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Forum Post: Can we all at least agree that our government is controlled by the 1%?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 11:02 p.m. EST by LetThemEatCake (43) from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Whether or not you support OWS, we all need to understand that our political leaders aren't working for The People of this country. They serve and belong to the large banks, oil companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc. That's why our country is in such a mess right now. We've been swindled, laid off, foreclosed on, lied to, outsourced, sent to war, poisoned, strong armed, polluted, screwed and now arrested by our elected leaders. How much longer are we going to stand around arguing with each other and ALLOW them keep destroying our lives and country? It's only going to get worse! No politician is going to fix this- in fact they are ALL only trying to get elected so they can get IN on the action!

Only The People can fix this! We ALL. Need to:

  • NEVER ever listen to any politician promise you anything- they are ALL corrupt liars.

  • Get our money out of big banks and use smaller credit unions.

  • Get rid of political parties, they are manipulated by big business to control public opinion and votes. Everyone should be a free thinker, not told what to think by some suit who's been paid off. At least register as an Independent.

  • Stop believing everything you're told on TV. That's a medium owned and manipulated by big business to control public opinion.

  • Eat healthier food, stop buying packaged crap from companies like Tyson. This country was founded and built on organically grown natural food, not this chemically engineered processed crap that is making us fat, sick and victims for the hospital and pharmaceutical industry robbery.

  • Don't listen to anything a politician tells you! They will lie to us and promise they are going to help us just so everything will go back to normal so they can keep on robbing us.

  • Abolish lobbying and imprison any politician who is caught taking anything from any outside source other than their publicly mandated salary! Leaders only serve The People and not the CEO's!

  • Imprison any politician caught using public tax money for their own personal use!

  • Make it illegal for any police agency to receive any contributions (bribes) from any company or corporation and imprison anyone caught trying to pay off police.

The list goes on but I'll stop here for now. Use common sense, don't support those that don't support you in return, and get the money out of politics!



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[-] 1 points by Casacuba (6) 13 years ago

The goal of occupy should be to rally the voters to get two constitutional amendments. 1. All US elected officials are limited to ONE FOUR YEAR TERM. Including current office holders , it is time we finally get back to the citizen office holder , not these career politicians who only care about getting reelected any any cost. 2. No one can accept contributions or goods or gifts of more than $100 as campaign contribution

[-] 1 points by byronx (26) 13 years ago

Yes! And we sat... Occupy Elections!

By standing up and speaking against the existence and rise to power of the 1% and the flaws of the present system that allowed such occurrence, the OWS Movement is instinctively demanding the equal distribution of wealth, or the vertical 50-50 where every American family enjoys equal abundance and no upper class and lower class exist, a social calibration which can only be done when the People takes State power and State has assumed complete control of the economy by taking possession and management of the nation’s means of production. In other words, by establishing a Socialist order, and, by corollary, abolishing the existing capitalist structure—a radical and total transformation of the American System, which is clearly not and cannot possibly be in the agenda of either Democratic or the Republican platform, both parties being fundamentally ideologically anti-socialist.

So long as the Movement recognizes and maintains the establishment of Socialism in America as its ultimate goal, participation in Elections 2012, which promises virtually nothing but the mere continuation of the very system the Movement wishes to dismantle, is not only self-contradictory but an outright admission of defeat.

Thus, the call Occupy Elections! As a political action, its passive expression would be in the shape of boycott and the tearing and throwing in the air of the voting franchise. The more aggressive expression would be the disruption of the whole electoral process with the purpose of rendering it invalid. If we, the Movement, are not ready to do this, then we should disband now, go home, and declare this whole thing a mere baby-cry.

The Movement simply cannot participate. Elections 2012 is the Damoclean sword of our spiritual suicide. We do not want to have anything to do with it other than to expose its hypocrisy and vanity.