Forum Post: Can you believe it??????????
Posted 11 years ago on July 15, 2013, 10:36 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
F'n commercials on the BOOB-TUBE!!!!!!!
F'N For Real !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey DKA, TPTB seem to be stringing along the market bubble for awhile. All these FAKE news stories----houses selling, consumer confidence up, income up, new jobs, unemployment at 7.5----Total Propaganda.
Psychological warfare on the population has been legalized - though this is more of the same bullshit that has been served up for decades now - the only difference being quantity and frequency.
I know I've posted this a ton in the past have to post it again DKA - telling documentary about how our economy is a land based system - Real Estate for Ransom on YouTube - I love this film! Thanks to those that made it.
There is a housing shortage in some areas. Austin, TX comes to mind.
Real estate I has recovered to great extent.
Who are you trying to kid? Oh I know - I'm sorry - you probably saw a legitimate report on the BOOB-TUBE. Was it aired with a clean coal commercial?
Prices have climbed back up, just look at price comparable s in the real estate section of the newspaper. Rents are climbing. There is no inventory anymore.
Apparently the world has passed OWS by.
Vera get your head out of the clouds - where were you during the reports of houses deliberately not being posted for sale? Not being placed on the market ( empty - repossessed - homes ) so as to limit available properties on the market. Those properties still exist - they just aren't listed - it is called market manipulation - and has nothing to do with reality.
I can't speak for every market, but my realtor friends tell me there isn't any inventory in suburban Denver. They WANT HOUSES TO SELL..
Maybe your focus shouldn't be so narrow/limited. I mean Colorado is no economic heaven. Highest paying job - on average - last time I visited - was grocery store cashier.
Get your house now - they are in short supply!!!!
It says so on the BOOB-TUBE
I caught that a couple days ago. "Not enough houses." What an effin' joke, right? It's all just a ploy.
The assholes have got hundreds of thousands of homes that they basically walked away from - but still unbelievably they own them - they threw the families out onto the streets - and walked away - these homes are still out there and they are saying that there is a shortage - UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE.
I walked away from my house 4 years ago and it's still empty!
And Obama hasn't done a damn meaningful thing about it! I have a friend that was in foreclosure for over 3 yrs (she stayed in the house all this time, tho) and we tried every federal plan that Obama came up with to no avail.
It just doesn't make sense for the banks to throw someone out if they are trying to work with them and make some sort of payment. So many of the empty homes are now uninhabitable do to vandals and scavengers. It isn't even good business for the banks, cannot understand how they could not come up with a plan that kept their income coming and kept un/under employed in their homes.
Instead of justice for trayvon, OWS needs to return to justice for main street!
Ahhhh but that doesn't count...... ummmm .... I think ...... as there is a shortage ....... they said so right on the BOOB-TUBE .... so it must be true.
But inflation is still low! It is all a joke.
chocolate is rarely under $4 a pound these days
Smoke and mirrors - [owner] boy I would really like to get that 100' yacht this year - but daymn that would hurt my deposits - OH - I KNOW - 5% price increase - hey and i think that might even allow me to up my deposits - slap myself on the back - " way to go "................
it drives up the value... scarcity creates false value - keys word in this whole economy "Constructed Scarcity" ever noticed how the big box stores always seem to run out of christmas lights, and air conditioners, and generators when they are most needed - they short stock the shelves which created the illusion of scarcity - and people begin to grab it up like they don't secretly have a whole warehouse full that will come out tomorrow.
"Constructed Scarcity" *is a form of price setting - as is electronic price setting through the internet (but no lawmaker has the guts to crack down)
The banks didn't walk away, they refused to take over ownership so that the prior foreclosed upon homeowner who no longer lives in the home will be forced to pay the property tax on the home until such time as the bank finds an owner for the home.
The banks never had ownership of these properties - they were the middlemen of the deal - the deal being brokering paper - brokering paper to chumps who didn't and apparently still don't have a clue.
There is the term "bank owned" and "bank inventory" that is used. Basically the bank considers the home an asset in which they don't own any of the debt but do own whatever asset portion they feel they can claim "on paper" as you say.
This is different - the banks were operating as brokers - the banks got a handling fee but never possessed the mortgage.
If they could use it as an asset on their books, wouldn't that change your scenario? the foreclosed homeowner is on the books for owing what is owed, so whatever is left over the banks can probably consider an asset, no?
You are talking mortgages - Prior - to wallstreet.
This then brings up what is supposed to be a consumer bill of rights, also known as "Change in Terms" rights. Mortgages that were resold without the homeowners permission should be voided, as should all related foreclosures.
Any change in terms should require the expressed, written consent of the homeowner.
It's all a con just to get people to start buying again. Just like the "cash for clunkers" scam was really about stimulating auto sales.
And the way things are going, pretty soon renters here will be paying their rent to the Chinese:
i wouldn't worry about the chinese their whole system is about to go poof due to automation in america. what no one seems to get is soon there just won't be any jobs anywhere. welcome to the jungle.
Yep, nothing left but service and retail jobs for the average working stiff in America. Part-time, low wage, no bens. I can't predict what's going to happen in China. I don't think they're anywhere near a fall yet, but I could be wrong. I know things have slowed, but that might have a lot to do with Americans not having much disposable income.
automation means no jobs for anyone.
Eventually, yep. It'll be a while before we get there, but it's going to happen eventually. 90% of all jobs anyway. Maybe 100% some day. I'm trying to think of a job that can't be automated at some point in the future, but I'm not coming up with one.
it will not be awhile it is already upon us.
