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Forum Post: Campaign finance has corrupted our system

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 4:51 a.m. EST by SSmith (7) from Corona, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Campaign finance, for any political party, has totally corrupted our system and taken away our rights. It is time to start fighting back because it will only get worse if we don’t. Any corporate or lobbying finance corrupts the system. They can have their say without the bribery. Also look at the output of US workers compared to the rest of the developed world. We now produce more per person and work more hours than any other developed country in the world (Those who can find work). We are being sold a false bill of goods only to help the top richest 1%. Our mainstream media, “Corporate owned and controlled" Murdock said it best. OWS’ movement primary demand should be to get rid of legalized bribery, campaign finance, and all the problems will start going away. The answers to most every problem we have in this country and the world are out there, but you will not hear or see them in their proper context with this currently biased system.



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[-] 1 points by rmmo (262) 13 years ago

Agreed -- money out of politics should be the number one goal.

[-] 1 points by BuckMerrill (1) 13 years ago

The reason politics are corrupt is corporate lobbies have huge amounts of cash in which they infuse into the political machine to make policies you are demonstrating against. The corporations donate to campaigns and in return they get to write the tax code, loosen EPA regulations, get supreme court justices nominated, and monopoly inquires go away. It’s not they are against you they just don’t care about you. In order to have a true democracy you cannot have lobbies regardless of who it is. Remove the money and you remove the cancer. You cannot demonize one and make excuses for others. If you want to create a fair system then it must be fair for all. If you make elections free and then subsidize it by the tax payers ergo the people who actually vote for them you will get a cleaner system. Corporations can no longer donate to judicial, state or federal elections no one can. If you are caught taking a bribe or receiving funds from any other institution except the federal elections commission it should be a mandatory 10 year jail sentence. Also elected officials cannot serve in any function on corporate boards or hold jobs in any corporation in which they have voted on. That would make corporations stay out of politics because after they are done rigging the tax code they can’t work for the corporations they helped.

[-] 1 points by SSmith (7) from Corona, CA 13 years ago

Well said just a point for confusion sake I would use the word demonstrating about instead of against. Our Tax code is nothing but a shell game for the rich. The middle class and below pay a higher percentage of taxes then the Richest top 10%, and they don’t create jobs just more assets for themselves. Corporations do not pay taxes we do, the customer (consumer). The federal tax rate you are paying on goods purchased now is more than 50% on average before sales tax. Small business and demand are what creates jobs, and real competition, not corporations. Yes get rid of bad regulation, but proper regulation and spending is what is needed as we had coming out of the great depression.