Forum Post: Can we get a Democrat in the White House that is NOT Obama in 2012 ???
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 5:27 p.m. EST by AverageJose
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I feel that we should get the opportunity to elect a president that will keep his/her promises. Obama is very well intentioned but is not getting the job done. I do not trust the current Republican candidates have our best interest at heart. There would be a better chance of having a leader that can get us out of this mess if we had more options. What do you think?
ALL DEMS are corporate slags, just like the right wing nut jobs. To hell with all of them.
I am not saying to be OWNED by Obama or anyone else. I'm just saying we must do everything we can to expand this movement AND in the meantime, vote next November.
We have to walk and chew gum at the same time. Do you see all the new laws the Republicans have been passing to make it more difficult for students, ethnic groups and the elderly to vote?? If you use this movement as an excuse not to participate in the Presidential election in 2012, You Lose.
If you think that both parties, are the same, let the Senate and the White House go Republican next year, and THEN see how a peaceful protest is met by your new and improved police state, kiss minimum wage goodbye, healthcare goodbye, medicare goodbye, and social security goodbye. UNFORTUNATELY, that IS what will happen if this movement splits the Democratic vote. They ARE all corporate slags, but they are not all the same BRAND of corporate slags.
If voting actually changed anything, they'd make it illegal.
can we escape the left/ right dualism and get a whole new third party? because any dem is going to be as bad as obama is.
We cannot back any of the current Democrat candidates. If something more radical comes along then maybe, but I'd like to get rid of the two-party system.
Not sure, but one or another we need new blood... all through Washington
we also need to ensure people vote for the other branches of government as well....the president alone cannot change everything.
but of course that depends if the two party system still exists by then. :p Also to keep an eye on is Americans elect, they are gaining a lot of traction, and occupy should work with them as well!
Have you looked at They receive no PAC money. I don't know how they are going to get a canidate for the 2012 election but the whole idea is pretty interesting.
No -- it's too late to organize around a national candidate, and Obama is running. He's screwed up royally, but had the right intentions; he relied on the wrong people. We need to strengthen his backbone.
He had the right intentions. LOL. You'd think the results would have lined up then.
It's not often that I intend to sit down and eat dinner and end up bombing some country, or even accidentally walking next door and punching my neighbor in the face.
I see your point, but I do think that he was worried about making mistakes and listened to the wrong people -- Geitner, Summers and, re Iraq & Afghanistan, Hillary Clinton and the generals. We need to let him know that there are millions out there who will support him if he goes his own way.
Doesn't his unwillingness to go his own way suggest that he's not who people thought he was?
I'm really curious to know at what point the bad results will become to many and too strong that people will be compelled to reconsider who they thought he was. I thought Lybia, or the still unending military missions called Occupy Iraq and Occupy Afghanistan would have done it, but he continues bumbling on and democrats keep supporting him. I'm really looking forward to seeing when the illusion, on a collective level, comes to an end.
Look, I do see your point. I just don't get a "bad guy" vibe from him. He is bumbling -- I agree. It's too late to run a TP candidate, however; we've got to figure out how to realign him.
I do sense the time is upon us soon for a third party to emerge