Forum Post: Can You Handle the Truth?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 3:49 a.m. EST by COINTELPRO
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The "Occupy Movement" Exposed.
"Politics" Exposed.
Human Revolution.
Message From Anonymous.
"those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - john f. kennedy
No... I can't handle it! No....
Obviously, this has nothing to do with Anonymous.
yeah, you become... lmao. ahhhhhh. good times.
"You don't join Anonymous, you become Anonymous."
cool story bro
What will be - that not be avoided!
Expect Us.
Wake up and use the power of the pen to get these reptilians out of our country (USA) and this planet !!! No violence is needed.
read the protocols of zion, reptilians are just a disinfo coverup
The Protocols of Zion has been proven to be a forgery almost a hundred years ago. Ironically (or not) much of what it documents has, in fact, come true, proving again that truth is often stranger (and scarier) than fiction.
Expect Us.
Expect Us.
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Expect Us.
J F Kennedy was killed because he wanted to disclose the ET presence and how they control us via fiat money and that he wanted to dissolve the feds (a private company belonging to the british crown) etc....
"Somehow I fancy that he would never have allowed that. After all, he was poised to close the Federal Reserve and the CIA and disclose the presence of extraterrestrials. Even Clinton and Obama have not been able to swing that and CIA Director William Casey and many others have also been assassinated for trying."
more info links:
politics are more important then aliens you disinfo faggot
You haven't the guts to take truth w/o doing due dilligence. Why don't you study first and talk nicely instead of being low class and call names.
Jfk was killed because he endorsed adolf hitler and wanted to make major changes to the federal reserve
Expect Us.
Expect Us.
Who are we? Spiritual beings cleansing our souls and experiencing the "physical".
Who is the enemy of man? That's the anti-christ - - lucifer's minions that are reptilians. They are the same ones who own the banks and the Wall Street... See link below:
Please see link below for a lot more:
its the jews, they have been doing so for thousands of years, spend your time ACTUALLY READING the protocols of zion and you will see
Did you see the ??? In there you will see:
Essentially, these ETs / luciferian guys (aka as zionist jews, yiddish speaking jews, non semite jews, non judean hebrew jews, fake jews, false jews, imposter jews, hollywood jews, khazarian jews, luciferian jews, satanic jews, zionist luciferian jews, southern russians, mongolian jews, turkish jews, finnish jews, askenazi jews, anti-christ jews, serpent people, reptilian bosheviks, 13th tribe, parasite jews, anti-christ jews etc...) are the ones behind the killings around the world.
The jews you are talking about are the ones named above. The real jews or semitic jews or judean hebrew jews are "real jews".
Fake jews speak yiddish, practice the Talmud, and use the protocols of the learned elders of zion to conquer this planet under the guidance of lucifer.
Real jews speak hebrew and practice the "torah".
i've read the torah, and all it teaches is that the jew should hate the non jew and that rabbis win debates against god
I hope you can learn a thing or two by going through the blogs above.
Expect Us.
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Expect Us.
Expect Us.
Expect Us.
Expect Us.
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Expect Us.
Expect Us.