end the war in the Pacific. You can believe whatever you want, but you're wrong.
The development of nuclear fusion has been suppressed for decades by the wealthy elite because it threatens their vast oil production profits. Nuclear fusion has already been proven to work by scientists all over the world, but developers are constantly ignored or ridiculed by the mainstream media and findings are suppressed by universities that are owned and controlled by the elite.
I guess you've never heard of ITER then.
Also coal is the predominant fuel source for power plants, not oil.
Sorry I didn't mean to disrupt the crazy conspiracy theorizing.
Experimentation with nuclear fusion started as far back as 1946. Why has it taken over half a century for this technology to develop? And ITER is not a commercial enterprise, it's merely a research facility. We would have working nuclear reactors powering homes and businesses across the globe if the technology had not been so aggressively suppressed for decades.
It is being developed currently and the next phase is a commercial plant.
How about you give me some supporting evidence that this has all been suppressed and this multi-billion dollar international project is just a distraction from the technology that actually exists right now.
Perhaps you should ask yourself why the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office outright refuses to process any patent applications that have any reference to the term "cold fusion". Personally, I think it's because cold fusion already exists and the process is already patented, but the developers will not allow the technology to be used by the general public. Of course I could be wrong.
I suggest you go read about the Fleischmann–Pons experiment, their claims of cold fusion, and the complete denial and ridicule by the mainstream media and scientific community. The scientific process is about questioning and experimentation, not dismissing new unexplained phenomena out of hand, which is exactly what the mainstream scientific community did.
It wasn't complete denial and ridicule, it was complete inability to reproduce the claimed results.
In science when you make a claim about something, other scientists should be able to reproduce those results. If nobody can, your claim is labeled invalid. That's how science works.
"The reported results received wide media attention,[3] and raised hopes of a cheap and abundant source of energy.[4] Many scientists tried to replicate the experiment with the few details available, some to prove it wrong, and some because they wanted to be part of this new exciting discovery. Hopes fell with the big number of negative replications, the withdrawal of many positive replications, the discovery of flaws and sources of experimental error in the original experiment, and finally the discovery that Fleischmann and Pons had not actually detected nuclear reaction byproducts.[5] By late 1989, most scientists considered cold fusion claims dead,[6][7] and cold fusion subsequently gained a reputation as pathological science.[8]"
Seems Rossi and Focardi got it right? If its not a scam! But when Rossi fires up his 1 MW Cold Fusion e-cat Nickel/Hydrogen plant on 28th October then is think its obvious that ist is real! Rossi says he will power plants the size of single households ready next year!