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Forum Post: Capitalism in a Nutshell

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 6:08 p.m. EST by joethefarmer (21)
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Capitalism in a nutshell

  1. I have an idea for a great product
  2. I have no collateral so the banks will not lend me money
  3. I sell shares of stock to people willing to risk their money 4a. My idea fails and the investors lose their money. I owe them nothing 4b. My idea succeeds and we all make money!

Croney Capitalism in a nutshell

  1. I have an idea that really sucks.
  2. I have friends in high places in D.C.
  3. My friends in D.C. give me Capital
  4. My company fails because it was a bad idea.
  5. The tax payers pay the bill.



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