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Forum Post: Can art make a contribution to this debate?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 9:18 a.m. EST by towards2012 (14)
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Strange as it may seem - yes. check this out: http://www.tocamu.com/?page_id=985 then you'll find they are the pictures in a book about how to change the world for the better. not a dumb grasp at utopia but an inspirational read that introduces a timely new symbol we can unite behind. there's more: a philosophy based on wellbeing that govts are beginning to pick up on. look at the pics, check out the book "the toucan feather" and give it some thought. i have.



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[-] 1 points by kfreed (19) 13 years ago

Yes it can. Artists can help get the OWS message out to the public in myriad ways. The time it takes to convey in words the sentiments behind the movement can be reduced to the blink of an eye with a visual. Art has the power to reach out to people on an emotional level - the place where most people live most of the time.

Art for our sake... amounts to an absolute good.

[-] 1 points by kfreed (19) 13 years ago

Yes it can. Artists can help get the OWS message out to the public in myriad ways. The time it takes to convey in words the sentiments behind the movement can be reduced to the blink of an eye with a visual. Art has the power to reach out to people on an emotional level - the place where most people live most of the time.

Art for our sake... amounts to an absolute good.

[-] 1 points by towards2012 (14) 13 years ago

i agree. the art i linked to is very powerful. and as you say, a pic is worth 1000 words,,, let's get the artists onside!