Forum Post: Capitalism has made life insanely easy for humanity
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 12, 2011, 11:39 a.m. EST by OregonRuts
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Just 200 years ago, life for most people was brutish and crushing. It remains so in non capitalistic countries. Let's use a simple example: coffee brewing. Civil War soldiers made coffee by boiling crushed coffee beans in water. Because someone wanted to make a buck,we now have a number of wonderful ways to brew a cup, at ridiculously cheap price. Because someone wanted to make a buck, we have a bewildering array of delicious foods that anyone in America can buy. To make a buck, someone figured out how to hatch an egg, raise a chicken, kill it, pluck it, ship it, season it and cook it for $5. Throw in some green beans and fresh carrots and you have dinner for 4 for $7. Due to capitalism, we are so rich in America, we can import WATER from Europe!
Look around you and behold the wonders of human invention, unleashed by American capitalism.
But you have to have a job or you're not invited to the party. It's not like it was 200 years ago. If you don't have a job, you can't just farm your land - they'll take it from you for not paying taxes. You can't hunt for food, either, because you have to pay for a license. If you fall on hard times, you're stuck. And the jobs are being automated away. Capitalism is a godsend except for one thing: corporations act like funnels, taking a little from everybody on each transaction, & putting that in the hands of a few. Those few no longer need all of us, so the extras are thrown out on the streets to scavenge handouts. If we the people owned the corporations, they would stop acting like funnels. This isn't socialism. It's smart capitalism.
check out the zeitgeist video link below when you've got the time
science has changed the world not capitalism. we've had capitalism for thousands of years in one form or another. science on the other hand is relatively recent
Yes, science was the tool but profit was the motive. Why were CF lights marketed? To make a profit.