Forum Post: Can't blame Obama.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 5:03 p.m. EST by Ihatehippies
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Who brought down Osama Bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki?
You're Welcome. Obama 2012!
yes, let's celebrate government sanctioned assassinations against people who didn't do anything except speak out against the worldwide tyranny of the USA.
Nuke the Whales!
Please. Alternative energy is the way. I am in the process of designing an engine that runs on the blood of baby harp seals. Soon, we will no longer need oil.
I would argue that Osama Bin Laden did quite a bit more than "speak out against the worldwide tyranny of the USA".. I hate to invoke 9/11 for sake of arguments after the Iraq War, but it did happen.
You really think there would be military assassination for someone exercising their right to free speech? Get real.
Anwar al-Awlaki had committed no crime except that. And he was a US citizen. check facts before employing bad sarcasm please.
i know what they "claimed" he'd done. But that wiki article is all speculation.
Yes, let's celebrate the unconstitutional assassination of an american citizen.
Obama has been in the pockets of the bankers, especially Goldman Sachs. Obama has helped Al-Qaeda members take over Libya (for the bankers, and for oil).
He's not part of the solution, that's for sure.
Ok first point, I'll accept it.
Second point, lollll what?
BOOSH: please do the research on your own, as that is always the best way to learn. The leaders of the Libyan rebel group that we helped put in charge were all Al-Qaeda members (they have openly stated it, and in fact, most of the leaders fought US in Iraq). This is a well-known fact that even the US government has admitted.
No generally in these kinds of forums when you make claims like that you back them up with sources.
Abdel Belhadj, who is the current leader of the Libyan rebels (after the former one was mysterious killed...right after he stated there were tons of Al-Qaeda members in the rebel forces) was a founder of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. A group that became affiliated with Al-Qaeda, including "Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb". Belhadj in particular was/is a known Al-Qaeda asset.
I'm not sure how you can go from: The Obama administration helped a rebellious group which may have members that have had previous ties to Al-Qaeda, information which was found out after the fact... to "Obama helped Al-Qaeda members take over Libya".
Twisted that one up nicely.
You obviously didn't read the links. Belhadj, the founder, and "emir" of the LIFG worked with Al-Zarqawi. Moreover, Zawahiri himself "merged" LIFG with AQIM. They are considered an Al-Qaeda group.
But whatever, I don't like to fight over such things. You are free to believe what you want. :)
Thanks buddy!
Yes We Can!
Obama haters: So, from reading a handful of these posts it is clear that what we have are many of the same haters that exist all over the internet; looking for someone to blame and especially love to blame Obama for everything under the sun. What are you doing here? Obama supports this and has been for change on Wall Street before he was ever elected. Obama has been OBSTRUCTED in everything he has tried to do; he could have done as much as someone like Franklin Roosevelt if he had the same kind of loyalty that Roosevelt had. But there are too many whiners and blamers around to have that kind of loyalty for a president anymore. It's great to see a movement like this but if it's going to attract ignorant haters and persons just looking for something to glom onto, how much good can it ultimately do. What's happening here is the brainwashed from the conservative party have confused themselves. They WANT to join something with liberal ideas that help the average person instead of the rich, but it just doesn't jive with the mess they've been taught by the conservatives.
Wasn't al-Awkali the American citizen who Obama authorized the killing of?
How many deaths was he responsible form? Have you heard of treason?
So now all Obama supporters are "Dick Chaney" hawks. Dick Chaney is grinning from ear-to-ear. When can we expect the Obama supporters to start waterboarding the enemy? Hell....Obama supporter have moved so far "right" they just might join the GOP. Go Obama!
Occupy Wall Street needs to become Occupy New Corp. They are big supporters of keeping the 99% down. They've influenced congress and the governement by making sure our tax system is unfair and favors the truely wealthly. And they try to discredit the occupy wall street protestors every night on Fox News Shows like "The Five", "Red Eye" and "Hannity".
Obama is not going to lose the election. Just get over it.
This has no bearing on the movement at all. So our military over extended periods of time, meticulously tracked down Bin Laden and Obama signed a paper and he gets the credit? And besides it's irrelevant, the middle class has no representation in the United States at all and no one was held responsible for the economic crisis but instead were given a get out of jail free card with a bailout. I have to say your comment sounds like a troll.
