Forum Post: Camping at Kalle's July & August 2012 Vancouver or Bust
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 7, 2012, 7:12 p.m. EST by CampingatKalles
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Camping at Kalle's carnival of love celebrating the awakening of the human spirit. Camping at Kalle's, music and discussion of ending the corruption. Protest heard around the world as all of the occupy movements converge at Kalle's farm to thank the man that started the movement, celebrate and continue to protest the injustice of big business. Follow us on twitter at
get ready for the experience of a lifetime. Amtrack NY to Vancover picking up Occupiers in every city along the way!
NOW: Apply for passports and start saving!!
[-] 2 points by learnthis (71) 17 hours ago really? according to the rest of the people it is effective for everyone to be their own leader and go in whatever direction they like. The one thing that should be accomplished is that everyone should head to Vancouver for July and August If Kalle will not or cannot come to the protest I say let's bring the protest to Kalle. (he has a will be fun). Camping at Kalle's. Something on the scale of Woodstock but maybe for July and August since it is way too hot in the city then anyway! VANCOUVER 2012!!! oh it is going to be fun!!! Start saving you money and apply for a passport now. When the ask purpose of your trip put "Camping at Kalles 2012!!!" And don't bring any mace or firearms they are not allowed across the border. ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink
learn this is not bring mace or guns. Everyone is their own leader and no one is forcing anyone to Vancouver but you will not want to miss this. And again no one here is leading anything we are organizing something if people want to joins us they can if they don't they can stay home. Do you have a problem with people going to Vancouver??????
CampingatKalles No Profile Information
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Joined Feb. 7, 2012
OOOHHHH mmy of course I made a new profile for this this ...duhhh also made a twitter and making a website....Kalle made the occupy wall street website last june. duhh it takes time to plan these things. can't you see people getting on amtrack in new york, picking up occupy people in dc. then to chicago to pick up more people all the way to vancouver. i am looking into finding some bands that might play so we can have some good music and maybe some speakers like Jeremy Gilly, Jello Biafra and a few others.if we can raise the funds or they will do it for free. have some vision..think Vancouver Summer of 2012 carnival of love celebrating the awakening of the human spirit. be positive. and hell if you don't want to go stay home. we will have the website up shortly.....