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Forum Post: Campaign Finance Reform - Keep your eyes on the prize!!!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 10:41 p.m. EST by LSN45 (535)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Right now both the right and the left is bought and paid for by the corporations and special interests (including unions). We need to get the money out of our politics. It should be THE demand of the protests - everything else is a footnote. This is what we should have as our unified demand!!!! We have to get the corrupting influence of corporate and special interest money out of our politics if we want our kids to live in a country where their vote actually means something!



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[-] 1 points by April (3196) 13 years ago

Agree. You might be interested in http://www.buddyroemer.com/

I'm not pushing, just informing. Most people have never heard of this guy because he has no BIG money behind him. But I happened to see him on an interview a few weeks ago. He can't even get into the primary debates. But he has ideas about limiting PAC's and lobbying.