BUT...........why is obama positioning misiles on russias doorstep?...If russia put misiles in mexico .......america would freak out.......THE...CEOS and BANKERS must need another war.....after all ....WAR=PROBLEMS SOLVED........War would bring OWS to a stand still.....martial law..war measures act....etc.....Draft all so called radicals....OWS supporters.......It also would put people to work........though only temporarily.....It would definately reduce the unwashed population of the world.....the so called the mainstream media called them.....AND best of all.........those wealthy CEOs , BANKERS and MAJOR STOCKHOLDERS....could laugh all the way to the they make obscene profits from supplying the war machine.........SOooooooooo.........who will america hit first?......WELLL........lets just hope those conspiracy theorists are wrong about 911......because if they are right....LOOKOUT NYC.......
BUT...........why is obama positioning misiles on russias doorstep?...If russia put misiles in mexico .......america would freak out.......THE...CEOS and BANKERS must need another war.....after all ....WAR=PROBLEMS SOLVED........War would bring OWS to a stand still.....martial law..war measures act....etc.....Draft all so called radicals....OWS supporters.......It also would put people to work........though only temporarily.....It would definately reduce the unwashed population of the world.....the so called the mainstream media called them.....AND best of all.........those wealthy CEOs , BANKERS and MAJOR STOCKHOLDERS....could laugh all the way to the they make obscene profits from supplying the war machine.........SOooooooooo.........who will america hit first?......WELLL........lets just hope those conspiracy theorists are wrong about 911......because if they are right....LOOKOUT NYC.......
Well who attacked a sovereign nation without just cause? So there!
And who didn’t think about Osama much and let him get away for Obama to kill. Yeah that’s “right” give credit where due. Dubya gets credit for it.
Obama is a corporate puppet and an absolute failure. Lets be honest if Obama wasnt a failure for the majority of americans we wouldnt have an occupy wallstreet because there would no need for it. Its time for a revolution in this country or at least an amendment to the constitution seperating corporation from state.
Ron Paul 2012!
Obama is a war monger....more wars will be started if he wins election.
The military supports Ron Paul more than any other know why? because they know these wars are pointless and they know ron paul will bring them home. fuck obama.
Give me a Left President or a Right President. I don't like these middle guys, fit for nothing !
For NO reason I might ADD!
Sure Obama is guilt free.
He was FORCED to accept Wall St donations.
He was then FORCED to hire as many ex Wall St execs to run his campaign.
And of course lets not forget he was FORCED to then bail out all the same Wall St donors and shift the debt to the taxpayer.
Blameless indeed.
Yes yes indeed and let me just say thanks to Mr. Obama. Because he lied and kept our troops over seas my uncle will never come home. Thank you Obama and Bush for killing a Father, brother, Son, Uncle, and a friend. I definetly want you in office!
The guy extended the bush tax cuts - he is soooo owned
We have to be willing to compromise we can't just be mad and "cut of our nose to spite our face" We will get no where then.
what planet do you live on mimthefree? Worldwide tyranny? Damn! You gotta quit the mushrooms.
Yes, the first sitting president to fly in the face of the rule of law and assassinate an American citizen with no evidence and no due process.
Sign me up for four more years. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll end up on a terrorist watch list so he can send a drone to my house and take me down...
no evidence? you're fucking stupid. Get educated. There was a shit load of evidence. They've been after this guy since Bush was president. Yeah, he had no trial, thats all. If you don't want to support American than leave. So what if he's an American citizen? He was also a terrorist. So do you support America or Terrorism?
Are you serious? Haven't you noticed that the war on terror will NEVER be won, and it is making the banks and the military contractors extremely rich?
Are you really that naiive? Have you bought their line about how all muslims are evil and want to blow up Americans?
If they had the evidence, they are bound by the Constitution to bring him to trial. So - how do you know they had any evidence? They didn't present any of it. They just said "We said so." This should be chilling to any American, especially since our own orwellian motherland security czar has been telling us Comrades to spy on each other - even in Walmart.
he posted recruitment videos online recruiting members to Al-Qaeda deliberately to fight against America....that's all the evidence that's needed. So if I go online and admit that I run a sanction in which I train people how to kill Americans than I'm at no fault?
I'm not saying you're not at fault. I'm saying you are an American citizen, and as such, we are BOUND by the laws of our own country to extradite your @ss and bring you to trial. It's the 5th amendment:
"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation".
They deprived him of life. I'm not saying he's a good guy - he may very well of been guilty of all of those things. However, as a U.S. citizen, he (like you and I) is entitled to due process.
(Also - if you reread the stipulation above - it applies only if he was in the armed forces, which he was not.)
If they have the evidence, they must PRESENT it in a court of law. Otherwise they can just take any one of us out.
