Forum Post: Campaign Finance Reform with the Goal of a Contitutional Amendment
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 9:52 a.m. EST by michaelshanley
from Austin, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
IMHO The goal of upmost importance that this movement should undertake is getting a Contitution Amendment passed that removes ALL priovate money and donations from elections, and deals with the leagl bribery of lobbying our elected officials.
AGREED! This is the root cause of so many of our problems. Fix this and we can fix everything else!
some lobbying is useful because our representative are mostly clueless about the specifics of the industries they are trying to regulate. but i agree that we should take the money out of the process.
it should be a different form of lobbying then. An intellectual lobby -- what would be difficult about a government forum where a topic could be debated publicly?