Forum Post: Can we jam TROLLS IP addresses?!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 12:32 p.m. EST by fortress
from Brooklyn, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
That'll keep the naysayers and Rush-lovers out of here!
hmm that sounds like censorship to me
"The worst offence of this kind which can be committed, is to stigmatize those who hold the contrary opinion as bad and immoral men. " -John Stuart Mill-
Use the voting system instead of posts to address trolls.
So you want to block anyone who disagrees with the cause?
No, but some are just trying to be purposely disruptive, not productive.
I think whole OWS is unproductive. How much tax payer money is wasted. OWS is for green but destroying green spaces in city.
So you are allowed to protest, but others are not?
This isn't your site, people are just being negative.
Great logic. Fail.
Zucottii Park is not OWS's site, but they continue to to disrupt and disturb. Trolling is one way of occupying Occupy.
If you could argue and defend your positions it wouldn't be any fun for us to troll, would it?
This forum has clear MODERATING POLICIES, but they are NOT being applied - or they are being applied in a very sluggiish, minimalist fashion, which is A BIG MISTAKE, because many sincere people, potential supporters and contributors, are TURNED off by this TROLL-INFESTED forum and never bother to return. Who could blame them? In addition, it gives an impression of weakness and undecisiveness on the part of OWS.
I'm wiggle my fingers in the down position at you fortress. I'm told in OWS speak, that means STFU
We can defend ourselves from government, industry and their trolls.
What do you have against Rush? I find it very unfair that they have yet to be nominated to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but Madonna gets in? You really do have an issue with censorship, don't you.
Notice the typical Liberal complete lack of thought. This is why words Stupid & Liberal are a Collocation.
It's not violent, its just a way to keep out so mant stupid arguments.
I'm sure we can find them.
As usual: Marxism is incompatible with the truth which is why there is NO free press in the “Workers’ Paradise” & soon @ OWS.
Who knows how?
The mods can block anyone (well, any IP) they want to.
Beyond that, what do you want to do? Occupy the IP Addresses of of those you disagree with?