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Forum Post: Capitalism has no ART.

Posted 11 years ago on May 9, 2013, 4:25 p.m. EST by ProblemSolver (79)
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The Capitalist price tag has removed Art from the soul of the Nation.



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[-] 2 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 11 years ago

wow.... we are mixing up a lot ideas here.... Get It Fucking Straight

  • Capitalism is Not Corporatism....
  • We are currently experiencing governments driven by Corporatism...
  • Corporatism is destroying the opportunities in Art and many other social industries like teaching, etc... Capitalism is not....
  • true, Capitalism drives the hoarding of monetary wealth... but it does not have to....
  • true, Socialism drives the reduction of free enterprise ... but it does not have to....
  • Greed is a trait ..... everyone has greed... but the greed might be for Knowledge, or for Beauty, etc....
  • it is the sole Greed for money that is driving Corporatism... which is destroying our economic & social progress....
[-] 0 points by ProblemSolver (79) 11 years ago

we are mixing up a lot ideas here"

Civilization is extremely complex..or haven't you heard.?!


[-] -1 points by freemarket5555 (-182) 11 years ago

Capitalism drives art. How do you guys come up with this stuff? The Getty Museum was and is funded by OIL. The Guggenheim Museum was funded by LEAD refining. Art is funded by the wealthy. Opera, Theater, movies.

Is there any art worth a shit coming from any socialist country? Even computer games, which can be considered a form of art, come from mostly capitalistic countries. What movie has come from Greece or France or Spain that is any good?

You guys are wack.

[-] 0 points by ProblemSolver (79) 11 years ago

No, when a man goes to work in a Capitalist society all beauty is removed from his heart.. his achievements are measured in dollar amount only.

[-] 1 points by Jamblack21 (-5) 11 years ago

You can't get everything handed to you in life

[-] -1 points by ProblemSolver (79) 11 years ago

No, but it sure seems I could easily get everything taken from me.. by you greedy capitalists.

[-] 1 points by Jamblack21 (-5) 11 years ago

Good God, everyone is greedy. It is an inherent nature of man, even you are greedy.

[-] -1 points by ProblemSolver (79) 11 years ago

I disagree.

The world is not full of terrible people .. no sir . no sir.

In fact I believe if the right people were at the helm we would have complete fairness across the land.. because they would see to it that it happens .. straight from the goodness in their hearts .. they would defend righteousness and honor.. where as the criminals today at the helm .. have no honor.. none.. excuse me but I have once thought all people were inherently good.. I have been mistaken .. people are not all inherently good .. and when treachery becomes available to them ..they will seek it out.. and grasp it with all the love in their heart.

[-] 0 points by Jamblack21 (-5) 11 years ago

You're idea of "fairness" is nothing but laziness, you don't want to work for the things you want, that's how the world works. All this redistribution of the wealth crap affects people who are not super wealthy.

[-] 0 points by ProblemSolver (79) 11 years ago

Well like I said in another post.. We have given you a chance to understand the error of your ways ..but you adamantly refused... now we will break you.

[-] 1 points by Jamblack21 (-5) 11 years ago

Well getting a little deep aren't we.

[-] -1 points by freemarket5555 (-182) 11 years ago

You either have beauty in your heart or not. The economic system he toils under has no effect.

[-] 0 points by ProblemSolver (79) 11 years ago

I disagree.