Not hardly. In the present day, I can think of dozens of jobs that are as yet beyond the abilities of automation. The medical profession (surgeons, in-home health care), construction industry (roofing, carpentry, home remodeling), transportation industry (trucking, delivery drivers, cabbies), entertainment industry (producers, writers, editors, animators), large swaths of the retail and service industry (hotel personnel, fast food, restaurant, cooks, trash collectors), information industry (software, data entry).
That's just off the top of my head. We're nowhere near that point.
oh i guess you have not seen the stories of those new robots doing heart surgeries, the construction of prefabricated homes, google cars, the fact that mcdonalds could be 100% automated 10 years ago seems to escape you. hell they have programs that write programs now. in the next 1-5 years you are going to see a tremendous amount of automation and cost cutting.
It hasn't escaped me a bit. But until they become ubiquitous, there will still be a need for human workers. Those robots assist heart surgeons, they don't replace them yet. Google cars have just hit the road and are confined to more expensive autos for now, Cadillac and Lincoln. Prefab homes still have to be largely assembled by humans on the job site. McDonald's has not one fully automated restaurant yet.
You said "Its already upon us." There's a huge difference between 'concept' and 'complete saturation.'
they have already replaced dock workers at the ship yards and auto workers you must be blind it is happening and it won't be years and years it will be all of the sudden like with any piece of technology just like 3d printers right now not a big deal but soon very soon it will be the biggest of deals.
I didn't say it wasn't happening, moron. It won't be "all of a sudden," it'll be gradual, just like it's been gradual all along. Robots began replacing auto workers in 1961. There's still 400,000 assembly line workers here in the US fifty years later. That's just one quick example.
And 3D printers have a long way to go before they start replacing anyone en masse. There's a big fucking difference between 3D printing something 8" square and 3D printing an entire house. Quit you're alarmist bullshit about automation when there are more pressing unemployment problems that can be addressed TODAY. Until human-like completely autonomous robots become perfected and AFFORDABLE, there will be a need for human workers. Period.
you are wrong on both accounts it will be sudden like the radio, tv, internet, cellphone, smartphone.
"You are wrong on both accounts it will be sudden like the radio, tv, internet, cellphone, smartphone."
No my friend, you're wrong. Bad examples, by the way. TV for example. It didn't reduce the number of workers, it INCREASED them as the popularity of TV's skyrocketed in the '50's necessitating not only workers to manufacture them but also retail outlets to sell them and a virtual explosion in TV repair shops. Same thing with radio and with radio and TV both, it increased the number of entertainers to fill that new niche plus all the workers employed at the stations broadcasting said entertainment.
And explain the loss in workers caused by the internet, cellphones or smartphones. We're not talking about a technology explosion, we're debating the rate at which technology will replace human workers. You seem to think it will be overnight. I contend that it will take years to completely replace all human workers, which is what you allude.
I don't see it happening in our lifetime.
We don't have buses that we'd trust to drive themselves.
And who will be making all these automatons?
have you heard of google cars?
Nah, we'll be dead before that day ever gets here. And I imagine there will always be things man will WANT to do, even if robots can do it better.
Like exploring other planets, for one.
We don't ever give up on creativity.
Not some of us, anyways.
There ya go. That's something automation can never replace.
I mean, you could program a machine to draw a picture, but I don't think it's the same thing as, say, a Da Vinci.
I've seen a robot playing piano, right off the sheet of music you put in front of it, but there's no feeling in the notes.
You'll never be able to automate a Victor Borge skit:
There used to be a law - Truth in advertizing - ........ - aAHhahahahaha sorry hysterical moment - there also used to be a law against usury - Heeheheheheheeee
That's the thing about "truth in advertising." As long as even the slightest grain of truth can be found they can't be held liable for false advertising. And I'll bet there are a few places in the US that might have a shortage, like Manhattan maybe, so they'll get a pass on that highly misleading commercial.
And who knows what the hell happened to usury laws.
Usury laws - well gee no-one does that cause it is illegal - so it is a silly law to have on the books - like laws against monopolies - hell that only ever happens in the game - RIGHT? - or voter discrimination - we had the civil rights era - so - all is good now - RIGHT ? - no more need for oversight..... .............????????????..........Really? PEOPLE WTFU!!!!!!
Laws are just for the little people. I watched a YT clip a few weeks back showing a guy getting arrested down in Texas that was carrying a rifle in plain site. Legal down there, by the way. He was helping his boy get a merit badge, I think. Anyway, during the altercation one of the cops can clearly be heard saying something like "we're above the law" or "we don't have to follow the laws" or some such nonsense. This is what life the the good ol' USA has become for the average citizens. Police, banks, corporations and the government itself don't have to follow the fucking laws. Just you and me.
Cops - members of government the wealthy - they ALL think that they are above the law - SAD NEWS IS - We Let Them.
Well, something needs to be done about that. Any suggestions?
I believe we are doing it - protesting - and - sharing information/education - supporting things that will take us forward in regaining sanity - Move to Amend for 1 - OSTA for another - and so much more that other groups are championing as well. This " WILL " all come to a head - with any luck - " before " we are all doomed by the insanity that prevails right now.
Yep, a little light at the end of a long tunnel. We live in hopes.
Gotta have hope.
Banks insure homes against loss, and stick the buyer with the costs for it as well.
A double screwing.
Triple screwing as the banks were selling the paper - comes back to the illegal foreclosures and the banks being unable to supply the paperwork. Some chump or group of chumps ended up with the paper - but hadn't a clue as to what it meant. Those chumps were the ( if any were ) legal owners of that failed mortgage.