Just don't go to an Arab country and send videos to the US saying America is the infidel and you will enact jihad in the name of allah, Osama bin laden and alquaeda. I will be fine. If you threaten this country and you are a leader of al quaeda you are an enemy in this war and you will be killed before you can harm harm Americans you should be greatful he didn't get to attack us and he is dead you are stupid and ungreatful
Respectfully wwedding - the war on terror is a sham. We have been 'fighting' it four more years longer than WW2. And the real shame is - our leaders are clamouring for attacking Iran - which I fear will mean WW3. Only this time, it's nuclear.
Why are we fighting in 7 countries, and all of those countries happen to have oil? Will the war on terror ever end? Don't forget that meanwhile, it is making a helluva lot of money for military contractors and bankers...
Also - do you support the Patriot Act? Do you support the Constitution?
I think there are serious terrorists out there that want to harm America. They say so themselves in those videos they are jihadists and a real threat. I think president Obama is working towards getting us out of these wars he is just trying to kill off as many heads and operatives of alquaeda as he can he is doing it smartly and we are safer for it I support the patriot act because I have nothing to hide. I am not a terrorist and I don't do drugs
Ofcourse you're not a terrorist. And yes - there are some people who are against the United States and would like to try to attack. However, think about this scenario for a moment: how you would feel if an outside force (e.g. China) had a standing army in America for 10 yrs straight? They were bombing our cities and infrastructure at will. We would have to go through checkpoints by Chinese officials. They were using depleted uranium in some of the bombs, which were causing severe and horrible birth defects in American babies. Now, do you think that we might harbor resentment, hatred, towards them?
We are CREATING more terrorists than we are killing over there. The longer we stay there, the worse it is. More of our young people get killed every day, and more of their civilians get killed.
I don't know about you - but if you've lived here all your life, like I have - you cannot conceive of what it would be like to live in a war zone controlled by another militarized nation. It would be absolute hell. Violence, poverty, civil unrest, oppression. Nothing compared to what we are experiencing here in America anywhere, or on OWS.
Ask yourself the key questions here: who is benefiting from these wars and conflicts? Who has something to gain? Who is making money?
One other thing - the patriot act is blatantly unconstitutional. It is in direct violation of the fourth amendment : The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Where is probable cause? Where is the warrant? They don't have either. And there is no probable cause to believe that you are a terrorist. But that doesn't matter. They can listen to your cell phone conversations, read your emails, and track your whereabouts with your phone at will.
Your a troll! Either join the OWS / Ass baggers or the tea baggers or get out.
Didn't OBL die in 2001?
and in 2003, and in 2006, and ... well, he must be related to Elvis.
No. He died this year. Bush gave up on finding him. Told the media he didn't think it was important. Maybe you're thinking of Saddam...
I am not. An article I read in 2001 (my paper boy days) suggested OBL was dying and had months to live without Western medicine. It also suggested he lost use in one of his arms (supposedly evident in early videos.)
But I'm in no position to say, perhaps the sources back then were merely misinformed.
Oh, I recall hearing about that. I agree we're both in no position to say for sure. Its all in whose story each individual happens to believe more isn't it! That's life (and death) I suppose! :-)
Navy Dev Group and a dude in a trailer flying a predator?
Today Anwar, tomorrow one of us. Once you allow sidestepping laws...
Hey we are down here handing out info packs about obamas birth certificate please check out
Hey we are down here handing out info packs about obamas birth certificate please check out
Maybe you've heard of Troll-o-Rama?
This is Troll-o-Bama. Or is it Troll-o-Sama? I can't remember which.
You're all ignorant. Obama is getting re-elected so just stop trying.
Obama is the best candidate for the 99%, If course we are not yet at the point where the OWS movement has gotten the money out of politics but we have to deal with the situation. Voting for no one is not an option. This movement should and will change policy. We can make a difference and influence him. Life isn't perfect, there isn't ever going to be a perfect candidate but just imagine if one of the Republicans became president....I don't want to imagine
And what has this to do with the influence of money on congress?
Obama spent more money than any Presidential candidate ever. He also didn't take the public money so he wouldn't be hindered in what he could spend.
And what has that to do with capturing Bin Laden?
Nothing. I'm simply pointing out one certainly can blame Obama, and explaining what he has to do with the influence of money.
And my response was exactly meant to state that it doesn't help pointing fingers, because for every finger pointed there will be 10 fingers pointed at some illusive opponent and we end up in the left v right debate.
Wow if killing people is the best reason to elect a president vote for me. I'm highly trained to do so and I can start ASAP.